cinema date

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Taylor and Travis are watching the new movie, it ends with us, starring Blake Lively.

"She's gonna smash this movie, Trav" Taylor exclaimed as she and Travis walked into the movie theatre. She was holding her 7-month pregnant belly as Travis helped guide her to their seat. They were about to watch Blake's new movie 'It Ends with Us', and to say the least, it's all Taylor had talked about the past fortnight.

They arrive at their seat and Travis makes sure she's comfortable, before running to get some popcorn. it was a private cinema so Travis didn't have to worry about her getting harassed. When he left, he made sure to lock the cinema door, just in case someone tried to get in whilst he wasn't there.

Travis comes back and enters the cinema, sitting beside her. He places his hand gently on her stomach. "Is the baby settled?" he asks with a caring look.

He earns a nod from his pregnant girlfriend, and then turns towards the film, it's about start. He can feel Taylor moving with excitement in her seat as she awaits for the movie to begin.

However, ten minutes later, he feels her head droop onto his shoulder, causing him to let out a chuckle. He shakes his head, realizing that she would have drifted off to sleep eventually.

The movie continues, which Travis enjoyed. Taylor was in such a deep sleep that no sudden noise woke her up. By the end of the movie, Travis couldn't bring himself to wake his adorable sleeping girlfriend up.

"Taylor, honey, it's time to go." He kept his voice and touch gentle, trying not to startle her. She began to come around.

She started to stir, snuggling further into him. When she realised that the credits were on the movie, Taylor looked up at Travis with a embarrassed and disappointed look on her tired face.

"I missed it?" she suddenly blurts out, on the verge on tears. Her cheeks beamed with a rosy glow, clearly humiliated that she slept through a movie she so wanted to see.

Travis tried his best to reassure it was okay. "Sh, baby, its alright, you were just sleepy and clearly in need of a nap"

"But," she sat up "I promised Blake I would watch it and tell her what I think of it!" Her face went into the palms of her hands, "god! Im such a selfish person!"

"I'm sure she will understand, you are almost done with your second trimester after all" Travis reassured.

Taylor nodded and then they exited their private cinema suite. Just has Travis predicted, Blake was fine with it

"Tay, how was the movie" Blake exclaimed through the phone as Travis drove back to their apartment.

Taylor just went silent, so Travis spoke up.

"Taylor was just a little exhausted, due to the baby, so she missed most of it" he looks over at Taylor, "but thats alright isn't it?"

Blake sighed "yeah, yeah, thats completely fine. Let me guess, Taylor beat herself up about it"

A little grunt is heard escaping from Taylors lips, but Travis still continued, "yeah, she did, but I've told her its fine, we can watch it at home when it gets released properly"

The phonecall concluded and Travis got Taylor back to his Kansas city penthouse safely, getting her ready for bed and asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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