6. movie night

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The lair of them held onto each other, but after a while, Carly quickly moved away. "I-I um just need to go in my room." she muttered, Marjorie stood and watched her. "Carly, what's changed?" Marjorie asked softly about to hold Carlys hand, but she walked away quickly. "Do you want me to send Reece in to talk?" She asked, but Carly shook her head. "We could ring Char and annoy a mean red head?" Marjorie asked, but Carly just rolled her eyes. "Just leave me alone, please," Carly told her. "Okay, but I will sit outside the door so you aren't totally alone," Marjorie offered, but Carly ignored her, shutting the door.

"Guys, pizza is here." Reece called out as he made his way upstairs with the pizza box in hand. "Marj, what are you doing?" He asked while watching her sat on the floor. "Carlys not herself again and wanted to be alone, but I said I would stay here so she's not alone," she muttered. "Carly, come here now, please." Reece used his stern voice now, the one Carly couldn't ignore, Carly slowly opened the door and looked at Reece nervously. "Right whatever this here is about now, you either talk to one of us or you snap out of it," he told her sternly, Marjorie watched as the colour drained from her face. "Reece, I just don't feel well, okay! Stop being so mean, I'm trying so hard to be open with you. Please don't make it harder, " She told him, trying to be strong. "Reece enough!" Marjorie told him sternly.

"If you must know when I went home earlier mum shouted at me that I was a burden to you all and no one actually wants me around and im unloveable and now look at this, you have had no time together because of me. Charlotte dropped me here because she's with Mia, and I would hear too much, and now I'm right in between you both!" carly blurted out all in one breath. "Can you both just go and enjoy a little pizza and movie night together?" Carly asked quietly. "Cars, get your sorry ass into our room now!" Reece told her sternly. She put her hands into the pockets and walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Oh, Carly, my love," Marjorie mumbled before sitting down with Carly, wrapping her arms around her tightly. "I will never get fed up of having you in the house," Marjorie whispered before kissing the top of her head.

Reece walked in and sat the other side of Carly. "I love you like a daughter, and I will always be happy to spend time with you, but you need to accept that, okay?" Carly exhaled deeply and lent against Reece. "Can I just go to sleep?" Carly mumbled. "Stay with us for a bit. If you fall asleep, we can move you into your bed," Reece told her, Carly nodded and laid herself on the very edge of the bed. "Fuck sake Carly, get in the middle. You will fall if you try and sleep there" Marjorie told her with a slight giggle. "Marj shes 12 dont swear at her" Reece pipes up as he walks round to his side of the bed, getting in. "Im not 12, I'm 17!" Carly winged making Reece chuckle. "Reece be nice to her, honestly" Marj said before getting in the other side of the bed. It didn't take long for Carly to settle into a deep sleep. Reece looked at Marjorie and she smiled back at him. "Shes safe here" Reece whispered and Marjorie nooded. "Just don't move her yet, just let her settle first please" Marjorie asked quietly and Reece nodded.

After 20 minutes, Reece got up and carefully picked up Carly. She was in such a deep sleep that she didn't even stir. Reece took Carly into the spare room and tucked her into bed. After a couple of minutes, he returned back to Marjorie. "Babe, we still have pizza." he giggles while passing her the box. "God love you, thank you for looking after her so well. She loves you so much, " Marjorie mumbled while eating. "My love, she adores you just as much. She was so scared that she would upset you. The look on her face as she told me how scared she was bless her, " Reece said quietly.

The two shared the pizza before settling down, wrapped in each others arms. "Goodnight," they mumbled at the same time as sleep took over their bodies.

Reece had always been a light sleeper. He was always alert just in case Autumn ever needed him in the night or Roger was on a mission. He was suddenly awoken by the sound of soft sobs. He looked at Marjorie before he moved away from her slowly and went to see Carly. As he opened the door, he could see the young girl still asleep but thrashing around and sobbing. "Please stop... I didn't do it... I can't do this... let me go...." she started screaming in her sleep. "Carly, hey lovely, you are safe, it's just me," he whispered while gently shaking her shoulders. She jumped as she looked up at Reece, breathing heavily, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Carl, can I give you a hug?" he asked, Carly nodded quickly before collapsing into Reeces arm. He ran his fingers up and down her back, tracing patterns. "My head hurts, I feel sick, I can't breathe. Reece!" Carly panicked, Reece quickly took off the hoodie she was wearing and pulled her back into his chest. "Listen to my heartbeat, okay, and try to copy my breathing." Carly tried so hard to calm down, but she couldn't. "R-Reece, I can't..." she sobbed. Reece picked her up carefully. "Come and sit with me and Marjorie," he whispered softly, Carly nodded quickly, really worked up.

"Marjorie, wake up," reece said loudly. Marjorie sat up quietly as she noticed carly. "Aww darling, come and sit with me, my love." Reece sat her on the bed next to Marjorie. "M-marj- Marjorie, i can't b-breathe," she muttered before coughing. Reece went to get Carly a glass of water. Marjorie carefully placed carlys hand on her chest. "You need to concentrate on my heartbeat, okay... you will be okay. " Carly nodded slightly. "You can stay in with us for the rest of the night," Marjorie mumbled just as Reece came back. "Sweet have a drink," Reece told her, handing her the glass. Carly sipped it before handing him back the glass. Finally, Carly settled next to Marjorie. "Im so proud of you," Marjorie whispered before softly humming Abba again. She held Carly in her arms while playing with her hair.

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