Chapter 2

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A hundred years later, a group of kids was passing by the haunted mansion on Halloween. Helga stopped and looked at it through the fence. Helga said, "Look, The Wellington Mansion. I hear it's not just creepy, but haunted." Bobby said, "Haunted? How about just deserted?" Helga said, "No one has dared stepped foot in that house and lived to tell the tale since the owner died. Some say the ghosts killed him, and many others, too. Others say it was just by chance. Me, I don't want to know." Susan said, "Really?" Susan opened the gates and walked up to the house. Susan said, "Well then, let's find out." The other kids joined Susan and walked up to the front door. Susan grabbed the knob and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Susan said, "It's locked." Bobby said, "Of course it is. No one lives here." The kids then walked away from the house and heard a few crows cawing, but the door opened. The kids looked behind them and got puzzled since the door wouldn't open when they tried it, but it was open now. Then Susan pushed the door open, walked in, turned on her flashlight, and looked around for the light switch. The others followed Susan in and helped her find the light switch.

Once Susan found the light switch, she turned the lights on, and they all looked around. Mike and Emma went to the kitchen because they were getting hungry. While they were there, the room temperature started to drop, and it began to get cold. Emma held her arms and shivered to keep warm. Emma said, "Burr. Is it getting cold in here, or is it just me?" While the temperature was dropping, a ghostly claw appeared and started to write letters on the wall. It carved a G, an E, and a T. When it finished, Mike and Emma saw it spelled out the phrase, "Get Out." When they saw the words, they screamed and hid in the closet.

When they heard Mike and Emma scream, the others quickly ran to the kitchen and found them hiding in the closet. Helga said, "What's wrong?" Emma pointed at the writing on the wall, and the others saw it. Emma said, "Ghost writing. Ghosts do haunt this place." Susan took a picture of the ghost writing, and then the temperature in the room started to drop again, and the gusty wind blew by them. Helga said, "Burr. Who opened a window?" When the chill disappeared, Helga saw the word "Beware" on the wall. Helga said, "Beware." Then Emma got lifted in the air, and she started to levitate.

Emma floated there for a while, and the kids saw Emma getting lifted higher and higher in the air. Susan said, "I can find the person holding her up." Emma said, "Nothing here. Not even an extra person to hold me up. Does anybody want to try getting me down?" Bobby said, "Sure." Once Bobby grabbed Emma, she fell to the ground and landed on Bobby. Then Helga helped both Bobby and Emma up. Emma said, "Sorry, Bobby. I don't know what that was." Helga said, "OK, we've proven the ghosts are real. Now, let's get out of here before something horrible happens." Mike said, "Ghosts are total figments of the imagination. In other words, there's no such thing as ghosts." Lou said, "Just in case something bad does happen, let's get out of here."

All ten of them ran for the front door, and when they made it there, they couldn't open the door because it locked itself again. Emma said, "It's locked." Helga said, "We're trapped?" Emma nodded her head yes, and all the kids started to panic. Lou whistled loudly and stopped everyone from panicking. Lou said, "Everybody, calm down." Everybody calmed down and began to listen to Lou. Lou said, "Since we're trapped, let's go find the bedrooms just in case we'll have to spend the night."

They heard footsteps on their way up, so they hurried upstairs to see who was in the house with them. When they got upstairs, they didn't see anybody. Then they heard a strange pounding sound like someone playing the drum. Pablo said, "Where's that coming from?" Tom said, "Let's split up and see if we can find our guest. Girls will search in one group; boys will search in the other." While they were searching the house, Violet spotted them through the window. Then Violet saw a green glow from the sky hit the ground. Then, a hand came out of the earth, and a zombie emerged. It saw the lights on in the mansion when it did, so it walked up to it.

Meanwhile, the girls found the bedrooms of the mansion. Once they did, one of the phones inside started to ring. Helga answered it and said, "Hello." Once Helga answered it, she just heard a bell ringing on the phone. Helga said, "Hello?" Helga hung up the phone since no one was on the other line. Lou said, "Who was it?" Helga said, "Nobody, just some bell." Susan said, "That's weird." Susan then walked into another bedroom and looked at herself in a mirror. While looking at herself, a ghost appeared in the mirror and scared her. The spirit said, "Get Away." The ghost then reached its hand out of the mirror and tried to grab Susan. Then Susan screamed in terror, and the spirit came further out of the mirror. The ghost said, "Get Away." When the other girls heard Susan shout, they saw her hiding in the bed. Lou pulled the sheet away and tapped her back. Susan said, "Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone." Lou said, "Susan, it's only me." Susan said, "Oh, thank goodness." Lou said, "Why? Did you see something?" Susan hid back under the covers and pointed at the mirror. Susan said, "There was a ghost in the mirror. And it tried to grab me." Helga looked at the mirror and only saw her reflection in it. Helga said, "Nothing but our reflections in the mirror now." Susan said, "OK." Susan got out of bed and rejoined her group.

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