Hospital Visit

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As the afternoon sun began to cast long shadows across the hospital room, Soohyun, Jiwon, and Namjoon remained by Taehyung's bedside. They spoke in hushed tones, occasionally pausing to adjust Taehyung's blanket or gently wipe his forehead with a damp cloth. 

In the quiet of the room, Namjoon's voice broke the stillness. "Mom, Dad, the doctor said they'd be here soon to check on tae, but we're not sure exactly when."

Jiwon and Soohyun exchanged nods, their expressions filled with understanding. "We'll wait patiently and ask about tae when they arrive," Jiwon reassured, her hand reaching out to gently caress her son's hair.

Observing Taehyung's serene demeanor, Jiwon couldn't help but comment softly, "He seems remarkably calm, doesn't he?"

Soohyun nodded in agreement, his gaze resting on his son. "Yes, he does. It's as if a sense of peace has settled over him."

Together, they awaited the doctor's arrival, eager for updates on their son's health status.


As the afternoon stretched on, Jieun and Jongsuk left their home to visit Taehyung's family. The soft glow of the ambient light enveloped their surroundings as they settled into their vehicle. Jongsuk started the engine, and they found themselves lost in contemplation about the events of the previous night.

After a while, they reached the hospital, where Jongsuk parked the car at the entrance. Turning to Jieun, he said, "You go ahead. I'll go get Seonnie from jiyeon's place and come as soon as possible." Jieun nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "Very well. I'll go in first, and you go get Seonnie quickly."

Confirming her request, Jongsuk nodded, "Yes, you go ahead. I'll follow shortly." With a graceful poise, Jieun stepped out of the vehicle, the fading afternoon light accentuating her features. As she closed the car door behind her, Jongsuk drove away to fetch Seonnie.

With a sense of purpose, Jieun entered the hospital, the heavy doors sealing shut behind her. She started walking down the hospital corridor, her steps determined as she made her way further inside.


The afternoon sunlight gently filtered into the hospital room, casting a warm glow on the faces of Namjoon's family gathered around Taehyung's bed. 

Taehyung had also woken up, and now he was just resting, with his family members sitting beside him, ready to attend to him if he needed anything, to offer him with whatever he wanted, and they were speaking to him softly, taking care of him. Soft murmurs filled the room occasionally.

Namjoon, seated beside his bed, was engrossed in his phone, his brows furrowed with worry. Sensing his parents curious gazes upon him, he looked up, meeting their expectant eyes.

"Who saved tae, dear?" Jiwon asked, her voice soft and questioning.

Taehyung also speaks up, saying, "Yes, hyung, who saved me?" He too asks with curiosity.

A momentary pause hung in the air before Namjoon's eyes widened with realization. "Oh, I forgot to tell you," he exclaimed. "It was a couple who saved his life and brought him here on time."

Relief washed over his parents faces as they listened intently to Namjoon's words. Soohyun, leaned forward, eager to hear more. "That's very good news. Do you know who they are?"

Namjoon nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yes, they said they would come to meet him. Maybe they can come today. You can meet them then."

Then Taehyung says, "Yes, I also want to meet them and thank them. It's because of them that I am alive today."

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