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Clickx spams through code and seems to work with a purpose

Yang: you think it was a creator?

Clickx: a fragment of one
Clickx: when new comers started to form they would go through phases
Clickx: if failed they would be exterminated to not cause the world chaos
Clickx: if there are multiple then that could be the problem thats got Tell riled up
Clickx: these things need to be killed, doesn't matter if their innocent

Yang: why would it make itself look like Tell

Clickx: they are very undeveloped and don't know what they are
Clickx: if someone like Kama finds them then it could spell disaster

Yang: she might try to recruit it, what if that's what they're doing? Maybe that's the true reason they're collecting soul fragments

Clickx freezes: what do these fragments look like

Yang: depends on the who the soul owner used to be, they can be plain white or other colors

Clickx summons his axe and disappears
Clickx appears infront of Kama and grabs her with blue magic
Clickx: where are the fragments

Kama: Yang stole the only one we had

Clickx slams her into the wall: lieing isn't your strong suit
Clicks turns and let's go of Kama when Magma slams down next to him and defects his weapon punching Clickx backwards
Clickx slides to a stop: you don't know what those are

Kama: like I told Asset, these souls will save people

Clickx: they are creator imalgamations!
Clickxs aura grows: give them to me

Kama says softly: creator imalagamations...?

Clickxs axe glows red as does his eyes

Kama blinks processing it: that gives us even more reason to collect them

Clickx kicks off the ground and dodges a few of Magma's swings before knocking him aside then looks at Kama
Clickx: give then to

Kama: I don't have them.

Clickx snaps to Magma
He melts into the floor

Kama: nether does he

Clickx turns and stabs Kama with the back end of the axe and pins her to the wall

Kama tries pulling out the ax: we gave them to someone who promised they'd-
The au starts to go dark
Any positivity seems to be sucked out of the au

Clickx seems unfazed
Clickx: who

Tentacles appear from random places and trashing the place.
Kama: the gaurdian came back, the one that was trying to bring back corrupted Nightmare

Clickx: who Kama

Kama: the one that Blood was related too

Clickx snaps around at something

The tentacles grab kama then try staying her
The tentacles try grabbing Clickx

Clickx force teleports her away
They can't
They burn when they get close

The tentacles turn from black to red and try grabbing him again. From under him and the walls

No affect
Clickx: black?

They turn blue and try again. The hate from the tentacles turn into spikes and shoot for Clickx
Separate from the tentacles

He teleports to the source

It takes him to a hate covered soul fragment with tentacles all around it protecting it

A blaster 3 times the size of a normal one appears and blasts at it

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