unsettling discoveries

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The following week, the results of the latest test were posted on the bulletin board, and Karan's name stood out for the wrong reasons. His grades were far below his usual performance, a surprising and concerning drop given his attentiveness in class. Ms. Preeta was puzzled. Karan always sat at the front, paying close attention, yet his test results were a shock. She decided to investigate.

The next day, during her science class, she noticed Karan sitting at his usual spot on the first bench, his head buried in his notebook. When the class settled, she walked over to his desk.

"Karan," she began, her voice calm but firm, "I noticed that your recent test results were quite poor. You've always been attentive in class. Can you explain what happened?"

Karan’s face flushed, and he looked down at his desk. "I, uh, wasn’t feeling well during the test. I think it affected my performance," he mumbled.

Preeta nodded slowly, though a part of her was skeptical. "I see. Well, if you’re struggling with the material, please let me know. I’m here to help."

"Yes, Ms. Preeta," Karan replied, still avoiding eye contact.

Throughout the class, Preeta’s mind kept drifting back to Karan. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, noticing how he seemed more distracted than usual, his eyes darting between his notebook and the floor. When the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, she resolved to keep a closer eye on him.

Over the next few days, Preeta observed a troubling pattern. Karan frequently failed to turn in his homework. When she asked him about it, he would always provide vague excuses or claim he forgot. This was out of character for someone who was so diligent in class.

One afternoon, Preeta collected homework from all the students to check their progress. As she began grading the assignments, she found Karan's paper among the stack. Her brow furrowed as she flipped through his incomplete work, noticing that many sections were either blank or hastily scribbled.

Just as she was about to set his work aside, the classroom fan, which had been on, fluttered some of the pages. One of them landed face up, and Preeta's eyes widened as she saw a series of sketches on the back pages. The drawings were detailed illustrations of feet in various high-heeled shoes—stilettos, pumps, and sandals.

Her heart skipped a beat. The high-heeled shoes looked familiar. She recalled wearing a similar pair the day before. The sketches were so detailed that it was almost as if the artist had a personal obsession.

Preeta’s mind raced as she made the connection. The drawings, coupled with Karan’s unusual behavior and poor performance, suggested a pattern she hadn’t initially considered. Yet, she tried to dismiss her thoughts, attributing them to coincidence.

"It’s probably nothing," she muttered to herself as she returned the pages to the stack. "I should focus on helping him with his studies."

Still, the thought lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her usual routine. She resolved to keep a closer eye on Karan, not only to monitor his academic performance but also to better understand the root of his apparent distractions.

The next day, Preeta began her class as usual, keeping an extra eye on Karan. As she explained the principles of chemical reactions, she noticed how his eyes drifted towards her feet every time she walked past his desk. It was subtle, but now that she was looking for it, it was unmistakable.

"Are there any questions?" she asked the class, pausing her lecture. Karan’s head shot up, and he quickly averted his gaze when he realized she was looking in his direction.

"No questions? Alright, let's move on," she said, her mind now preoccupied with how to address the issue.

After class, as the students packed up and left, Preeta called Karan over.

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