Part 3

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Caily's room[ her pov]
me; babe i said i was sorry that happened few weeks ago it was just a game my frinds and i played i promise it will never happe.......
Nelly; you lied to me Caily freaken lied to me how am i supposed to trust you again after what you did huh..???
me; 🥺um sorry
Nelly; sorry??? you sorry??  we've been dating for weeks and you do this do you even value me bitch...
me[i was flabbergasted upon hearing the last person i loved this much] now we curse Nelson??? ,we curse at each other huh?? where's the respect we talked about
Nelly; Respect you say ....did you respect me when you exchanged breaths with that guy huh?? did u fucken respect me??
me; holy freacking bananas[i said touching my forehead because he was pissing me off real bad] for the fucken last time ...that boy is gay the kiss meant nothing 
Nelly; you knw what's over
me;  😭😭are you breaking up with me??.....babe i said um sorry!!
Nelly; i don't think we meant for each other....
me; [wiping off my tears] oh that's why you have a hickey that i didn't make ??
Nelly; [covering his neck] 👀 what you on about i got no hickey....[then i heard a girl calling out his name' babe come on um wanting for you in bed .....u left me naked here remember' word came crashing ,tears couldn't stop streaming down my face as i looked straight at him since we made a video call, my tongue was heavy now i couldn't say anything]
me; [stattering] Nne..Nelly are you cheating on me.....
Nelly; babe it's not what you thi......
me;[shouting] don lie to me 😭😭😭💔
Nelly; ohk fine..i've been cheating on you
me; 😭for how long
Nelly; that's not necessary al.....
me; answer the goddang question 😭
Nelly; two days back this is the third day...
me; and you had sex with her....why Nelly why?? 😭after trusting you that much....what wrong did i do to you huh??? after paying for your mom's hospital bills making you somebody you are today..[ you see Nelly was a poor kid not that he was poor his dad's lawyer freezed their accounts after his dad passed away and i had to help him unfreeze them and his mom fell ill i paid for the bills]
Nelly; oh please 🙄i never asked you felt sorry for me and i hated it
me; wow.... 😭💔never thought this day would come.......after everything we've done together Nelson....why???? why treat me like trash 😭
Nelly; that's because you don't wanna have sex with me 
me; i thought i told you i wasn't ready 🥺
Nelly; and you thought i would wait longer nah.....look Caily a pink pussy's waiting for me in bed so if you would excuse me....
me; Nelly don do this to me 😭💔
Nelly; oh and it's over byeee....[he hung up, i crawled back into bed 🛏 and sobbed,never felt heart broken like this i trusted Nelson with my heart and he broke it 😭💔, i was disturbed by a soft knock on the door and it was my brother ...see one thing i love about him is that he respects me, i kept quiet]
Cain; oh come on Caily !! i knw u in there[he then let himself in cause his cologne just sold him away, i felt the bed sink and he was in my bed...great!....and the mucus had to come just great i sniffed]
Cain; baby are you ohk??
me; yeah um gud i think um coming up with a flu
Cain; look at me[mxm he;s so annoying]
me;[i looked at him and looked down]
Cain; hey hey hey....were you crying[he asked getting under covers and cuddled me as tears streamed down my face] it's ohk ...its ohk ....what happened??
me; he....he;s been cheating and he broke up with me 😭😭[i couldn't lie because he was gonna find out]
Cain;[ i felt his hands forming a fist and i knew he was angry] who[i pulled away from him and dang he was angry ,his jaws were even twitching]
me; um sorry but i liked him and i never knew he would hurt me 😭😭
Cain; don't make  me repeat myself Caily cause you know i hate it 😠
me; Nelson Roothair
Cain; and you fucken let him make you cry... 😠😠oh come on you can do better than that you let a whole freaking nigga make you cry ..i didn't know you were that weak[ he stood up pasing up and down trying to calm himself down and just then Maya walked in ]
Maya; hey are you alrigh....
Cain; get the fuck out can't you knock[ he snapped at Maya who was peaking in the room]
Maya; um sorry...[she ran off]
me; why did you do that....she was...
Cain;  SHUT UP!! [i flinched as tears streamed down my face and he came to me i covered my face expecting a slap because he didn't want me to date...he hugged me instead rubbing my back]
Cain; um sorry baby did i scare you[ i nodded crying, he put me to bed shushing me...What a great Sartuday morning ...he rocked me till i slept but not deeply because i heard him close the door so i let sleep overtake me ]

In the kitchen[Maya's Pov]
Mia; look whose here[ she went to Cain and wrapped her hands around his neck kissing him and Cain kept stealing glances at me as i had cereal]
Cain; oh Mia ..when did you get here..
