9. It's just another day

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"Can we go and find mia, I can't believe that she would agree to this, really. She doesn't like me that much," Carly asked quietly. "We can ask her tomorrow,  she's asleep, and if you wake her up, she's grumpy. Trust me, even I dont like waking her up." Charlotte whispered the last part, Carly giggled slightly before yawning. "Go back to sleep. We can talk to her tomorrow," Charlotte whispered before pulling Carly closer to her. "We can annoy Mia tomorrow," Carly exhaled deeply before cuddling into Char. "Why aren't you upstairs with Mia?" Carly asked quietly. "Because i am staying with you, can't have you alone. Now shhh and actually sleep, " Charlotte whispered while tracing circles on her back and humming softly. "I love you." Carly mumbled before sleep took over her. "I love you too," Charlotte whispered, knowing the young girl couldn't hear her.

They both fell asleep again. After a few hours, the sound of clattering plates came from the kitchen, making Carly jump. "Shh sweet, it's okay," Charlotte mumbles, still half asleep herself, Carly snuggled closer to Charlotte. Mia came in quietly and sat on the couch by Carlys legs, running her nails on them gently. Carly clearly relaxed. "Guys, Reece has made breakfast," mia whispered before moving to kiss Charlotte's forehead. They both stirred awake before smiling at Mia.

Carly sat up and moved away from Charlotte, wrapping her arms around Mia. Mia glanced at Charlotte. She nodded at her as she hugged the young girl back. "Thank you, you are so nice, Mia. People say you are a mean redhead, but I can see straight through you. Deep down, you are a massive teddy bear, " Carly mumbled, Mia pulled away and looked at Carly confused. The young girl giggled. "We were talking about me moving in. I mean, you would never let me before, so you have gone soft, " Carly mumbles, earning a stern look. "Amelia... enough, " Charlotte said in her stern voice while staring at Mia. She rolled her eyes. "Reece has made breakfast," she said to change the subject.

Charlotte stayed sat on the couch as she watched them head towards the kitchen. She let them all go together. The sound of giggling and chatting filled the room. Charlotte finally stood up and took herself off upstairs. She went into the bathroom and locked the door. Charlotte slid herself down the back of the door, sitting on the floor, her head in her hands. "Char." Marjorie called for her, but she just kept quiet. She heard footsteps get closer and closer before there was a knock on the door. "Char, you have been 15 minutes, are you okay?" Marjorie asked softly. Charlotte took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "Yeah, I'm okay,  I will be down in a minute," she muttered back. "Char, let me in, please," Marjorie told her softly. Charlotte shuffled slightly and unlocked the door. Marjorie opened the door, quickly sitting next to her friend. "Char whats wro-" Marjorie started. "Just don't, Marj, i dont want to talk. We need to keep an eye on Carly, " Charlotte muttered as Marjorie wrapped her arms around her.

Charlotte cuddled into Marjorie. "Do you want me to get Mia?" Marjorie asked softly, but Charlotte shook her head. "Marj, I'm fine,  honestly we dont need to stress," she mutters. Marjorie stood up before pulling Charlotte to her feet. "I don't want to go downstairs," Charlotte muttered. "Hey, im just taking you into my room, i don't want to sit on the floor anymore," Marjorie said softly. Charlotte followed her friend into her room. "It's an anniversary today, and it normally doesn't bother me, but I think because I'm exhausted, it's hitting like a brick," Charlotte muttered, Marjorie wrapped her arms around her tightly. "Anniversary of what?" Marjorie asked softly. "The first time he abused me to the point he knocked me out," Charlotte whispered nervously. "Okay, it's okay," Marjorie mumbled, not knowing what  to say, just holding her tightly. "Why dont you try and get to sleep properly?" Marjorie offered, but Charlotte shook her head.

"You are safe with us, and you dont have to worry about him," Marjorie whispered as there was a knock on the door before Mia walked in. She looked at Charlotte and knelt down in front of her. "Baby, what's happened?" Mia asked, but Charlotte shook her head. "Im okay," she whispered. "Anniversary of her ex knocking her out," Marjorie mouthed to Mia before walking out, to give them both space. "Baby, let's take you to have breakfast, Reece cooked it, and we all know how good his cooking is," Mia said, standing up and taking both Charlottes' hands in her own, Charlotte shook her head.

"Char, I get it. It sucks but you can't sit about and mope about the past. Yeah shit happens, but life goes on, " Mia told her sternly, Charlotte's face drops. "Mia, not now, please," Charlotte whispered back, but Mia shook her head. "Yes, now. You keep all the dates stashed in your head so he can still fuck with you. I've scratched the dates from my brain so i don't have to he reminded on the exact day every year" Mia told her. "Mia just go downstairs please" Charlotte muttered as she pulled her hands away from Mia.

"Char you can't shut yourself down, we are here for Carly. Remember!" Mia told her sternly. "Can you please just go mia and send Marjorie back up" Charlotte asked nervously. "Baby yo-" mia started. "Dont call me baby" Charlotte told her coldly. With that Mia got up and walked off downstairs. "Well done Charlotte" she muttered to herself, laying back on the bed, hugging Marjories pillow.

It didn't take long for Marjorie to walk back in. "Oh Charlotte" Marjorie mumbled before sitting with Charlotte. "Mia snapped at me and now I just don't know what to do. The fact she doesn't care of all people... what am I ment to do?" Charlotte mumbled quietly as Marjorie rubbed her back. "She's just trying to keep an eye on Carly, dont worry about her" she told her quietly. "Shall we get you downstairs with everyone. We could sit in the garden, its actually sunny" Charlotte nodded slowly. "Yes please but please dont leave me with just Mia"

They both walked downstairs, Carly meeting Charlotte at the bottom of the stairs, wrapping her arms around her tightly. "Hey you" she smiled. "Char, Reece saved you breakfast" she giggled before dragging her to the kitchen. As she walked in with Carly, she locked eyes with Mia and her face dropped. "Charlotte drop the act!" Mia told Charlotte. She just nodded slowly. "Mia a word please" Marjorie told Mia but Charlotte shook her head and Reece caught on. "You two are definitely not going off for a conversation" Reece piped up looking at them all.

"Right Charlotte we all know that today is a shit day for you but we are here to look after Carly" Mia told her. Charlotte nodded. "Mia, I said I'm fine now drop it! I'm going to eat and sit with Marj in the garden" Carly looked up at her best friend. "Char if you want to have a moment,  I'm okay" Carly whispered, Charlotte wrapped her arms around her. "Honestly Carly I'm okay. Mias just being a mean red head" Charlotte whispered back making Carly giggle. Charlotte gave Mia a dirty look. "Not infront of her" Charlotte mouthed to Mia

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