Part 10[ Emotional scene 😭🤧]

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Caily's POV 
I'm glad Cain  didn't find out about Nelson or else i was gonna be doomed , And Maya she's been getting good after her mom saga , who knew she had it in her to fight , she fucked up Mia so bad that her fake weave and lashes fell off 🤣she made my day fr. Oooh the spark between her and my brother is growing bit by bit , I saw them kissing in the pool and i didn't ask either of them because they will deny it and deny their feelings for each other .And after the fight they fixed  things again and Mia is going banana's how i love it, so i'm in my room talking to Nelly , i know he cheated but i love him ohk , one thing i don't get is that he asks a lot about my brother's stuff which is quiet weird .I was talking to him when Cain budged in my room , mxm ungrateful, he jumped on the bed and I dropped the call and glared at him]
me; what did i say about jumping on my bed
Cain; i'm sorry but i miss you baby , 
me; what do you want ...[ i knew he wanted something ]
Cain; wdym what do i want can't i miss my baby sis?? i don't remember the last time we spent time together Caily , i don't even know who your bf is[ i gave him the wtf look and he chuckled]  um fr baby
me; i don't remember too ohk but i can't tell you who i'm dating
Cain ; you will
me; no i won't
Cain; yes you will
me; won't [ then he started tickling me because he knew i won't give in i laughed and tears were running down  my eyes] oo..ok....i..i'll ......tell [ he let go and i breathed relaxing myself 
Cain; up with it
me; Promise you won't be mad
Cain; i promise
me; ohk......he ....he is Nelson
Cain; [he breathed out loudly ] What did i say about him baby
me;[ relaxing, he called me baby which meant he was not angry] Look J  i love him ok, i love him as much as i love myself , he broke my heart last week i know but i love him, he makes me happy , if not him it's ,Maya they make me was mom and dad i was broken by them passing away but i found hope ,you gave it to me ok then i met Maya ,then Nelson please don't tell me to break up with him
Cain;[breathing out loudly once again] i won't it's just that his dad is my enemy , didn't he ask anything about me 
me; [i can't tell him so i looked down which he took as a yes]
Cain;[ scratching his head] ohk then look i don't mean to break you two apart but his dad is responsible for mom and dad's death
me; WHAT!!!!  [ i could feel my cheeks get wet all of a sudden and then my head spun then it was lights out for me ]

