Ch 11- The Fateful Encounter

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Hadrian's heart still raced as he made his way back toward the marketplace in Diagon Alley. His body ached from the encounter in Knockturn Alley, and his mind was a whirl of fear and confusion. Every shadow seemed to hide another threat, every whisper of the wind a potential attacker. He wrapped his arms around himself, trying to stave off the trembling. As he turned a corner, lost in his thoughts, he collided with someone solid.

He stumbled back, and a strong hand caught his arm, steadying him. "Whoa there kid, easy," came a deep voice, filled with concern. Hadrian looked up, his vision blurred by the sudden jolt.Standing before him was a tall man with long, dark hair and piercing grey eyes. The man's face was etched with worry as he took in Hadrian's bruised and battered appearance. His clothes were torn, his face smeared with dirt and blood. The harsh lines of street life were evident in his young features, the shadows under his eyes telling a story of hardship and survival. 

Wait a minute, Sirius knew that face, he knew those eyes, memories flashed in his mind, memories from years ago, wait, wait, wait! His eyes flew open. 

"Merlin's beard, Hadrian?" he whispered, shock evident in his voice.

Hadrian blinked, trying to clear his vision. Recognition dawned slowly, but surely. "Padfoot?" he croaked, his voice trembling. Tears welled up in his eyes as the familiar nickname brought back a flood of memories. "Sirius?"

Sirius Black's eyes softened, and he pulled Hadrian into a tight embrace. The contrast between his pristine robes and Hadrian's ragged appearance was stark. "Yes, Hadrian, it's me," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "What happened to you, pup?"

Hadrian clung to Sirius, the overwhelming relief and pain finally breaking through his tough exterior. "I... I was attacked," he managed to say between sobs. "In Knockturn Alley. I didn't know where else to go..."

Sirius's grip tightened protectively. "Shh, it's alright. I've got you now. You're safe," he said, his voice firm and reassuring. Without another word, he Apparated them both to Black Manor.The moment they arrived, Sirius led Hadrian inside, his face a mask of determination and concern. "Kreacher!" he called out, and the house-elf appeared instantly, eyes widening at the sight of Hadrian. "Prepare a room and fetch the healing potions."Kreacher bowed low. "Right away, Master Sirius."

Sirius guided Hadrian to a lavishly decorated room, filled with dark wood and rich fabrics. He sat him down gently on the bed and began to clean his wounds with a practiced hand. The silent understanding in Sirius's eyes spoke volumes; he recognized the signs of a hard life, the evidence of neglect and mistreatment.

"You're going to be alright," Sirius kept murmuring, his eyes never leaving Hadrian's. His hands were steady, but there was an underlying fury in his gaze, a silent promise of retribution against those who had harmed his godson.

Hadrian winced as the potions stung, but he held onto Sirius's hand, drawing strength from the connection. The warmth of Sirius's touch was a stark contrast to the coldness of the streets and the brutality of Knockturn Alley. "Thank you, Sirius," he whispered, his voice barely audible.Sirius smiled softly. "There's no need to thank me, Hadrian. You're family."

The room spun slightly as the potions took effect, and Hadrian's exhaustion began to overwhelm him. His eyes grew heavy, and he fought to stay awake. "Sirius, I'm so tired...""Rest now, pup," Sirius said gently, brushing a stray lock of hair from Hadrian's forehead. "You're safe here. We'll talk more when you're feeling better."

Hadrian nodded weakly, his eyes closing despite his efforts to stay awake. The last thing he felt was Sirius's comforting presence, a protective barrier against the darkness that had threatened to consume him. As he slipped into unconsciousness, he knew he was finally safe.Sirius watched as Hadrian's breathing evened out, his face softening with relief and worry. He stayed by Hadrian's side, keeping a vigilant watch over him. No harm would come to Hadrian while he was there. Not again.

In the silence of Black Manor, Sirius Black made a silent vow. Whoever had dared to harm his godson would pay dearly. But for now, all that mattered was that Hadrian was safe and would recover. Tomorrow would bring answers and justice, but tonight was for healing and rest.

Suddenly, Hadrian stirred, a groan escaping his lips. Sirius leaned closer, concern etching deeper lines into his face. "Hadrian, are you alright?"

Hadrian's eyes fluttered open, clouded with pain. "Sirius... I don't feel so good," he murmured, his voice weak.

Sirius's worry intensified. "What's wrong, Hadrian? Tell me."Hadrian clutched his stomach, his face contorting in agony. "My stomach... it hurts," he gasped. Before Sirius could react, Hadrian leaned over the side of the bed and vomited blood.Panic surged through Sirius. "Kreacher! Get more healing potions, now!" he barked. He turned back to Hadrian, his hands trembling slightly as he tried to comfort him. "Hold on, Hadrian. We're going to take care of you."

Hadrian's breaths came in ragged gasps, his eyes wide with fear. "Sirius... I'm scared," he whispered, his voice barely audible.Sirius's heart broke at the sight of his godson in such pain. "I know, pup. But you're strong. You've survived so much already. You'll get through this too," he said, his voice filled with fierce determination and love.

As Kreacher hurried back with the potions, Sirius carefully administered them to Hadrian, praying they would take effect quickly. "Just a little longer, Hadrian. You're going to be okay."Hadrian's eyes began to droop, the potions and exhaustion finally taking their toll. "Sirius... don't leave me," he pleaded weakly.Sirius squeezed Hadrian's hand gently. "I won't, Hadrian. I'm right here. Just rest now. You're safe."

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