chapter 2 The Reunion

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I went to bed but could not have any sleep after what had happend and what I had found. The next day when I wakend up there was another letter but it was I different letter it was

an invitation to a reunion of high school I thought this is no coincidence.

Why? I thought this is not a reunion that will be fun after Emily's disappearance and death The whole school spread gossip about what happened During my entire high school years I had to look behind my back and I gave up all chances for a better life for Emily because I couldn't just pretend that nothing was happening.

but the others just carried on as if nothing happened Jessica, Victoria, Sarah , David, tom, Andrew and jake after that evening I didn't talk to them anymore when we bumped into each other in the school hallways they just ignored me I felt so alone friends I thought to be able to trust left me. I felt as if I was the only one who felt guilty, I felt worthless and felt that I didn't deserve anything because Emily was my greatest support in doing what I liked and having the courage to do it.

the others just used me as a boxing ball to take out their frustration on because I wouldn't stop asking Emily about what happened that night. she pushed me away and ignored me like I was nothing.

There is something that is not read I don't know were this will lead but I have to do it for Emily and my self when it happend I was to scared to do something but now or never or I will have to life with this my whole life and never now let's see were this will go.

As I prepared for the reunion, memories of our high school days flashed before my eyes. The carefree laughter, shared dreams, and the camaraderie we once had seemed like distant echoes. I couldn't help but wonder how much of it was genuine and how much was a facade that crumbled the night Emily went missing.

The night of the reunion arrived, and I found myself standing outside the familiar school gates.

The reunion began with awkward small talk, a feeble attempt to bridge the chasm that had widened over the years. As the night unfolded, the atmosphere grew heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

I couldn't shake the feeling that the letter, the reunion, and the timing were all interconnected. The invitation seemed like a carefully plan to bring us back together, but by who?

Maria observed her old friends, each carrying the burden of their own secrets. The facade of normalcy was starting to crack, revealing the fractures in our shared history. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and determination.

As the night progressed, I found myself drawn to the corners of the hall where shadows lingered, contemplating whether I should confront the ghosts of our past. Emily's absence weighed on my mind, a heavy reminder of the unanswered questions that had haunted me for so long.

Jessica's forced smile and Andrew's uneasy glances only fueled my suspicion. Were they hiding something? Did they know more about Emily's disappearance than they let on? The air became charged with tension, and I could sense the undercurrents of discomfort beneath the surface

"Hey," I began hesitantly, " how is everybody

The casual greeting hung in the air for a moment, but it seemed to break the tension that had been building. The forced smiles returned, and nods were exchanged as if we were just catching up after a short break.

Jessica: "I'm good, you know, the usual," she said, her smile barely reaching her eyes. It was clear she was masking something, but she didn't elaborate.

Andrew: "Just the usual work grind," he mumbled, his tone indicating that he was probably overwhelmed but didn't want to discuss it further.

Jake: "Same old, same old," he replied nonchalantly, shrugging as if his routine was something he had accepted without much thought.

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