Mia ; 30 minutes back ..not long ryt?? so what you want for breakfast??
Cain; you [ he said that kissing her neck]
Mia; ooh then you can have me for dessert after lunch what do you say???
Cain; ohk ...[he sat next to me and looked at me which made me uncomfortable]
me; what??? 🙄🙄 why you looking at me like that
Cain; like what...
me; like um sh*t
Cain; ooh yeah you look like one
me; mxm.....just look at you and look at me ......foul nigga
Cain ; excuse me?? 👀
me; excuse you my butt ..don't you have important stuff to do than than bothering me?? you disgusting me right now 🤢
Cain; Mxm you lucky you Caily's friend if it wasn't for that i would have spanked you so bad
me; 👀👀 eowh...[he disgusted me right now so i made cereal for Caily and went to her room and knocked ...i got no response and opened up and i found her sleeping so i  put the bowl on the side table lamp and opened the windows and curtans for the sun rays to hit her skin and i walked to her side]
me; Caily .......wake up[ i shaked her slightly and  she opened her eyes which were puffy red]
hey are you ohk?? 
Caily; [rubbing her nose , so i knew she was lying everytime she lies she rubs her nose] yeah um fine
me; Try again Caily...[ i said pulling off the covers from her]
Caily; hey whatchu doing
me; just go freshen up and tell me whats wrong,
Caily; [sulking putting on her slippers] fine
[she left so i made the bed and sat down typing on my phone]

Cain's POV 
[ i was gonna teach that son of  bi*ch a lesson he hurt my sister and afterwards i'm gonna teach Caily a lesson for disobeying me, i don't want to spank her infront of her friend so i will take my black card which she was supposed to use today and freeze her accounts for a week , i called Jackson my guy]
me; Jackson  meet me at the warehouse now
him; yes sir
me; oh and tell the boys to meet me there we have a special thing today..
him ; yes Panther won't make it his wife is giving birth
me; oh ....ohk sure
him; yes boss[ i hung up.... then i reached the warehouse after some time and went straight to the boys and girls Sky- the IT officer she is one hell of a baddie this one ,Mandy-the doctor and she is the quiet one and dangerous amongst them all ,she is ruthless, and then there are the boys Jackson my guy he is good with guns and knifes so he's usually the one in charge at the slaughter room he also makes our missions like robbery ,hitjacking etc etc, then there is Panther  the police guy ,this one is the coward  ,then there is Ruu the other police guy well he was just a cool man ,so i got in and found them seated on the sofa's drinking booze]
me; yoh...
them; yoh 
Ruu; Cain my man wassup
Cain; nun hw bout ya'll 
them; we cool [ they said in unision]
Cain ; ohk i called you here cause there's this bastard who decided to break my lil sister's heart and i want him to the slaughter room today
Sky; you mean to tell me your fine ass sister was heart broken or is
Cain; she is...and don't say that you sound so gay right now
sky; what if iam....[they laughed]
Cain; eowh.....
Piet; so i have a new mission we need to work on,
us; what is it??
Piet; so we gonna  rob this other bastard who his background is that he abuses his step daughter, he hides his money under a bath in his storeroom and other the ceiling his safe has it's own room which is in the basement ,today he'll be out for a meeting ,his stepdaughter is at her friends and the best time to rob him is tonight
Cain; woah.....why didn't we know that he's rich 
Piet; well he is the Head Police officer which makes us doubt it but i have one friend who works for him he fills me in and he knows about all the money he has
Cain; ohk at what time will we be doing this
Piet; 8;00 sharp after he leaves for his meeting 
us; ohk
Sky; so Cain who is this mothafu***r that messed with my Princess 
Cain; Umh ...Caily said something like Nelson.. Nelson Roothair
Sky; ohk  lemme check him out........
