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Once English was over, we had to go to art. This was my favourite subject because I was good at it and the teachers in my old school had been really nice. Michael was also happy about art because he really liked painting. I was more into sketching though.

Our art teacher handed out sketchbooks made of some really thick card paper. I suppose it would be easier to paint on then. Since it was our first lesson, our teacher wanted to test us, to see what our skill levels were. She asked us to draw a realistic eye in black and white, and I may have panicked a bit as I had no idea how to draw realistic stuff. I was more into the cartoony stuff.

I tried my best though, and the piece actually came out half decent. I wouldn't call it my finest work, but I guess it was a start. Better than Pip-lookalike's one anyways.

"Omg, is that an eye or a spider with extra legs?" One girl shrieked as she pointed at the book and laughed with her friend. I'm pretty sure it was that brown hair girl from this morning. I was kinda curious what the drawing looked like, so I went over there.

I won't lie to it, it was definitely not good, but everyone has to start somewhere. Looking at her expression, I found my courage and spoke up for her.

"Well, her drawing looks better than both of you!" I said. The girl and her friend looked at me before bursting into laughter.

"And who are you?" The blonde one says. Yep, definitely the ones from earlier.

"Does it matter?" I asked, hands on my hip. Wow, I was really getting into this.

The girls didn't seem to have anything to say to that, so they left pretty quickly after that. I smiled to myself; this year might actually be different for me.

"Thanks." The girl mumbled, looking anywhere but at me.

"No worries. Those girls kinda had it coming to them anyways." I said.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Stella, yours?"

"Oh, I'm Piper." So, she had a face and name similar to Pip. This could be interesting.

"Wanna be friends?" Piper asked. I was a bit surprised at that.

"Oh, urm, sure!" I replied.

She gave me a really big smile and then I went back to my desk. For the rest of the lesson, there was a glowing sensation in my heart that I love. It was my first day, and I had already made two friends. Could my days as a loner finally be over?

(● _ ●)

After art was over, it was break. Finally, I could relax. Me, Michael and Piper went to sit under a tree and we started talking.

"So, Piper, what middle school did you go to?" I asked.

"David Watt Middle School." She said after hesitating a bit.

"Hmm. I've never heard of it." Michael said with a mouthful of jelly.

"Michael, don't speak with your mouth open!" I said with a look of mock disgust. He then threw a Jammy Dodger at me.

"They're better from the ground!" He said while laughing. I shoved that thing into his mouth while it was open and laughed.

"You eat it then!" I said through my giggles.

Piper was laughing so hard while drinking her chocolate milk that it shot up her nose! Michael and me went over to pat her back a bit while barely able to speak through the laughter. I guess this is what having friends feels like.

(• , •)

After break, we had Science. Groan. It was probably one of the most boring subjects in the world, only topped by maths, which is probably the hardest of all of them. Very unlucky for me, because I had both of them today. Luckly for me, it was only our first lesson, so our teacher just handed out our books and explained the rules of the classroom. And, oh boy, there were so many rules.

"Don't speak over me. Don't touch the gas taps. Don't break the equipment. Don't touch anything without permission. No drinking water. Always wear goggles during an experiment. Don't breathe without my consent."

Ok, I may have added that last one in myself, but you get the gist, don't you. After the teacher was finished with his boring monologue, he decided to let us do our first experiment, which was about static electricity. We basically just rubbed balloons on our head and tried to make them stick to a wall. This was pretty pointless, as none of the balloons stuck to the wall and most of the girls were too busy drawing faces on the balloons to care much about the experiment.

Then, after we were finished, our science teacher took all of our balloons and popped them all in front of us using a needle. This guy clearly had an issue with balloon, but your guess is as good as mine. Some of the girls were a bit upset about this, and one actually hid her balloon in her bag to try and smuggle it out of the classroom.

The teacher obviously noticed the big bulge in the front of her bag and demanded that he searched it in front of everyone. When he found the balloon, his neck turned red and he started yelling so hard I actually felt kinda sorry for the girl. I mean, from the way he was acting, that could have been a highly dangerous weapon.

Yep, this class was not going to be all that smooth sailing.

At least our next lesson, French, was a bit more relaxed. Our teacher was really nice and she was also really good at her job. I hadn't actually taken French in my old school, and I could tell by the confused looks on their faces that half the class hadn't either. Luckly, the teacher said that we would be starting from the beginning so that everyone knew what she was talking about. The blonde girl wasn't happy and put her hand up.

"Miss, what if you've already done French in your old school. Wouldn't it be unfair to put people who are experts in French and people who've never learnt it before in the same class?" She said.

"Well, next week you'll get a little French quiz to do so that we can see where we should put you." The teacher replied.

"Ok." The blonde girl didn't seem too happy that she had to wait to move classes, but she couldn't really say anything about it. She whispered something to her partner and they both started giggling behind their hands.

I was sitting next to Piper in this class, so it wasn't all too bad. We had a bit of a laugh when we were doing the little French bingo, and I actually won. The teacher gave me a big smile before giving me a nice sticker. It smelt like candy floss.

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