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Her lips capture mine in a soft embrace

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Her lips capture mine in a soft embrace. My bottom lip is between hers, receiving gentle and elegant caresses. Her kiss reflects her elegant nature rather than being sloppy.

The cold touch of her fingertips on my nape sends shivers down my spine. I shouldn't be feeling this way, I couldn't be feeling this way, but her kiss is like finding warmth in a cozy blanket during a chilly skiing trip in Switzerland.

The sensation is electrifying, causing my toes to curl inside my shoes and my hand to grip the table in a death grip. And it is all but just a peck, to be exact, but it holds the power to ignite a war within me. My heart is racing, my mind is racing faster, and I am lost in the whirlwind of conflicting feelings.

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"So," I prompt as Aiden and Logan take a seat next to me in the cafeteria, "What did May say? Are we doing something about this?" Speaking in a hushed voice, I discreetly glance around the whole cafeteria, boys seated on one side and girls on the other. Ever since the incident involving Zachary and Drea, the entire school has been in a constant state of concern.

The authorities have been diligently investigating the issue for the past two days, but they have not been able to find any evidence indicating that it was him who leaked the video. Despite Zachary's family not being among the wealthiest, without evidence, they cannot take any action.

"We have absolutely no idea," Logan says, as he stuffs the medium rare steak into his mouth.

"You two aren't talking?" I ask, sipping on my mango juice with two scoops of vanilla ice-cream. He coughs and pounds his chest with his fist, choking on the steak. "When did I say tha- Yes, we aren't."

I suppress a chuckle, devouring a big bite of my double cheese hamburger with some fries.

"But it's only because Mr. Albrecht found out what happened and had security installed around her 24/7. I have no opportunity to even get close to her," he exclaims, throwing his hands up dramatically and slumping back into his seat.

Suddenly, Mrs. Chakraborty's voice rings out throughout the cafeteria: "Attention. All students should be present in the Declan Hall immediately."

Murmurs start to spread, and a sense of relief washes over everyone. This announcement can only indicate one thing - a decision has been reached regarding the Zachary-Drea incident.

The lower-tier students line up to enter the auditorium, while we, the Elites, make our way through the side gates, promptly taking our seats at the front.

When the auditorium is filled with students whispering about the incident, voices hush as soon as Zachary enters, along with Principal Raymond.

Where's Arianna, May and Garrett?

"Have you seen Arianna?" I ask Logan, who looks at me with a smirk. "I mean Arianna, May, and Garrett," I clarify.

"Yeah, sure," Aiden deadpans, meeting my glare with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "This is the exact reason I'm sitting between you two. Otherwise, you two will end up strangling each other," Logan says, sitting straight so we are no longer in each other's peripheral vision.

"Moving on," Logan continues, "Aiden, did you meet Arianna this morning? Don't you live in the same neighborhood?"

"I did," Aiden shrugs and replies, "I actually did meet her today. Anna said, quote-unquote, 'The school's going to impose one more fucked up rule. Me, May, and Garrett are going to oppose it.' I don't know what happened after that."

"Anna?" I question with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, that's what I'm saying. I can't believe she can swear like that," Logan said, completely clueless.

Involuntarily, I rolled my eyes, unable to hold back a scoff while managing an annoyed smile.

Anna? So we're on nickname basis now?

Raymond clears his throat as the audience falls silent.

"Children, I know you are all well aware of the 'rumors' surrounding Mr. Zachary," he continues. The sea of students erupts into a confused frenzy. Rumors? What the hell is happening?

I sense someone familiar sitting next to me, and my heart races for a split second. Logan walks back to his seat, while Aiden scoots over to his own chair, leaving May's. Arianna, May, and Garrett quietly settle into their seats, their expressions hinting at a mix of concern and frustration.

"What's going on?" I quietly ask, as Garrett takes his seat beside mine, noticing his scowl as he adjusts his glasses. "Find out for yourself," he responds.

The tense atmosphere amongst them makes me feel uneasy. I can tell there's something serious that has happened. The way everyone is reacting tells me that it's not good, and I should prepare myself for whatever is coming next.

"After discussing with the council," Raymond states, as a chill travels down my spine, not because of the upcoming disaster waiting to unleash, but due to the freezing presence of the person next to me. It feels like an iceberg sits beside me, emitting a murderous aura, "The school has decided to impose a 'Non-Fraternizing Rule'-meaning no interaction between boys and girls."


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