A Day off

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Chapter Eight: A Day Off

Emma's POV

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I stretched lazily, savoring the quiet moment before the day began. Living in Tristan's house had been an adjustment, but I was determined to make the most of it. Today, however, was going to be different. Eleanor's friends were coming to pick her up for a beach outing, and Tristan had decided to take the day off.

I slipped out of bed and showered quickly, eager to start the day. As I dressed, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of my mind. My period was due any day now, and I needed to make a trip to the store for supplies. I made a mental note to do that as soon as I could.

Downstairs, I found Eleanor in high spirits, chatting excitedly about her plans for the day. Her friends were due to arrive soon, and she couldn't wait to spend the day at the beach.

"Good morning, Emma!" she greeted me with a bright smile. "Are you ready for a day of relaxation?"

I smiled back, her enthusiasm infectious. "Good morning, Eleanor. I'm looking forward to it. Do you need any help getting ready?"

"Oh no, dear. My friends will be here soon, and they're taking care of everything. You should take the day to rest."

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. A day off sounded wonderful, but I couldn't help but feel a little anxious about bumping into Tristan. Things between us had been tense, and I wasn't sure how to navigate our interactions.

Just as I finished setting up breakfast, Tristan walked into the kitchen. He looked more relaxed than usual, dressed in casual clothes instead of his usual suit.

"Good morning," he said, his voice softer than usual.

"Good morning, Mr. Baker," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

Eleanor beamed at him. "Tristan, darling, it's so good to see you taking a day off. You work too hard."

He smiled, a rare sight that made my heart skip a beat. "I figured it was time for a break. Plus, I wanted to make sure everything was okay with you while you're out."

Eleanor waved a hand dismissively. "I'll be fine. Emma here is more than capable of taking care of things."

Tristan's eyes flicked to me, and I felt a jolt of electricity at the intensity of his gaze. "I'm sure she is."

The doorbell rang, breaking the moment. Eleanor's friends had arrived, and the house was soon filled with laughter and chatter. I helped Eleanor gather her things, and before long, she was out the door, waving goodbye with a promise to be back by evening.

With the house suddenly quiet, I turned to Tristan, who was still lingering in the kitchen. "I guess it's just us today," I said, trying to break the awkward silence.

He nodded, his expression unreadable. "Looks like it."

An awkward pause hung in the air. I cleared my throat, desperate to fill the silence. "I need to run to the store for a few things. Do you need anything?"

He shook his head. "No, but thanks for asking."

I nodded and grabbed my bag, eager for a bit of normalcy. The nearest convenience store wasn't far, and I enjoyed the short walk. The fresh air helped clear my mind, and I found myself thinking about Tristan. He was such a puzzle, and I couldn't figure him out.

At the store, I picked up some essentials, including a pack of tampons. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, even though it was a natural thing. I paid quickly and headed back to the house, my thoughts a whirlwind of emotions.

As I walked up the driveway, I was lost in my thoughts and didn't notice Tristan coming out of the house. We collided, and my bag slipped from my shoulder, spilling its contents onto the ground. My face burned with embarrassment as I knelt to gather my things, but before I could, Tristan bent down and picked up the pack of tampons.

He handed them to me without a word, his expression unreadable. My cheeks were on fire as I stuffed them back into my bag. "Thank you," I mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

"You're welcome," he replied, his voice surprisingly gentle. "You don't have to run errands, you know. If you need something, just let me know, and I'll have someone get it for you."

I nodded, still feeling mortified. "I didn't want to be a bother."

"You're not a bother," he said, his tone softer than usual. "But you don't need to do everything yourself."

I nodded again, unable to find my voice. I hurried inside, my heart pounding with a mix of embarrassment and confusion. Why did he have to be so unpredictable?

Back in the house, I tried to shake off the awkward encounter and focused on my duties. I spent the day tidying up and making sure everything was in order for Eleanor's return. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Tristan had looked at me, the way his touch had sent shivers down my spine. There was something between us, something neither of us wanted to acknowledge.

As evening approached, I decided to call my parents. I missed them, and I needed to hear their voices. I dialed the number and waited, my heart racing.

"Hello?" my mom answered, her voice filled with warmth.

"Hi, Mom," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Emma! How are you, sweetheart?" she asked, her concern evident.

"I'm doing okay," I replied. "I just wanted to check in and see how things are at home."

"We're managing," she said. "But we miss you. How are things at the Baker house?"

I hesitated, not wanting to worry her. "It's... interesting. Eleanor is wonderful, but Tristan... he's complicated."

"Complicated how?" my mom pressed.

I sighed, trying to find the right words. "He's difficult .One minute he's kind, and the next he's rude It's confusing."

My mom's voice softened. "Just be careful, Emma. I know you're doing this for us, but don't lose yourself in the process."

"I won't, Mom," I promised. "I miss you all so much. I'll visit soon, I promise."

"We miss you too," she said. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

"I will," I said, feeling a pang of homesickness. "I love you."

"We love you too," she replied.

I hung up the phone, feeling a mix of emotions. Talking to my parents had helped, but it also made me realize how much I missed them. I promised myself that I would visit soon, no matter what.

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