The Fight That Started it All

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Reader info- for this arc all characters are orginal characters.

New Gen arc

Cedoc holds his staff walking with his brother: this is going to be fine, just fine. *looks at his brother* right? I mean beating someone in the initiation can't be that hard if everyone who's done it has passed

Algamite: don't underestimate

Cedoc jumps up and down trying to syc himself up: I got this
Cedoc: who am up against again?

Alga: I heard it's Xerxes

Cedoc: I'm up against a reaper decedent! *whispers after noticing the gaurds looking at him: isn't she 23?

Alga: 20
Alga says reading a info chart

Cedoc: I just have to win one round them I'm a official a royal, I can win one at least

Alga sighs: I hope so but be aware of the defensive actions she can have

Cedoc: I knew I should've watched the past fighters battles, I was just so busy

Alga: it'll be alright

Cedoc stands in front of him: If I don't come back I just want you to know. I always knew you were dad's favorite

Alga blinks: um, ok

The announcer calls from over the mic: Ladies and gentlemen, the youngest Son of Axel and Freya
There's cheers from many

Alga nudges his brother: go

Cedoc walks into the arena and waves at the people while wearing a smile

Announcer: this heir will be going against the Mighty Ms Xerxes, this young reaper is here to get her black robe.

Xerxes comes out and her cape flips behind her as she bowes whilst walking
A rapier at her him

Cedoc/mind: can't I wait til next year?

Announcer 1: competitor give each other a friendly greeting, remember there's always a loser in the arena

Xerxes looks at cedoc and gives a genuine nod

Cedoc gives her one in return

Announcer 1: ready, set, fight!

Cedoc gets sent up in the air as the ground rises under him and pieces of the earth tear from the rising earth and shoot at her

She pulls the gentle sword out and deflects the blows and sends ond of them back crumbling the earth under Cedoc

Cedoc steps on the crumbling steps while using sharpen rocks to shoot at her

She destroys them quickly then turns kicking off a boulder and thrusting up at him

Cedoc swats a little and summons iron chains around the boulder while turning it around and throwing it back to her

Again the boulder is destroyed
She ducks under her cape and disappears
The crowd erupts as people wait or look around

Cedoc also looks around while summoning more chains connected to smaller rocks
Like a flail in each hand

Xerxes whispers: ello handsome

Cedoc jumps and let's the earth pull him while he swings. He hopes going up some might avoid any attack while also letting him throw another swing on his way up

A metal object connects with his back before he can move and it doesn't hurt
But it shoots him down to the ground floor

Cedoc tries moving his hand/mind: what?

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