Chapter 1

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In 1896, a massive mansion in Salem, Massachusetts, was owned by a man and his kids. The mansion owner was preparing for All Hallows Eve so no witches would bother him or his children. The next day, when it came, he found his daughter, Raven, was missing. Mr. Wellington then went to his laboratory in the basement and found Raven with a particular book. Mr. Wellington said, "What are you doing with that?" Raven hid the book behind her and said, "With what?" Mr. Wellington said, "Sarah Belington's spell book." Raven showed her dad the book and shamefully gave it back to him. Mr. Wellington said, "Raven. Sarah Belington is an evil witch who doesn't know we have her book. But if she did, we would be in great danger. That's why no one must touch the book." Raven said, "Oh, what's one small look? The book is useless to us anyway." Raven tried to take the book back, but her dad refused. Mr. Wellington said, "Well, since we have no use for it, I'm taking it and putting it on a high shelf."

Raven went back upstairs and saw their cat, Violet, walking down the stairs. Violet said, "Meow." Raven said, "Hi, Violet." Once Raven got upstairs, she picked up Violet and carried her to her room upstairs. Once she got to her room, Raven sat on her bed with Violet and looked out her window. She then saw birds flying by her window. Raven opened her window, reached one of her fingers out, and saw one of the birds landing on her finger. Raven petted the bird like it was her pet and sang to it. While singing, Violet jumped off of Raven's bed and to the window where Raven was. The bird on her finger flew off and joined the other birds. Raven then continued singing, saw Sarah Belington's cottage on the other side of town, and drew its picture. When she finished her drawing and song, she closed her window, put her drawing pad away, and left her room.

Raven and Violet then returned downstairs and sat on the sofa in the living room. While on the couch, Raven's brother, Zachery, came downstairs from his room and sat down with them. Raven then grabbed Violet and petted her. Violet got comfortable in Raven's arms because Raven was scratching her ears. Then Violet wobbled in Raven's arms and then jumped out of her arms. Then Violet hid under the sofa and stayed there for a while. While they were on the couch, a cool breeze blew the front door open. Then Sarah Belington walked in, and both Raven and Zachery got scared. Raven said, "It's her."

Raven hid behind the sofa while Zachery walked up to Sarah. Zachery said, "Excuse me, but this isn't your house, and we didn't invite you over. Why are you here?" Sarah said, "I've come for my book." Zachery said, "What book? We have a whole library full of them." Sarah said, "I didn't come here for any old book. I came here for my spell book." Zachery said, "Love to help you, but we don't have it." Sarah said, "Liar, liar, pants on fire." Sarah blasted Zachery and set his pants on fire. Zachery tried to put out the fire himself, but Raven sprayed him with their fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire herself. Sarah said, "He may not know where my spell book is, but I bet you do, little missy." Raven said, "Sorry, I don't." Sarah said, "Very well. Then I'll do this." Sarah blasted Raven with her magic and lifted her in the air. Raven tried fighting the magic, but it was too powerful. Zachery then ran to Sarah and shouted, "You leave my sister alone." Zachery hit Sarah with the fire extinguisher, and she released Raven. Sarah then rubbed her head and got up. Sarah then zapped Zachery with her magic and said, "You." Then she blasted the wall and said, "There." Then Zachery got hit against the wall and fell to the floor. Raven then grabbed the broom from the closet and hit Sarah with it. Raven said, "You may have magic, but we have the numbers advantage. And we're telling you we don't know where the book is." Sarah said, "Fine. Since you won't give me my book, I'll make it come to me." Sarah snapped her fingers and made the spell book float down the stairs and into her hands. Sarah said, "For lying to me, you both must pay an awful price."

Sarah searched her book for a particular spell and tried to find the perfect one to punish the Wellingtons. Sarah said, "Let's see here. I could turn you both into frogs. I could give you both bunions and bruises. I could make you both blind, mute, or deaf. I think I can do better than that." Then Violet meowed angrily and attacked Sarah. While Violet blinded her, Raven took the book from Sarah's hand. Raven said, "I'll hold that for you." Raven and Zachery ran away with the book, and Violet jumped off Sarah and followed the kids. Then Sarah followed them, grabbed Raven, and took the book from her. Sarah said, "Give me my book." Sarah threw Raven to the ground and then read a spell from her book. Sarah said, "Ancient evil comes as one, that it always can become. Ghostly spirits come out of your graves and haunt everyone who comes in and make them your slaves."

When the spell took effect, tombstones in the graveyard started to shake, and ghosts emerged. Then, they flew over to the mansion and began to haunt it. After Sarah said the spell, Raven kicked her away, and she dropped her book. Then Raven ran up, grabbed it, and ran off before Sarah got up. Once she did, she saw Raven running away with her spell book, so she chased after her. Once Raven got far enough away from Sarah, she hid the spell book someplace she'd never find it. Then Raven, Zachery, and Violet hid so Sarah wouldn't see them. Since she couldn't find them or her book, Sarah left the mansion and returned to her house, leaving behind all the ghosts she summoned. The ghosts scared the Wellingtons out of their home, but Violet stayed to protect the spell book and everyone who came into the mansion. She wasn't even scared. After her master died, his ghost came to the estate and haunted it with other spirits. He also granted his cat, Violet, immortality to be the mansion's protector forever and can never die. Once she received immortality, she also got the ability to talk.

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