Coma | Vic Hughes

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Kassandra Dawson | Victoria Hughes

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Kassandra Dawson | Victoria Hughes

| Kassandra gets into a car accident. |


"What if she says no?" Kassandra asked, feeling a little nervous.

She has just finished getting ready to go and pic Vic up for their date where she's going to surprise her girlfriend.

"Okay, no, no, no. Don't do that." Carina said firmly, grabbing Kassandra's shoulders.

"Has Vic ever said no to you?" She asked.

"Uh... no?" Kassandra answered, a little confused.

"Then i'm sure she won't say no and that girl loves you more than anything, she's head over heels for you." Carina said.

"Yeah." Kassandra let out a shaky breath before her frown formed into a genuine smile.

Once Carina let go of her shoulders, she turned around and looked at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair.

"You look pretty, Kass. Now go before you're late." Carina said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Carina." Kassandra smiled gratefully, making her way to the front door of Carina's apartment.

"Anytime." Carina said. She opened the door and let Kassandra out.

"Go make her your fiancé!" Carina called, waving her hand as Kassandra got in her car.

Kassandra chuckled and made sure she had the ring in her bag, putting some music on to calm her nerves, she started her car before pulling off onto the road, starting her journey to her shared house with Vic to pick her up.

"You got this." Kassandra whispered to herself, stopping as the light turned red.

When the light turned green, Kassandra stepped onto the gas and carried on with her journey. When she was almost there, she heard loads of cars honking their horns so she glanced around and noticed a semi truck heading her way before everything went black.

A few minutes later, a few cars had stopped and got out to help when Kassandra let out a low groan.

"The firefighters will be here any second, just hang on." A woman said.

Kassandra weakly blinked her eyes open and tried to move her head but when that failed, she looked to her left to see a woman stood there.

"You're gonna be okay." The woman whispered, having a gentle hand on Kassandra's shoulder, hoping it will bring her a little comfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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