7. keeping watch

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Marjorie and Reece both stayed awake for the young girls sake. The moment she started stiring, Reece was there gently stroking her arm. The exact same way he used to with Autumn. "Babe, go to sleep," Reece whispered to Marjorie as she was fighting to keep her eyes open. "Promise to wake me in an hour so you can sleep or just at least relax. I know you are on full alert. " Reece nodded slightly. "Love you," he whispered as Marjorie gave in and let sleep take over her body.

While Marjorie slept, Reece watched over both of them. It was then a phone lit up on the bedside table that caught his attention. It was Carlys phone. He glanced at it and checked the messages as they popped up on her lock screen. Shit, shit, shit. He thought to himself. Reece knew he couldn't let Carly see the messages from her parents and so-called bestie.

He knew what he was about to do was wrong, but it had to be done. Reece unlocked Carlys phone and started deleting all the negative messages from her parents. It sent a shiver down his spine as to how they could be so rude to their own daughter. He then went and deleted them from her so-called best friend before sighing. He left the messages from Charlotte, and surprisingly, Mia. Reece smiled as he thought about how much Charlotte cared and how she would have made Mia care as well. Reece put her phone back on the side and kissed the top of Carly's head before pulling the covers around her more.

After a couple of hours, Marjorie stired awake. She looked next to see its just Reece led on his side of the bed. She slowly got up to look for Carly. She found a note saying that she had gone to clear her head. "Reece! Reece! Wake up!" Marjorie shouted. He woke up and ran to find Marjorie. "Babe what's wrong" he asked as he took hold of Marjorie's hands and made her look at him "Carly has gone, but without her phone and that's not like her at all" he looked at her and sighed. "Get in the car, babe. I know exactly where she will be," Reece said calmly. He grabbed his car keys and a blanket of the couch before following Marjorie outside.

After a five minute drive, Reece pulled into a gravelly car park. His lights lit up the clearing, and there stood Carly all alone in the dark. "Babe, I will be back," he mumbled as he turned the car off. "Hey, what are you doing here all alone. I would have joined you, " Reece told her calmly before wrapping the blanket around her shivering body. "I-I just wanted to clear my head, and you and Marjorie could have some time together while I was here. I can't even sleep in my own bed, I'm getting right in between you both. She hasn't even kissed you once, and I know what you are both like normally, " Carly muttered sadly before sitting on the damp grass. "I will walk back later on, promise," she sighed, but Reece pulled her up. "Stop being silly, Carly. You are a nightmare sometimes," Reece said in his joking tone, but she hit his chest and pushed herself away from him. "You aren't my dad! Stop trying to be someone you're not! Leave me alone!" She screamed at him. Reece listened and let her go slowly. She dropped the blanket and just ran.

Marjorie watched and heard everything "Babe its okay," she whispered as she walked away from the car. "Look, just calm down for a moment, and I will go and find her." Marjorie could see Carly in the distance before jogging to catch up with her. "Carly! Come back, it's just me." She shouted. She slowed and waited for her. Tears were streaming down both her cheeks. "I need to go back to my house. I've just broken Reece, " she sobbed. "Our house is always your home," Marjorie mumbled before offering a hug to Carly. She threw herself at Marjorie.

"I wish i wasn't like this. I don't want to push you and Reece away, I just want to be normal and loved, " she muttered, Marjorie kept quiet and let the girl talk. Carly kept talking between sobs. "Carly we need to get you back to the car, I will sit in the back with you and we don't have to talk to Reece" Marjorie whispered as she guided carly back slowly, talking to her. "I love him like a dad. I really do it... It just hurts that you are all putting up with me because I can't stand my ground against my parents. " Carly sighed as she noticed Reece pacing the car park. "I caused this, look at him," Carly muttered before letting go of Marjorie. She ran as fast as possible to get to Reece. The closer she got, the more she could hear sobbing. No way! I've made him cry. Reece never cries. Carly thought to herself. "Reece!" She shouted, making him stop to look at her, and carly flung herself into his arm. "I'm sorry, you are more of a dad to me than anyone else.  I love you. Omg i never meant to hurt you like this." She told him quickly before wiping his tears. Marjorie slowed down to give them some time together. Reece held Carly close to his chest. "I know you are just hurting sweetie,  I know that you don't really mean it," He whispered softly to her.

"Can we just get you home, please? All of us are exhausted, well mainly Marj and she will be grumpy if she doesn't sleep, " Reece told her calmly, Carly giggled."Its like having a toddler sometimes," Reece whispered as Marjorie walked up to them both. "Reece, you can sleep in the spare room tonight, and Carly can sleep with me," she told him before poking out her tongue at him. "What, why?" He asked, confused. "You snore and well boys smell," She tells him as Carly giggles. Marjorie gave him a look as Carly giggled. "Well, that stung a bit!" He said sarcastically before Marjorie moved closer and kissed him, making sure Carly noticed. She smiled at the couple. "Carly definitely isn't herself. Normally, I get an eww for this," Reece joked, earning a look from Carly. "Not bad, not bad, I see my little sister and a mean red head are training you well," He giggled. "I will tell Autumn that your shins are looking pale," she told him sternly. "Marjorie, keep her away from Autumn, please," Reece whispered loud enough for Carly to hear

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