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Within the magnetic fields and turbulent motions of the interstellar medium, billions of stars surrounded them.

The biggest and brightest star in the constellation caught the attention of The Supreme Master of Darkness and his newest creations. Having an endless stream of iniquitous powers, the spirit from the darkest, satanic realms cast yet another spell on the very large and bright star.

The once extreme white glow of the star turned a murky reddish color. Powers of apocalyptic proportions caused the now reddish star to be split deep into its core. The layers of hydrogen and helium and molecular clouds had dissipated.

“From the deepest, from the evilest, and from the most glowing red depths of this star,” The Supreme Master of Darkness shouted,
its voice causing rumbles throughout the constellation, ‘I command you to rise and make your presence known.”

Bursting out of the star's core were glowing red monsters. One of them stood at a commanding onehundred feet tall. The other four could've easily stood close to seventy feet tall. The five of them were extremely tall, bulky in build and with sizzling red glows up and down their bodies

Their eyes were split with a red and yellow glow, as they closely watched the demonic configuration of The Supreme Master of Darkness.

“Star creatures, welcome to my satanic family,” The Supreme Master of Darkness extended its welcoming gesture. "I have brought the five of you from the innermost depths of this star to be my faithful servants. The leader of you star monsters shall be called Starlunary

You have been crowned as the indisputable, stunning, stylistic star monster. The power of this particular star, and that of the mighty thunder, shall reign supreme in your powers.”

“Humbly I thank you for this evil privilege, Supreme Master of Darkness,” Starlunary replied, its sizzling red body energized with perverted excitement.

“Starlunary you will need the assistance of more star creatures,” The Supreme Master of Darkness noted before the other monsters. “On this day, I have commissioned your assistance to come from Starsmash, Starcrash, Starclash, and Starflash. Starsmash, you have been given this particular name since it will be you who will smash the steely gray, hard metal of chromium and the silvery white metal of scandium into your enemies.

The chromium and scandium are the solid metals from the very star from whence you came. Starcrash, you will crash the same chromium and scandium into any enemies who get in your way. Starclash, you will use the power of these star metals to clash straight into an enemy who defies you. And Starflash, you will flash the mastery of the two hard metals, bringing every one of your enemies into the grip of chromium and scandium mixture."

“Your evil powers are tremendous, Supreme Master of Darkness,” Starsmash spoke complimenting its sinister creator.

Supreme Master of Darkness, you are the greatest of all evils,” the newlycreated star monster, Starcrash, said, bowing before its creator.

“No evil is greater than your evil, Supreme Master of Darkness, Starclash

praised its diabolical creator.

“ Supreme Master of Darkness, you have brought us into existence for your evil purposes,” Starflash said in support of its wicked architect.

“Creatures of the Sun, Moon, and stars, welcome to my dark and evil family,” The Supreme Master of Darkness said, very proud of its latest menacing creations.

“Together, we are an unstoppable, unified evil force. With the consolidation of powers from the Sun, the Moon, and the stars, we now have the ingenuity to take over the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Once we have conquered the entire Solar System, we will spread our evil talents throughout other galaxies. Soon, we will conquer the entire Universe. But first, we must free Bellatrix and Bellamy and her entire kingdom.”

“ Supreme Master of Darkness, who are they?” Blastrauma asked its creator, not aware that The Supreme Master of Darkness was the mastermind behind all wickedness in the Universe.

Blastrauma, my fiery Sun monster,” The Supreme Master of Darkness fizzled, glancing out at the constellations within the galactic skies. Bellatrix and Bellamy and her kingdom were imprisoned five years ago.

“By whom, Supreme Master of Darkness?”

“You shall soon find out, my sizzling, fizzling Sun monster. Come, we must free those who will help us claim dominance of the Milky Way.”

The satanic configuration of The Supreme Master of Darkness led the creatures from the Sun, Moon, and select stars across the galactic skies.

Their speeds could've easily been calculated at millions of light years per minute. Quickly they approached the very distant constellation borders of Virgo and Corvus The Supreme Master of Darkness and his followers had come within a few light years of the dark and nasty black hole at the core of the Sombrero Galaxy.

Bellatrix, Bellamy, the Society of the Seething Sevenfold, and the others had spent the last five years within this black hole which was nothing short of tortuous. Their voices cried out for five long years. Their cries were ignored throughout the Universe. But, The Supreme Master Of Darkness remembered their imprisonment. Only a short distance from the black hole, the evil spirit and its newly-recruited villains spotted the prisoners inside their holding cell.

“They've been imprisoned for five long, agonizing years,” The Supreme Master of Darkness told its followers. “We must release them from the rings that have kept them from being in full servitude to me.”

“Those rings look impenetrable, Supreme Master of Darkness,”

Blastrauma told its chief overseer.

* Blastrauma, do you believe that there is strength in numbers?"

“Yes I do, Supreme Master.”

“Our powers are some the mightiest in the Universe. If we consolidate our powers, then we can break the grip of all those rings.”

There were a total of eight rings which imprisoned Bellatrix and Bellamy and the others. Four of the rings toppled the black hole in vertical formations. The other four spun around the hole in horizontal formations.

The Supreme Master of Darkness devised a spell which shot powerful electrical charges at all eight of the rings. Blastrauma and its four officers fired surges of flames at the rings. Core Lunar and its fellow Moon monsters launched endless volcanic rocks in the same direction as the flames. Starlunary and its star creatures released multiple balls of chromium and scandium and bolts of star power.

With the combination of hot flames, volcanic rocks and hard metals and bolts, all eight rings exploded like thousands of cannons. The gas, dust, magnetic metals, cosmic waves, and black bands dispersed into several areas outside of the Sombrero Galaxy. Bellatrix, Bellamy, the Society of the Seething Sevenfold, and the several hundred thousand strong army were now free.

“ Supreme Master of Darkness, you have come and set us free,” said Bellatrix, now at ease knowing he'd been set free from his supposed eternal prison.

“A burden has been lifted, Supreme Master of Darkness,” Bellamy said to the wicked spirit from the darkest principality.

The Supreme Master of Darkness spoke and shook up several cosmic waves.

“You haven't been set free from this black hole here in the Sombrero Galaxy for purposes of leisure.

It has been five long years since you were sentenced on the planet of Reddie.

There are lots and lots of more evil works to be done. All of you must follow me to one of the darkest realms in the Universe.

Come..., I will lead the way into this reprobate realm.”

To be continued...

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