gotcha..........umh guys you won't believe it
Cain; wassup
Sky ; Nelson is the son of River Chow
Cain ; River ....the fuken bustard who killed my mother and father
Sky; yeah that one
Cain; fu*k.......[i was beyond angry Caily was gonna see the bad me....i took the bottle that was on the threw it across the wall] i swear i'm gonna kill that lil girl today i'm gonna fuck her up i swear!!! 😠😡😡
Mandy; wwhoah!! there won't be no bruise on Caily it her fault she didn't know??? no right so calm down[ one thing i love about Mandy is that she is good at calming people down so i relaxed]
Cain; i have to go now and Piet.....pls find a buffalo and kill it take out it's heart and put it in a gift box write a note saying ' NEVER BOTHER HER AGAIN OR ELSE YOU'LL BE FUCKED UP NELLY' 
send it to his house i'm going home bye guys[i left and drove home i found Kicky in i needed Mia right now so that i fuck her real bad to reduce my stress i walked in and my anger built up when i saw Caily blushing texting someone and Maya ...she was watching tv i charged to her and took her phone threw it across the wall]
Caily; what the fuck bruh....[ she stood up and i back slapped her that she fell on the couch her nose bleeding her little friend ran to her ]
maya; Caily .....caily are you ohk.....[i ws pasing up and down]
Me ; you have the audacity to date my enemy even after i told you not to date Caily....[i was angry and shouted startling both of them ,caily was crying]
Caily; i'm ....i'm sorry ... 😭😭
me; sorry my you know who they are huh??
caily; [looking down ] nno....
me; i'm gonna fuck up that pretty little face of yours Caily[ i said taking out my belt ,she knew what it meant so she hid behind Maya]
Maya; Cain pls calm do.....
me; calm down ...don't fucken tell me to calm down infact get out of my house go back to your house.....
Maya; so that you hurt[she stood still infront of Caily which pissed me off that i pushed her roughly and she fell to the floor maybe hit the table ,i heard her whining in pain but it didn't stop me i charged for Caily who moved back....grabbed her hair and started hitting her..
Maya stood infront of me and the belt landed on her face and she fell down....Fuck what have i done....Caily was sobbing laying on the floor  with an aching body as for Maya she stood up going to her friend shushing..]
me; didn't i say go to your home[i roared which made them flinch] Scram Maya...
Caily; [in a weak trembling voice ] Maya go i'll call you 
Maya; you sure..
Caily; yes,i'll send the driver to bring your clothes later ok
maya; ok ...i love you....bye[she kissed her forehead and stood up]
Caily; love you too[ Maya left and i went to the bar stand to drink some whiskey because i messed up i donno if Caily will forgive me or not, i saw her limping slowly going to her room upstairs and i started regretting what i did ,i promised mom and dad i'll protect her not hit her.....Fu**  i walked to her and touched her but she flinched.....shi* 😩,i carried her to her room and went to run a bath for her]
me; go take a bath baby....[she just nodded and walked away and had a bath came out wrapped in  a towel got to her walk-in -closet took her clothes and went back inside and came out after a few minutes wearing a pink hoodie and baggy pink pants with her white flipflops....took a first aid box took out pain medicine and a plaster and pout it on the small cut i've made... and was about to walk out and i called her and signalled her to come and sit down on bed, she sat at the far corner of the bed and i moved closer and made her lay her head on my chest which made her flinch again..... 😩😩]
me; baby um sorry.....[no response] you know i didn't want you to date because i promised mom and dad that i'll protect you, Nelson's family are our enemies ok...they are the ones who killed our parents [ she looked at me with tears in her eyes] i was trying to protect you baby,i'm sorry i hit you it was just that i saw you blushing texting someone when i got here which made me angry i'm sorry baby ohk
caily; i'm sorry too.......[kept quiet until a loud sob escaped her lips,i shushed her while brushing her hair till she kept quiet and was only left with silent hiccups ]
me; i'm sorry i promise it will never happen again ok
Caily; promise
me; i promise [i said as we crossed ouur pinkie fingers like we used to do when we were kids] am i forgiven
Caily; no...
me; what do i owe you your majesty..
Caily; [she giggled] a castle
me; [pouting my lips] but your majesty you already live in a mansion
caily; [she became serious all of a sudden which was creepy] 
me; what's wrong you highness
Caily; apologise to Maya
me;[ i couldn't say no to her face so i rubbed my nose] ohk i will
Caily; we both know you lying when you do that..
me; do what??
caily; duh 🙄rubbing your nose
me; you too do that when you lie..
caily; what no i don't.....
me; you do......guess we got it from mom....[i breathed out heavily]
Caily; [ resting on my chest] i miss her
me; me too.....[we stayed like that and  for a few minutes and i pulled out]
Caily; you always have to ruin sister and brother moments don't you
me; not your boyfriend
caily; [laughing] mxm ............
me; let's go eat out
Caily; ohk lemme change...
me;[i just gave her the look 😒 ]
caily; fine let's go[ we left]

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