"It's so fucking colddd. Why do we have to run in this weather and in this uniform as well. I'm going to get hypothermia." Wonbin whines as him and Sion were walking towards the school building after they had just finished their physical education class. The two of them were apart of the track team (they practically join the same club and do everything together. You can't separate these two losers) so they were forced to do their lesson outside in the cold. Not to mention that their uniform does little to no help in protecting them from the frigid air.
"I still don't understand why the school doesn't make two different uniforms for the different seasons. They'll run out of students because we'd all would've been dead from the cold." Sion replies as Wonbin nods his head whilst hugging his arms as he shivers.
They were now about to walk past the tennis court. Sion looking over as he tries to see if he could catch a glimpse of Gaeul anywhere. But he couldn't find her.
"Do you think that Gaeul would be alright?"
"I'm not sure. She fell pretty hard from that faint earlier. I'm a bit worried."Wonbin and Sion stopped walking all of a sudden when they overheard the girls conversation.
"Is Gaeul ok?!" Sion exclaims as it manages to catch the girls attention.
He didn't know what had gotten into him, but he felt so worried and scared all of a sudden. Even Wonbin got a bit startled when Sion just suddenly exclaimed like that."She's at the infirmary right now after Ningning had brought her there." One of the girls replied as this alarms him.
He didn't even give them a reply as he ran off, leaving Wonbin behind as he watches as his best friend ran far-far away.
He enters the infirmary as he notices how quiet and empty the room was.
The sound of the door opening had managed to attract the attention of the nurse as she looks behind to see the lad entering as he flashes her a shy smile."Sion what are you doing here?" She questions him. She had remembered and memorised his name throughout the years because he used to always come to the nurses room with a new injury. Whether it was from tripping or even from a paper cut.
"I came to visit Gaeul. She's in here right?" He says as the nurse could see the look of worry washed over his face.
"Are you her boyfriend or something?" She asks him as he goes quiet. He could feel his ears turning red."I guess you could call me that." He replies.
"Alright then. Gaeul is currently resting. She'd caught a cold and she must have fainted due to exhaustion because she forced herself to participate in the pe lesson instead of just sitting off and missing the class." The nurse explains to him as she guides him to where Gaeul was currently at.She pushes the curtain aside as it reveals Gaeul currently fast asleep in bed. She had an agitated look on her face as she slept. The sight in front brought him misery as he could see that she was currently in pain.
"Is Ningning going to be back here?" He asks the nurse as she shook her head a no.
"She had to head back to class because she couldn't afford skipping class. She also went to inform Gaeul's teacher that she wouldn't be attending lesson and informed them of her current situation." She tells him.If Sion goes back to class then Gaeul would be alone...
"I'm going to stay here and look after Gaeul. You wouldn't mind right?" Sion says as it made a small smile to appear on the nurses face.
"Of course not. My break actually starts right now and I'm grateful that you're here to look after her." She replies as she walks over to her desk to grab her bag.

INFATUATED | ( o.sion ) ✓
FanfictionWhat would happen if the Cupid himself got struck by his own arrow? ➷ cupid au, forbidden love ( 1/6 wishing series ) [ completed ]