Secret Admirer

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karan sat at his usual spot on the first bench, his eyes nervously darting around the room as the other students filed in. The buzz of chatter and laughter filled the classroom, but he remained silent, his heart beating a little faster than usual. It was almost time for his favorite period of the day: science with Ms. Preeta.

Ms. Preeta entered the room with her usual grace, her presence immediately commanding attention. She was a tall, elegant woman with an air of confidence that Karan found both intimidating and mesmerizing. Her voice, calm and authoritative, silenced the room as she greeted the class.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, we'll be continuing our discussion on chemical reactions," she announced, her eyes scanning the room before landing briefly on Karan. He quickly looked down at his notebook, feeling his cheeks flush.

As Ms. Preeta began her lecture, Karan's eyes were drawn to her feet. She wore a pair of elegant sandals that showcased her perfectly manicured toes. He admired the way her feet moved gracefully across the floor as she walked back and forth, explaining complex concepts with ease.

"Can anyone tell me what a catalyst is?" she asked, pausing to look around the room. Karan's hand instinctively twitched, but he didn't raise it. He was too shy, too nervous. Instead, he watched as her feet stopped near his desk, her sandals tapping lightly on the floor.

"Yes, Karan?" Ms. Preeta's voice brought him back to reality. He looked up, realizing she had noticed his movement.

"Uh, a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

"Correct. Well done, Karan," she said with a smile that made his heart skip a beat. She resumed her pacing, and Karan's eyes followed her feet, eager for every glimpse he could get.

As the class continued, Karan's admiration grew. He longed to be closer to her, to serve her in any way he could. His introverted nature kept him from expressing these desires, but the feelings were strong and persistent.

Karan's mind wandered as Ms. Preeta continued her lecture. He imagined himself not just as her student, but as her devoted puppy, always eager to please her. In his daydream, he was at her beck and call, ready to perform any task she required.

He pictured himself sitting beside her desk, waiting patiently for her commands. "Karan, could you clean the board for me?" she would ask, her voice gentle yet authoritative. He would jump to his feet, his heart racing with excitement, and eagerly grab the eraser. As he wiped the board clean, he would glance at her feet, admiring their beauty and feeling a surge of joy at being so close to her.

"Karan, fetch me my pen," she would say next, and he would scramble to pick it up from the floor, handing it to her with reverence. "Good boy," she would murmur, and the praise would make him feel warm and content.

In his imagination, he would also carry her books, arrange her desk, and even massage her feet when she was tired. Each task, no matter how small, was a privilege, a way to show his devotion. He would look up at her with adoration, hoping to see a smile of approval on her face.

Back in reality, Ms. Preeta's voice brought him out of his daydream. "Karan, are you paying attention?" she asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

"Y-yes, Ms. Preeta," he stammered, sitting up straight and trying to focus. His cheeks flushed as he realized he had been lost in his thoughts again.

She smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Good. It's important to stay focused in class."

During a pause in the lecture, Ms. Preeta dropped a pen near Karan's desk.  She pointed karan with movement of her hands to get down and pick it up, if felt hot. her feet in hot heels came into full view to karan , just inches from his reach. His heart raced, and he fought the urge to touch them, to show his reverence.

"Are you alright, Karan?" she asked, noticing his flushed face.

"Y-yes, Ms. Preeta. I'm fine," he stammered, quickly looking away. He picked up the pen and handed it back to him

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period. As the students gathered their belongings and began to leave, Karan lingered, hoping for one last look at Ms. Preeta's feet.

"Karan, can I speak with you for a moment?" she called out, her voice gentle yet firm. He froze, his heart pounding.

"Of course, Ms. Preeta," he replied, standing up and approaching her desk.

"I've noticed you're always very attentive in my class. Is there something you'd like to discuss?" she asked, her eyes searching his.

"No, ma'am. I just... really enjoy your lectures," he said, avoiding her gaze.

"Well, if you ever need help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask," she said with a kind smile.

Karan lingered, gathering his courage. "Ms. Preeta, is there anything I can do to help you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

She looked at him, surprised but pleased. "Thank you, Karan. I appreciate your offer. Could you help me to take up these books to the staff room?"

His heart soared. "Of course, Ms. Preeta. I'd be happy to."

As he moved around the room, picking up the books, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment. Even these small tasks were a way to serve her, to be close to her. And in those moments, he felt like her loyal puppy, ready to do anything to make her happy.

later he left the classroom, and made a silent vow to find a way to serve Ms. Preeta, to show her the devotion he felt in his heart.

Little did he know, this was just the beginning of his journey, one that would lead him closer to his goddess than he ever imagined.

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