Chapter Six

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My breath caught in my throat as I stopped in my tracks, speechless and unable to move.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Glen asked.
I couldn't answer. I simply stared back at Lily's shocked face. She tapped Caleb on the hand, trying to get his attention.
"What is it, baby?" he asked.
"Um, it's um," she stuttered.
"Don't be nervous." He laughed and leaned in to kiss her. To kiss her.
"Y/N?" Glen asked again, before following my gaze to see Caleb sitting with Lily.
The hostess looked confused. "Do you still want this table?" she asked.
"No, thank you," Glen replied.
"Do you want a different one or...?" she asked.
But he ignored her, already striding towards the table where Caleb and Lily were sitting, taking my hand in his. Lily was urgently trying to get Caleb's attention, until he finally turned and realized what he had done.
"Y/N," he said, suddenly, standing. "What are you doing here?"
"What the hell are you doing here, Caleb?" I spat.
Caleb looked at Glen. "I can't believe you're here with him."
I scoffed in disbelief. "I can't believe you cheated on me with her," I said, looking distastefully at Lily. "Again."
He took a step towards me and grabbed my arm. I tried to shake out of his grip, but I couldn't.
"What the fuck are you doing here with him?" he asked.
"Get your hands off me," I said, my voice raising.
When he didn't budge, Glen stepped in. He grasped Caleb's arm and pulled him off of me.
"She asked you to get your hands off," he said, his voice calm.
Caleb pulled his arm out of Glen's grip. "Who the hell do you think you are?" he said angrily, shoving Glen.
Glen scoffed. "You're a jackass."
"What'd you call me?"
"You should be lucky to have a girl like Y/N, but instead you treat her like shit."
"Who the fuck do you think are?" Caleb said, shoving Glen.
Glen put his hands up in surrender. "Look, I don't want to fight you."
"Yeah 'course you don't," Caleb said. "Coward."
Caleb swung at his face, but Glen blocked his punch. Everyone in the restaurant turned and gasped.
A manager came out and tried to break up the fight, begging them to take it outside of her restaurant.
"Fine," Caleb said. "Meet me in parking lot."
Glen chuckled dryly. "Hell, no."
"Fine," Caleb said. "You know you'd lose."
He tossed a credit card to Lily, her jaw dropped, and walked out.
"Come on, Y/N" Glen said, putting his arm around my waist. "Let's get out here."
"Wait," I said. "I need to do something first."
He removed his hand from my waist and gave a confused look.
I walked over to Lily. "If you love him so much, you should be the one to marry him," I said rudely, taking off my ring and tossing it to her. "Don't cry to me when he cheats."
She looked at me, shocked. Her gaze was still on me as I walked back towards Glen. He put his arm back around my waist. He bent his head to my ear.
"That's my girl," he whispered.
We stepped outside and I heard Caleb's tires screech as he sped out of the lot.
Before Glen opened my door, I asked him, "Can we stay outside for a few minutes?"
"Of course," he replied. He gave me his hand to help me up onto the hood of his car.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" he asked softly.
Upon hearing these words, I began to cry.
"Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry," he said, putting a comforting arm around my shoulders.
I rested my head on his shoulder and stared blankly ahead. Strangely, even though this had upset me, I felt a level of peace. This break-up had been a long time coming and I was glad we could both finally see other people. When I thought of this, one specific person came to mind.
"Glen," I said, picking my head up. "I think I'm ready to go."
He looked at me and brushed a tear of my face before nodding and helping me off the car.
When we sat down, he started the ignition and backed out. This time, when my stomach did a little flip as he put his arm on the back of my seat, I didn't ignore it. I felt at peace with him, something I never truly felt with Caleb.
"Should I drop you home?" he asked.
I sighed in remembrance. "I don't really want to go back to my apartment," I said. "Too many reminders of Caleb."
"That's fine," he replied. "Should I take you to Kendall's or...?"
"I think Kendall's spending the night with her boyfriend," I said, biting back a small smile.
Glen bit his lip, trying not to laugh. "Well, do you have anyone else to stay with?"
"Maybe," I replied, no longer able to hide my grin. "But he's yet to offer."
Glen pulled over, both of us now laughing. "Y/N," he said, looking me dead in the eye. "Would you like to stay the night at my place?"
"Yes, Glen," I managed through happy laughs. "I would love that."
He smiled and leaned in towards my face. I leaned towards him. I gasped softly and he leaned further in. As his warm lips touched mine, it seemed as if there was no one else in the world.
He backed away. "Is this okay?" he whispered.
"Better than okay," I responded.
He smiled and turned onto the road.

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