3. night with Charlotte

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The drive to Charlottes house was quiet. "Carly, you know im proud of you, right?" Charlotte asked softly before glancing at the teenager. Carly sighed. "I know, but I've let things get to me, and now im doubting everything and everyone," Carly mumbled. "Well, this is your reminder that I love you like a little sister, and i will always be proud of you." Charlotte told her before taking hold of Carlys hand. "Your work family will keep you safe," Charlotte said softly.

As Charlotte pulled into her driveway, she got out and grabbed a bag from the boot before letting them both inside. "Carly, while you were having your meeting, i went to Tesco and brought your go-to meal deal, but dont panic. it's the same as you and Reece. I know how you do it, but i also grabbed your favourite snacks so we can have a movie night, " Charlotte explained. Carly hugged her tightly. "I was scared about eating here tonight, so thank you, Char," Carly mumbled as Charlotte just hugged her.

"I will even let you pick the movie we watch while we eat," Charlotte said while walking towards the living room with the tesco bag in her hand. Charlotte sat down and patted the space next to her. Carly sat next to her. "Can i swap the sandwiches, please?" Carly asked nervously, Charlotte smiled. "Hey, i know how you and Reece do this, i would never make you change that." Charlotte told her as she put the food on the table.

Carly watched Charlotte as the colour drained from her face. Her whole body froze. "Carly.... carly, hey Carly." Charlotte called her name as Carly zoned out. Charlotte moved and sat on the floor in front of her. "Carly, look at me," Charlotte raised her voice slightly, marking Carly jump. "Sorry Char, I-I didn't mean to," she muttered while looking at Charlotte. "Right talk to me, what happened?" She asked softly, Carly sighed. "I panicked seeing all the food in one place." she muttered. "Oka, okay, shut your eye, and i will put it in the bag and put the bag away and just leave the meal deal,s" Charlotte said calmly. Carly nodded

Charlotte waited for Carlys eyes to be shut before quickly putting everything away and coming back. "Carl, it'ss gon, sweet. Im so sorry.It'ss just the meal deals." Charlotte whispered before pulling Carly into her chest. "Thank you, Char," Carly exhaled before moving and quickly swapping the sandwiches. "You are the best," Carly whispered. "How about later on i run you a bath and i will find something for you to sleep in?" Charlotte offered, Carly nodded. "Why are you so nice, you are so so lovely to everyone," Carly said before leaning on Charlottes shoulder.

The pair sat quietly and ate their meal deals. Carly had relaxed a lot more. "Carly, should i run you that bath?" She asked softly. As they had now, both finished eating. "Ye, please." Charlotte took Carlys hand, taking her upstairs. "Right, i have a pair of shorts or leggings that will fit you in that top drawer, and then you can find a top to sleep in. Mias tops are on the left if you would rather." Charlotte explained before going to run a bath for Carly. She found the leggings before searching for a moment before landing on Mias forest green hoodie. Deep down, Carly wished Mia was nicer to her. She had always wanted to have mia by her side.

Charlotte walked in and noticed that Carly had Mias hoodie. She smiled. "They are comfy to sleep in, trust me," Carly smiled nervously. "They smell nice, not that yours dont, but..." Carly rambled "... Carly, your bath is ready. " Charlotte changed the subject with a soft smile. As Carly left, Mia rang Charlotte.

The couple had a long conversation till Carly came back in now wearing Mias hoodie. Charlotte had changed while Carly was gone and was also wearing Mias hoodie. "Mia, me and carly need to show you something," Charlotte said with a smile, walking over to Carly to show her that they were both wearing her hoodies. "Carly, dont you start as well. Char is bad enough," Mia said in her stern voice, Charlotte noticed Carly fiddling with the sleeves. "Amelia, not the time. Be nice, " Charlotte snapped at mia before putting her arm around Carly. "What i mean by that is Im glad you both find comfort in my clothes, but by the time I'm back, i will have none left. Charlotte takes them enough," She said a lot softer. "Thank you, Mia. I can change though if you want. It's not Chars fault, i promise. Dont be mad at her, " Carly said as she stayed next to Charlotte.

"Carly you can keep that hoodie if it makes you feel safe, save it for the bad days where you just want to hide from the world or the days where you just watch movies" Mia told her calmly, making Charlotte smile softly at her girlfriend through the phone. "Anyway, i need to sleep because i have a flight to catch first thing, and i suggest you do the same. Carly, sleep on the left side of the bed. it's the most comfortable, " Mia told Carly. She giggled slightly. "I thought you were a mean red head. You are really just a nice redhead, " Carly told her before moving to sit on the left side of the bed. Charlotte got into her side and finished her call with Mia.

"Carly, try and sleep okay. I will be right here, so if you need me, please wake me up, " Charlotte told the young girl. "Can i have a hug?" Carly asked quietly, with that Charlotte wrapped her arms around her. The friends didn't take long to fall asleep.

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