civil arguments

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Taylor paced back and forth in her living room, her face flushed with frustration. She and Tree were arguing over Taylor sharing a part of her personal life with Travis in an interview. In Tree's defence, she was just looking out for Taylor, but it was a bit too much over such a little comment Taylor had made on live TV.

"Tree! I don't understand why you're so against me being open to my fans about small parts of my life! I don't get why you think you can control me!"

Tree's voice rose, her frustration evident in her tone of voice. "It's not about control! It's about protection. I'm trying my hardest to get you to realise I'm trying to protect you from the danger it can stir up online!"

The singer's eyes flashed with anger. "Protecting me? Or is it just protecting the image you want me to have? I get that you're here to help but it's getting quite controlling, don't you think?"

"You don't understand the risks, Taylor. One wrong move and it could all just go 'BOOM!' in your face!"

It was clear that they had both lost the niceness in their attitudes, their tempers shortening rapidly.

Taylor stopped and looked at Tree, her eyes filled with determination to get her message across. "I want to have an open relationship with my fans, I want them to know that I don't hide away from the world! They know the real me, not just the polished version! And I'm fucking proud of that."

Taylor continued her side in the debate between them. "And, maybe I'm willing to take that risk. Maybe it's worth it being honest with the people who support me!"

Tree's voice was cold and cutting. "You know, Taylor, sometimes I wonder if you even understand the industry you're in. You're so wrapped up in your fairytale world, that you can't even see that you're feeding the world more things to use against you."

"What are you saying, Tree, that I'm clueless? That I don't know what I'm doing? Something I have been doing for the past 18 years?"

Tree's words were like a slap in the face to Taylor. "You are clueless, you've fed the world so much gossip and where did that get you? The whole world making you out to be a slut, and dating like a serial killer kills people. You were renamed a serial dater, Taylor, and maybe they were fucking right!"

The room was filled with a heavy silence, the harsh words leaving a deep, painful rift between them. Taylor's eyes filled with tears, the words hitting her harder than Tree expected them to.

The singer gave one last offended glance at her publicist before swiftly making her way down the hall, shaking her head and cursing under her breath. She reached her bedroom, slamming the door. She needed reassurance to not believe the words Tree had just thrown at her.

Her voice and hands were shaky as she dialled her boyfriend's number, who was back in Kansas. She was in New York for her movie premiere and just needed his comfort right now. When he picked up, she could barely hold back tears.

"Travis. I don't know what to do. Tree has just torn into me about that stupid interview, and I feel like everything is just going downhill in my life!"

The football player's voice was filled with concern. "Baby, slow down, what has she said?"

Taylor took a long deep breath, in an attempt to steady herself. "She thinks I'm being selfless,  and that I'm living in a fantasy world. She called me a slut and a serial dater. I thought she fucking believed in me, Trav!"

"Hey, don't say that, baby," his voice was softened and calming, "you've worked so hard and come so far. Sometimes people say things in the heat of the moment. I don't want you to believe anything she has said to you, okay?"

She remained silent. Taylor felt so hurt and broken that someone she trusted so much could say such hurtful things.

"Tay, I know it's so hard since we're so far apart, but you have to remember who you are. You are fucking Taylor Swift! Tree's words don't define you. You define you."

The girl took a shaky breath. "I'm just so fucking lost..."

"I get it, but you're not alone in this, I'm here with you, always. Focus on what you can control, sweetheart.

Taylor's voice wavered as she asked. "When are you coming to see me?"

He gave a simple reply. "I wish I could be there right now, but I have a few more games before my break. I promise you, as soon as they're over, you'll be in my arms again."

"I understand, I just miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, Tay." His voice was filled with sincerity. "Just hang in there. I'll be here before you know it."

Taylor took a deep breath, trying to be one in control of her emotions. "I'll try my best, it's just hard, you know?"

Travis's voice was gentle. "I know it is, but remember, this distance is temporary. We've been through tougher times. Focus on your music. I'll be cheering you on from here."

And with that, Taylor felt like herself again.

This probably gets boring, I'm so sorry if it does. I have a request box at the top of the book, just put in your suggestions and I'll get back to you all as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading!!

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