Chapter 2

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When we arrived at the entrance of the company we all got off the van and said thank you to the driver 

We all entered JYP company with our manager and headed to the practice room. Once we were there we put our backpacks and bags in the corner and started practicing for our new song. This is the time Yeji unnie is really scary because when ever we don't get a move right she always scold us and it's really scary but for some reason they keep saying I'm way scarier when we are at our base it's like I go all 'demon mode' then.

Anyways after what felt like eternity we finally had a break and we were all breathing heavily. 

"My legs and everything hurt" Yuna unnie said while falling dramatically on the floor. 

"I need waterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Lia unnie said while laying right beside her. 

"Who would like to be a generous person and get us a drink" Yeji unnie said looking at me while blinking innocently and smiling at me.

"Fineeeeeeeeee" I said while rolling my eyes. 

She started jumping up and down happily "Thank you Y/n that why you are my favorite" 

"I think we have heard that a lot of times unnie" I said while eying her suspiciously. 

"Now shoo and go get us our drink" she said while shooing me out the room. 

"Now I have to walk all the way to the other floor to get them water" I sighed dramatically. 

At least I can take a little walk around the company.

I thought as I walked to the elevator and pressed the bouton of the elevator and waited for it. Once it arrived I pressed the floor I was going to and waited for the door to close. 

 Time to embarked on my journey to get my unnies there drinks.

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