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"Do you mind telling me why you haven't been doing your missions Sion? What's gotten into you?" Soren asks as Sion was stood in front of him. Soren sat by his desk office as he looks at the lad in front of him fondly.

"I've been distracted. I can't concentrate." He only replies as he can hear Soren let out a sigh.
He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Is this about that Gaeul girl. Have you been getting distracted because of her?" Soren spoke as Sion stayed silent. Of course he knew about it. He was their advisor. He was the one that was taking care of all six wishes.

Sion was too scared to speak. He was afraid if Soren was going to do something to Gaeul because she was the cause to his distraction.

Another sigh leaves his mouth.
"I'm not mad at you Sion." He says as Sion finally looks him in the eyes.
"You're not?..." Sion asks confused.

"No, why would I? It's not your fault that you got shot by your own arrows. It's not your fault that Gaeul's name appeared in the database and you were given the role to complete the job. It's not your fault that she likes you. I just wanted you to tell me the truth as to why you've been slacking off instead of just keeping silent. I'm your advisor, I want you to confide with me. You can tell me anything. Gosh Sion, my job is to help you and to help solve your problems. They literally made me a personal therapist for all six of you foolish children." Soren stated.

He... wasn't mad?
Soren cares about him?

Sion has always thought that Soren only scouted the six of them because of the fact that they were 'running' out of Cupids and so the six of them were a pawn to him. That's why he always completed his missions on time because he didn't want to disappoint him. But maybe Sion was wrong this whole time. Yet again, he failed to understand other people and see the bigger picture.

"Sion, the reason why I even scouted the six of you was because I saw potential in each and every one of you in these different departments. For example Sakuya might not be the best at his job at the moment, breaking friendships and destroying them, but with time he'd improve. I see the way he always manages to make all of you laugh and he helps strengthen your bond together as friends. That's why I put him in that department. Even though he doesn't understand why friendships could be a form of love, that's for him to learn along his journey. I put you in the Eros department and you're the Cupid of passionate love because you're good at helping people experience the thrilling emotions that starts the initial stage of a relationship. You've done your job well. I've seen you help your friends Wonbin and Eunae's relationship with their partners progressing."

"Maybe you got hit with your own arrows because it wanted to teach you a lesson. Although you might be good at your job, you fail to notice the feelings of others. How are you the Cupid of Eros but you fail to apprehend the feelings of passion, infatuation, and attraction? But after you started noticing Gaeul, you started to notice these feelings and emotions as well. In other words you should thank her for helping you become a better Cupid and you started becoming more aware of your surroundings." He says as he taps his fingers on the desk as he explains all of this to Sion.

"Whether you want to be with her or not is not for me to decide. You're the one who's feeling these emotions. If you aren't afraid to be with her then you'd sacrifice your wings. But if you still want to keep your role as a Cupid then you shouldn't lead her on. That's the decision for you to make Sion. Take these words into consideration and spend some time to think about it. You could come back here once you have an answer. But I want you to know one thing Sion. You've done your job well as a cupid."
Soren's statement made him emotional. He was right, this was a learning experience for him.

"Soren, by any chance, have you ever experienced this? Were you a victim of a fallen cupid? You seem to know a lot." Sion asks.
"Nonsense. When I became a cupid, I told them to remove my heart so I wouldn't feel anything." He says as Sion looks at him in horror.

The older lad lets out an amused chuckle.
"Just joking. I've seen many of my cupid friends fall victim of falling in love. So I guess I know a lot about it. Anyways you go along home now. That's enough talking for me today." He said as he motions Sion to leave his office.

Sion couldn't help but to grin as he made his way out. He summons his wings as he was about to leave.

"By the way, thanks a lot Soren. I'll make sure to think hard on my decision." He said before leaving.


"I should've brought my coat with me when I left. I was in such a rush that I left everything at Jaehee's place." Sion mumbles as he shivers whilst hugging his arms.

He was now walking to a cafe. The lad freezing in this weather as he needed to drink something warm to stop him from freezing.

He stops walking when he was met with Gaeul.

"Gaeul, I wasn't planning on meeting you after school." He says.
Sion could see how the cold air had managed to make Gaeul's nose and cheeks turn red.

"Same here. I had to run some errands for my older sister." She chuckles as she shows him the paper bag that she was holding.

She realises that Sion was still in his school uniform, and he wasn't wearing his coat in this weather.

"You're freezing." She points out.
"Oh yeah, I left my coat at my friend's place because I headed out in a rush. I was planning to go to a cafe to get a warm drink." He tells her.

Sion could then see as Gaeul unwraps the scarf that she had on around her neck. The girl taking it off as she then went on her tippy toes to wrap it around his neck.

"Here so you don't get a cold. You're seriously going to freeze in this weather Sion." She says as he could feel his face burning all of a sudden. All sense of him freezing earlier had disappeared as his whole body felt warm. It was such a small action but had managed to warm his heart.

"I love you." He utters as her eyes widens.

"W-what did you just say?" She asks in panic. She didn't misheard that right?
"I said I love you, I'm sorry that it took me this long to realise." He said and pulled her into a hug.

She drops the paper bag that she was holding on the ground. This felt too much like a dream for her.

Sion could feel her moving as he only tightens the hug.
"Can we stay like this for a bit. It's warm." He asks her as she froze.
"Ok." She replies and for once wasn't afraid to return him the hug as it made him smile.

"Was that your way of confessing?" She says as he looks down at her.
"Yes. Screw saying 'I like you'. I'd rather just say that I love you." He answers before smiling at her.
"Well then. I love you too Sion." She finally gave him an answer.

This only made his smile widen. After a whole week of being confused with his feelings and being so down. He finally felt happy.

"Then you don't mind being my girlfriend right Gaeul?" He says with a teasing grin.

Sion already knew his decision. Turns out that he didn't need long to think about it. He just needed to be honest with his feelings.

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