Part 6

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Cain's POV
Maya has been stressing me out mann.....but after i saw her today at the hospital i got liberated from all my worries.She looked kinda pale and a little thin than last time i saw her after that fool Piet decided to shoot her , i was shit scared because if she died i would have put the blame on me and as for Piet i could have cut his balls off and fed them to his wife. I left Maya and Caily at the hospital as guilt was murduring my insides .So she called me as i heard sniffing in the background so i drove there like a maniac and went straight to Maya's ward.The sight i saw her in didn't please me at all she was crying... mucus mixed with tears all over her face my heart ached to the sight i don't know why.So i walked in and Caily ran to me and hugged me crying .What the fuck is going on.I just rubbed her back till she calmed down.
Caily; Maya needs a place to stay till she can figure something out , so i was wondering if she can stay with us ...... 
Me; what's wrong with her place[ i didn't want to show her that i care so i had to be rude like always]
Caily; her mom disowened her for what reason i can't tell you
Me; oh ohk.... i don't mind as long as she does'nt harrass my personal property or space
Caily; geez!!!! can't you be nice for once
Me; Don't FUCKEN shout at me Caily[ i said my voice a little louder than i intended making Maya and Caily  flinch ]      um sorry i didn't mean to scare you too
Caily; it's fine can we go [we left the hospital premises the mood was so thick that it could be cut out with a knife,i kept stealing glances at Maya through the mirror and tears were streaming down her face as she was staring at the mirror, we reached home and she went straight to the guest room she slept in last time]
Me; bby what happened??
Caily; her mom disowened her after she told her that her dad has been abusing her physically ,sexually and emotionally can you believe it and she believed her husband over her daughter Cain can you believe it, if she wasn't old enough i would have slapped her to bring back her memory[she said crying or maybe she didn't realise she was cryingso i wiped her tears and cuddled her what she said about Maya was heart wrenching ,the scar i once saw in her bellyy says it all i had to cuddle her till she fell asleep]

i woke up feeling drained and hungry checked the time on my watch and it was 2'30am in the morning i went to the bathroom to pee and then i left for the kitchen where i heard moans and i tiptoed closer and got it side and saw Cain and Mia in a disgusting position,]
me; Eowh......get  a room you guys that's disgusting ....and in the kitchen eowh
Cain; hy this is my house so i get to fuck wherever i want even in ur bedroom, car ...........
me; ok!OK! i heard u it's disgusting get a room
Mia; bbe what's she doing here
Cain; ooh i forgot to tell yah she'll be spending a month or so till she figures something out
Mia; why not her place ....what's wrong with her place Cain
Cain; like i said Mia it's nun big to worry about no need to be scared ohk
Mia; listen here bit** Cain is my man and if i see you getting all cozy with him i'll kill you
Me; ugh seriously?? i don have time for an insecure girlfriend it's not my problem he's all sexy and can't keep his di** in his pants so go find someone else ma'm i don't have time for this[i said that as i walked past her to the fridge to get some frozen pie ]
Mia; listen here girl !! my man can keep his dick in between his legs other than you , you look like someone who would stop it nothing to get a di** i bet you sleep with your father[ohk!! that hit home, did Cain tell her my secret , he betrayed me ]
Me; [ turning my gaze to Cain] How could you.........[tears streamed down  my face i felt betrayed 
Cin; Maya trust me i didn't tell her a thing i swear...[i just ran upstairs to my room and i heard him shout out to me but i ran and i heard him curse out loudly banging the table but didn't care i  ran into my room and shut the door , and crie d my lungs out  i started having difficulty in breathing  , i looked for my inhaler but i couldn't find it ,i fell down crying and not able to breath i felt my world getting darker and darker till i saw nothing]

Cain's POV 
Shit!! What have i gotten myself into😩 after Maya left running to her room i cursed loudly  and i unintentionally slapped Mia across her face and blood oozed from her nose ]
Me; what the fuck was that Mia??
Mia;[stuttering] bb bbe i didn't know it wa true um sorry
Me; sorry?? you sorry??? do you know what that lil girl is going through because of you and your big mouth you reminded her of her pain 
Mia; Don't shout at me ok!!! Did i know what she is going through huh??? you just told me she'll be staying here not the reason why....then you blame me for that bitch's breakdown do i look like i give a fuck huh??then you slap me for what reasons Cain?? did i do it intentionally??[fuck she is crying , last time she cried was when her mom died in a car crash i promised to never make her cry so i moved closer and tried to touch her but she flinched...FUCK !! what did i do ]
Mia; you never raised your hand on me and now you did just because of a high school bitch....
Caily; did you just call my bestie a
me; go to your room Caily[ i wonder what she was doing here i roared startling her and Mia..Caily ran to her room and Mia took a tissue from her bag and wiped of the blood]
me; babe.....[she kept quiet ] babe um sorry for hitting you i just...
Mia; That's the problem about you Cain.... whenever a new girl shows up you start treating me like trash that's what you always do , you cheated and i forgave you ,but raising a hand on me.....nah....what else are you gonna do huh?? land me in a hospital bed???first it was Lonah then Trisha and Martha or whatever her name is now it's Maya...i can't do this i need a break nd you will give it to me 
me; are you breaking up with me??
Mia; no um saying i need a break away from you you won't be seeing me till you realise what you want Cain um sick and tired of this..... you always take advantage of the love i have for you that's why you do shit... so i need a break ...
me; babe um sorry... 
Mia; it's fine i forgive you but i need a break so byee[ with that said she took her bag and left me calling her name but she didn't look back,Ohk i have been a bitch but i care about Mia and i like her , she's wild in bed ,sexy ,funny and cute, i can't lose her i hearded to my kitchen bar poured whiskey and drowned it all then i remembered Maya , i had to apologise but then Caily screamed my name running downstairs ]
me; what is it Caily [shit she was crying ...what do i do now ]
Caily; Mma...Maya fainted Cain... [fuck!! i ran upstairs picked her up and put her on bed then sprinkled water on her face but she didn't budge so i picked her up bridal style and took her downstairs and called our family doctor ,Mr Charles , who came after full 40 minutes ]
Mr Charles ; what happened to her ??
Caily; i found her on the floor 
Mr Charles; ohk[ he then did his things as i pased up and down hoping she would be fine]
Mr Charles; looks like she had an asthma attack we need to rush her to the hospital before it's too late she's still breathing and her heart beat and pulse are weak 
me; SHIT!! ok man ....Caily go get the car keys ...Charles we'll meet you there[with that said we drove off to the private hospital]

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