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The Price of freedom

The meeting continued...
"Which will be very problematic for us, Sergeant Dirty concluded, twirling his thick whiskers every direction.

"Not with the strategy that I have outlined," The Supreme Master of Darkness stressed. "You have been instructed that Cosmic Innovation Council have colonized the other exoplanet planets within the Milky Way Galaxy and outer of Milky Way Galaxies. Brilliant Boy would be the one who made claim to the Earth."

"General Kevinmakiwa and hundreds of thousands of his subhumans centaurs Chiron armies have colonized on planet Sylvanris in Staris System."

"Who is my number one enemy," General Tailblazer reminisced. 'If only I had more time and resources when we fought that war in Harare!"

"That's why, General Tailblazer, you and your army will invade Sylvanris. You will ambush them on the red planet and quickly seize them off all power."

"Doesn't General Kevinmakiwa and some of his soldiers also have magical nano artifacts?' General Tailblazer asked.

"They do have magical nano artifacts. But, you will be well-equipped with arsenal that will overpower them and their magical nano artifacts. I learned that Queen Chaitalisa, the colossal-sized queen, and hundreds of thousands of her colony members have colonized on ov planet of Vertron

Captain Gunant, you and army members will invade the planet of Vertron. Once you invade the planet, you will bring them under the rule of enslavement."

'I'm still bitter about our defeat in Harare Captain Gunant grumbled. "We were made to look like total fools. But, how sweet it's going to be to get our revenge!"

"Beware of the powers that she possesses in her crown."

"We will be prepared for our invasion, Supreme Master Of Darkness."

"Queen Haisa and many of her hive members have colonized on the planet of Nirvana in solar system called Romulaes you must've well navigate because Romulaes system hidden system," The Supreme Master of Darkness informed his group of evildoers. "Lieutenant Louse Up, you'll take thousands of kingdom members with you to claim your conquest over Sylvanris. As with Queen Chaitalisa, beware of the powers in her crown."

"It will be my pleasure to take over Queen Haisa and the planet of Sylvanris," Lieutenant Louse Up spoke with a smile of vengeance. "After making us look like a bunch of dumbbells around Harare getting even will be my badge of honor."

"Marracks Shepherds and many thousands from his school of sharks have colonized on the planet Ypsilon, The Supreme Master of Darkness continued.

'Triple Threat, I'm commanding you and many kingdom members to blast your way onto the planet of Ypsilon and take over. Whatever it takes, I want you to make them into prisoners of war."

"Highest Lord of Darkness, it will be the greatest honor to take over Ypsilon," Creature Number One said. 'It will the loftiest honor to make Marracks Shepherds and his school of sharks do exactly as we tell them."

"Uppermost One of Darkness, Marracks Shepherds and his school are going to wish they never existed when we're done,' said Creature Number Two. "Talk about being made an example out of; they'll go down in the history books as the most shameful examples."

"Extreme Master of Darkness, those gut wrenching sharks will be our servants, said Creature Number Three. "They will fall into the highest level of servitude by serving you and your master."

"King George Snuggle and many serpents from his nest have colonized on the planet of Draetron ," The Supreme Master of Darkness Clarified to its specific entities. "Lilith, it will be you and countless kingdom members who will do battle with King George Snuggle and his slithering serpents on the planet of Draetron. If a full-scale war is called for, then you shall engage in such battles

"Supreme Master of Darkness, King George Snuggle and his fellow serpents will feel our wrath the second we invade Saturn,"Lilith affirmed, her subhuman body swaying from side to side.

"But, watch out for his magical crown."

"We will definitely be on the lookout, Most Powerful One of Darkness."

"Captain Mickey and many thousands from his nest of bats have colonized on the planet of Pluto," The Supreme Master of Darkness had picked up from where it'd left off. "Sergeant Dirty, you and many other kingdom members are hereby ordered to bully your way onto Pluto. You and the kingdom will overthrow Captain Mickey and the entire colony of bats."

'That bangling, bobbling, bubbling bat and his nest put on some show in Harare,' Sergeant Dirty recalled, his tail wrapped around the legs, which supported the chair he sat in. "Now's our turn to get even. It's our turn to humiliate them, make them our slaves, our ultimate servants, and most of all, servants of you and your master, Unsurpassed Master of Darkness."

"Prince Cauw and Princess Tsitsi has claimed permanent residence on the planet of Valhalla," The Supreme Master of Darkness explained to its underlings. "Corporal Smelly, it will be you and kingdom members who will put a stop to this bothersome tornado element produced by Cauw the prince. Make sure that when you and the kingdom members thrust your way onto Valhalla, this powerful force of nature is caught way off guard."

'Unmatchable Lord of Darkness, this nasty, naughty piece of nature will feel our wrath, Corporal Smelly assured his master. "The other tornadoes that dwell on Valhalla will also get a taste of our dominance."

' Princess Tsitsi has made the planet of  Valhalla its place of residence, The Supreme Master of Darkness continued further down the line.

'The Daemon Overloads have been given their orders to invade seven of the nine planets within the Milky Way Galaxy and other universe. Blastrauma, Core Lunar, and Starlunary, it will be you and your helpers who will burst your way onto Valhalla planet. Prince Cauw and Princess Tsitsi claims to be one of the mightiest forces in nature, having the ability of a powerful hurricane to fight any Opposing force which comes its way.

With the consolidation of your powers, this mighty hurricane will be stopped. Also, if the Daemon Overloads  needs any assistance, you are to help them in their battle with the members from Cosmic Innovation Council . Once the eight planets in other galaxy are brought under my dominion, then it will be Earth itself that finally surrenders to the will of my master."

"Your will is the greatest will of all, Supreme One of Darkness," said Blastrauma.

"Serving you is our only mission, Greatest Lord of Darkness,' said Core Lunar.

"Whatever your wish, Excellent Lord of Darkness, it shall be done," said Starlunary

"Bringing Brilliant Boy under my

submission will be no easy task," The Supreme Master of Darkness reasoned.

The spiritual evil spirit spread its configuration several yards across the room. 'That's why I have commissioned you, Bellatrix and Bellamy, to present yourselves as someone other than forces of darkness. We must infiltrate him and his home."

"Will there be interference from Rabbi Mandaael?' Bellatrix asked, the horns on top of his head glowing with a sinister red color.

"Rabbi Mandaael will be taken care of long before you reach Knowledge Mandaa. The meddlesome superhero also known as Brilliant Boy doesn't stand a chance."

"With your supreme powers of darkness, infiltrating the home of Brilliant Boy will be easy," Bellamy agreed with her chieftain.

"All of you have been given your orders, The Supreme Master of Darkness strongly reminded those under its reign. 'The nine planets will come under invasion, with the specific intent of my master claiming ultimate rule. Soon, we will expand further into the Universe. Now, follow me across the planet of Firecinerate.

The Supreme Master of Darkness projected its glowing orange eyes at the roof of the furnacing complex. The roof burned and opened the pathway for The Supreme Master Of Darkness and the others. They raced across the skies that were filled with towering flames. The flames were whipping with temperatures surpassing 100,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The red, yellow, and green colors cast horrific rainbows across the skies.

To be continued...

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