A short lust story

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It was a random friday night and Sana was dreading the long weekend ahead of her. She had just gotten out of a situationship with a friend and was trying to come to terms with it. She had no friends in the city and her flatmate was out with her fiance leaving her alone for 3 days. 

Sana was cheerful bubbly girl who hated being alone. after thinking for a while she decided to take a chance and re-open her dating apps and did exactly that. There were atleast a 100 old matches and so many old texts unanswered. She decided to swipe on a few new faces and see how it goes. 

After swiping right on 20 profiles she started taking to a new guy, Sid. Sid looked cute, carefree his profile said he was an IITian, he could mimic 33 bollywood actors, had the cutest widest smile in all of his pictures. He was not really her type, but something about him just made her swipe. She received her first message from him in 5 minutes, 

"ohh we meet again, sana" he texted. She couldn't recall at all if she had ever seen this guy. "Again? Have we met before? sorry I can remember" she replied back. "Ohh seems like its just me who remembers you from my past life then" he gave a very cheesy answer. and asked if she wanted to meet him. It was 11 pm and she wasnt sure how safe it was to meet a random stranger at this time. 

Sana politely declined and asked if they could plan tomorrow. He agreed and sana was relieved that her weekend was not going to be as bad as she thought. 

Next day he texted back to confirm the timings and they decided to meet around 6 for a walk in a nearby garden. who takes someone they met on a dating app for a walk sana thought. But well, something was better than nothing. but as look would have it, it started raining. She texted him againsaying they would have to cancel the plan but he said she could just come over and they will just drink beer and watch something. 

She thought for a moment. it was 6 pm. She was debating how risky is it for her to just go to a guys place after a 10 minute conversation. 

and then she just said, fuck it I am going. dekhege jo hota. she texted him she will be there by 6.45 amd started getting ready. 


आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 03, 2024 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

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