Chapter 3-Matthew

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The buzzer of the third quarter blares showing we are in tight spot as we transition to the fourth quarter. I still get flashbacks when that buzzer goes off; of my senior year, the love of my life helping win the game. I still smell her intoxicating scent of sunflower and vanilla, only occasionally anymore. Every brunette with straight hair down to the shoulders makes me think of the coach's daughter , Shani.

While I'm lost in my head still trying to figure out how I lost her, "Boy what are you doing? You're supposed to be helping me boy." Shani's dad comes up behind me yelling at me. Joking in the air but hating that tonight of all nights is the worst of them all for him. Since Shani left for college I moved back home to help him and even more since my ex ditched town with my kid.

When I first started it was with helping with practice and then games then graduated once that bitch left with weekly dinners and house maintenance to me living in the house making sure he is ok.  He sees me as his son but I'm also the only boy that he ever accepted and I think the only one he ever will.

"Sir, I'm just thinking." I say proudly but now trying to muster a plan in place. "What if we have the boys run Goldilocks and Slammer on repeat.

"Boy we are coaches not Santa giving out a miracle but I like the idea and initiative. So what we are gonna do instead is throw 69 in instead of Slammer." Coach tells the quarterback, Will, the plan and he nods while listening to coach and visibly digesting the information while in a high stress situation. He runs back out and tells the rest of the team on the field the plan and the last quarter starts.

After the 15 minutes on the board  on the board are done, after closer to 30 minutes, the buzzer goes off again.  Only this time for the last time tonight and the stands and field erupts into cheers. Williams girlfriend or my little sister, Theresa, runs out onto the field only to be stopped in shock. At first I was confused because I thought she was going to follow in my footsteps until we watch a cheerleader, Sasha run onto the field and kiss Will on the same spot where me and Shani shared our only kiss all those years ago.

I try to run after Teresa but I'm stopped by a very confused William. "I'm not with Sasha I swear," he says while patting between words. I shoot him a look of "we will talk about this later."  I wanna give that boy a piece of my mind, but we have bigger fish to fry and she is very upset at the moment.

We both finally take off running after her but she's already pulling out of the parking lot. I run to my '67 Chevy red truck and try to get it started but it sputters. Once she finally decided to start I back up and shift it into drive and go as fast as I can after her.  That's when I finally see the aftermath of an accident.  At first I thought nothing of it, at least until I saw the truck.  Theresa's truck.

Her truck was only smashed in on the side thankfully but the other car was flipped over with someone halfway through the windshield. In all the chaos of the scene, I see a female moving swiftly and quickly to help control the scene. She was pulling the guy from the car and making sure he is stable before running towards my sister. As I start to run towards them, Derrick is already with them.  They quickly pull her out of her truck and onto the ground.  She looked stable until the mysterious familiar woman started doing compressions on her while Derrick grabbed the stretcher. As I started to run over, I saw that there was nothing I could do.

I stood back and watched the super fit young 20 something try and save my sisters life. She only ever stopped to help get her onto the stretcher and then continued again as they were pushed into the ambulance.  I'm finally brought out of my thoughts by the sound of Theresa's phone ringing over and over gain with that annoying chipmunk laugh.  Ironically her phone was right next to my foot, and Wills name and face was lighting up the screen and I swipe it to answer the phone.

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