page 16:(In a relationship)

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I'm back!!!!!! Everyone...thank you for reading my book even if it's not that good.....

Sorry about the grammar....

I hope you enjoy the next page...thanks☺️



(At the balcony.... Katsuki approached izuku and sat next to him)

(Izuku sighing) "hey, uhm...thank you for saving me that know....i think of what will happen to me if those kidnappers succeed with their plan."

"You’re stubborn, You know that" (Katsuki chuckled)

(Izuku rolling her eyes) Look who’s talking. You’re impossible to work with, you know that?

(Bakugo grinning) I could say the same about you. You’ve driven me crazy since the day we met.

"Wow, thanks. Always a pleasure to hear how much you hate me sometimes"(izuku says sarcastically)

(Bakugo pausing, his tone softening) "That’s just it, though. I thought I hated you, but…i then realized..."

(Izuku looks at him confused) "But what?..."

(Bakugo taking a deep breath) But the more time I spent with you, the more I realized… it wasn’t hate. Not really. It was something else.....

(Izuku looks at him serious) "It's because you ...want something more, not just a friend...."

(Bakugo faced at her seriously)
" I’m saying that all those arguments, all those times you got under my skin… they weren’t because I hated you. It’s because you’re the only person who’s ever made me feel this alive. Yes...I love you..."
(He slowly holds izuku's hand) "Izuku...i...i wanna get the answer..."

(Izuku is quiet for a moment, then sighing) " Honestly, I don’t know what to say...... You’ve driven me up the wall when we first met, i felt awkward towards you when you confessed to me.......(Gets shy) But, lately… I’ve started to feel different too. Like, maybe all that frustration was hiding something else.

(Bakugo eyes widened and hopeful for izuku's answer) "So, what does that mean?"

(Izuku smiled and looked him in the eyes) "It means… maybe I’m falling for you too. But....(he pouts) I’m still not sure if I want to punch you or kiss you.

(Bakugo started laughing and cups midoriya's cheeks) "I’ll take my chances with the kiss."

(Izuku smirking) "You’re lucky I’m willing to take that chance too."


(They lean in and share a passionate kiss, the tension between them transforming into something new, it becomes deeper and intensely)



(Later....They both let go and are breathless)

"That was....amazing..."(Izuku chuckled and blushed)

"I know...i wasn't expecting that... it's different than what we did before"(bakugo smirks)

(Izuku pouts) "Katsuki.....bakugo..."

(Bakugo locked his eyes on him) "Yes?.."

"I love you...."

(Bakugo smirks) "I love you too nerd..."