I woke up to a familiar voice and he person was slightly slapping my cheeks,It was my brother , i opened my eyes ,that's when reality hit me so hard , Nelson's father was the one who made me an orphan and he was with me all the time to get to know my brothers missions .Why didn't i think it through ....guess it was true LOVE IS BLIND .I started to cry as soon as my eyes landed on my brother who had a worried face on his hand on mine ,she pulled me into his chest as i sobbed,i finally calmed down, i was only left with hiccups.
Cain; babe it's gonna be ohk ,don't worry my boys sent him a threat note to stay away from you ok[i just nodded and he got on my bed made me lay my head on his chest as he brushed my head ,we were quiet i could hear his heartbeat as he brushed my hair sleep was slowly taking me away from the world of the walkers but then the door swung open and i jumped off Cain's chest so did he,
me; Wtf Maya there is this thing called knocking
Maya; Oh absolutely! Because clearly the door is just a suggestion ,right? who needs knocking when you can just burst in like a suprise party [she said that as she went to my bed and made herself comfortable with Cain and i's mouths agape]
Maya;Please close your mouths before we get flies invasion[ we just looked at each other and chuckled, like how does she do it , her stepdad raped her ,her mom disowened her she was shot, how does she do it]
me; hhow do you do it Maya??
Maya; do what ?
me; how do you manage to keep that smile ? after everything that happened....your stepdad ..your mom and being shot [she looked down and sighed heavily]
Maya; you know it's like i have a choice,i could let it all drown me or i could have something to hold on to 
me;[my voice was trembling and Cain could see it so he held my hand tight] But how?'s so much pain for a 17year old 
Maya;[taking aa deep breath] Sometmes i smile because it confuses the darkness ,it's my way of saying YOU WON'T WIN , everyday is battle for me but i chose joy, even though it is fragile,There are days when i feel like the world is on my shoulders, and i can barely breath ,i think about what happens and it hurts,like it hurts so much, but i don't let darkness win i think of those experiences as chapters and i'm the book so my story won't end like this[she gazes ahead her eyes shining with unshed tears ]
me;[ wiping away a tear] you're so strong Maya 
Maya; strength isn't the absence of pain,it's finding light in the shadows ,it's waking up in the morning and finding out i'm still here,and that counts for something Caily,i smile because i want to confuse the darkness, show them that i'm still fighting ,Each smile is a  little victory to claim my life back
me;[my voice was breaking now] but it must be exhausting
Maya; [she nods ,her voice steady] it is ,somedays it feels like i'm climbing a mountain with no summit in sight,But i hold on to the small things - the laughter of a friend ,the beautiful sunset,swimming, eating junk food in your room,or even the quiet moments like this ,they remind me that life can be more beautiful even in the amidst  of chaos
me; [ my tears were now flooding and blinding my vision] you still trust him[stepdad]
Maya; [her expression hardeness slightly but she softens up and looked at Cain then back at me]Trust??? honestly i lost that a long time ago,When someone you are supposed to feel safe around betrays you?? it shatters everything
me; [my voice was now low] i can't imagine  how that feels
Maya; it's like part of me is always on guard like i look at males differently ,even those who seem kind and genuine...[ she looked at Cain and looked down] there's this nagging doubt in the back of my head ,it's hard to let anyone in when you've been hurt like that 
Cain; Can i say something??[ she nods ].....i just want you to know that i care about you ,more than i can say..,i see strength in you and  it's beautiful
Maya; [slightly blushing, well at least my brother can make her blush] i appreciate that Cain 
Cain;[leaning closer to her vulnerability in his eyes] i've always had a soft spot for you but i didn't want you to see that,[ maya and i chuckled as we looked at each other] Maya i want to be tere for you,whatever that looks like
Maya;[ her facial softens and sorrows] i've always cared about yet i've been here for a month or so ,but right now with everything i've been through ,i can't like i really can't allow myself to trust like that
Cain; [his face falls ,and his light eyes dimmed] Oh! i understand 
Maya; [tears welling up] it's not about you ok.., you're different and i see that, the kiss we shared that day meant a lot to me , you mean a lot, but i need time, i need time to heal before i can let anyone in ...[she chuckles] maybe i'll be into girls who knows [then she looked at me eowh]
me; don't look at me mothafucker ....[ we laughed a little]
Cain; [voice breaking slightly , i've never seen my brother this vulnerable] i wish things didn't go this way
me & maya; same goes for me [we then chuckled today was chuckling day i tell you]
Maya; i'm sorry Cain i never wanted to hurt you , lus you got that psychotic doochbag of your girlfriend 
Cain; i don't even love her, it's you that i want i do care about her but i don't love her ....i understand you and i hope you find happiness
Maya; you deserve it too Cain
Cain; happiness is you Maya i felt different ever since you stepped into my life , i might have not admitted it lately but today i do 
Maya; you don' t desrve this try love Mia for once , find happiness in her
Cain; [forcing a small smile] i will....just ..take care of yourself 
Maya; [nodding with tears in her eyes] you too 
Cain; [he nodded and kissed my forehead and kissed Maya's forehead] i have a meeting in an hour i have to go[ without waitng for my response he left]
me; the effect you have on my brother is too much , i haven't seen him this vulnerable ever since mom and dad passed away
Maya; he has it on me too 
me; oh shut up ,you indirectly rejected my brother infront of me 
Maya; i do like him but i need time to find myself
me; i understand and let's go shopping tomorrow right now it's movie time so let's not let the tense mood to not allow it to happen and do not dare say no
Maya; breath !! ohk[ we left to watch  a movie ]

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