4. Get away car

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"Charlotte, before you take me to Marjories, could you take me to pack a bag. No one is home, so you could just wait in the car, and I will be as quick as possible, " carly asked quietly. "Of course I will. We can go now, and i will drop you off afterwards. " Carly smiled as Charlotte agreed and didn't go straight to Marjorie's.

After 20 minutes, Charlotte pulled into Carlys driveway.

"I will be 5 minutes tops," Carly said as she jumped out of the car and ran inside and straight up to her room. Charlotte sat and waited in the car like they agreed. Carly had an hour before anyone was due home, so she wasn't in too much of a rush. Little did anyone know the surprise that was waiting for her downstairs.

It wasn't long before Carly came downstairs with a big bag packed and was about to go out the front door. "Oh, it's nice to see you have come out of hiding." Carly froze on the spot. "Oi I'm talking to you bitch" Her mum spoke before noticing the bag. "You know they don't want you with them. They are your co workers not your bloody babysitters! You are unloveable Carly, when will you learn that!" Her mum yelled at her, by this point Carly walked out and ran to Charlottes car. "Char, drive now" Was all Carly said as her mum appeared in the doorway. Charlotte realised why Carly was in a rush and pulled out before driving away quickly. "Carl-" Charlotte started "no, no dont start. Its fine and she's probably right" Carly told her. "Right about what?" Charlotte took Carlys hand while driving.

Carly shut down the rest of the way to Marjorie's. "Carly, please talk to me or I will ring Mia and you will have to tell her" Charlotte told her friend, knowing this was the only way to get her to talk as mean as she felt, she needed her to open up. "She was home but I don't know why, anyway she was telling me that no one wants to babysit me and that I'm just a co worker" Carly explained half of it sadly to Charlotte as she pulled into Reeces driveway. "Carly you are a wally for believing her, yeah you a coworker but omg you are like a little sister. You could stay every night of the week apart from when Mia is home after being away for weeks. You are to innocent to hear from us and then we would have to have a chat about that. Marjorie and Reece are your work parents, that can be their job" Charlotte said, earning the slightly giggle from Carly. "I'm going to tell Reece that you said he needs to give me the birds and the bees talk" Carly laughed before getting out the car, trying to distract Charlotte from everything.

They both walked in as Reece opened the door. "I'm just going take my bag up and I will be back" Carly muttered before taking herself upstairs, she didnt look at Reece or Marjorie. Charlotte looked at Marjorie before leaning her head on her shoulder. "Her mum shouted at her today. We didnt know she was home" Charlotte whispered. "She's okay I did joke about you guys giving her the birds and the bees talk to try and lighten her mood so just be warned" Charlotte giggled slightly as Reece gave her a look, just as Carly came back and shyly wrapped her arms around Reece. "Hey Carly" he whispered before hugging her back. "You to are like father and daughter" Marjorie mumbled before smiling. "Right I need to go, I will see you all on Monday" Charlotte said quietly, Carly giggled. "Your bed and a mean red head are waiting for you" Carly laughed, feeling really proud of herself. "Right thank you Carly" Charlotte was quick to speak. "By my love" Marjorie smiled while Reece was busy laughing at Carlys comment. "Reece you are such a child" Charlotte said giving him a shove making Carly giggle again.

After Charlotte left, the couple turnt their attention to Carly. "My love, Charlotte told us about your mum. You should of got us to take you because I would have come in with you while Reece waited in the car" carly looked at the floor sadly. "I am already being a big enough burden to you both without adding to it more. I promise I will just stay in the spare room and out the way, you won't know I'm here" She whispered before pulling away from Reece but he held on tighter. "No, no your not. Get your ass on the couch now, we are having pizza and movie night" Marjorie told her but Carly shook her head with tears in her eyes. "I need to go upstairs but will be down in a minute" she whispered before running upstairs.

Marjorie looked at Reece. "Babe I need you to talk to her please. She adores you" Marjorie mumbled before stepping closer to Reece. "With Carly you need to drop ideas and then let her think of the idea and then make everything seem like its her idea, like you do with me when I'm being stubborn" Reece chuckled.

"Look I will order pizzas and then go up and talk with her, if you want to get the living room set up for a movie night we will be down soon" Reece told her softly, kissing the top of her head. "Look we need to remember she hasn't felt love in so long so we need to take it all slow with her because if she gets overwhelmed she will just shut herself away" Marjorie listened to his every word. "I just want to wrap her in a blanket and hold till she feels safe again" Marjorie mumbled, Reece nooded in agreement. "I will go and see her now" He told her before moving to walk upstairs.

Reece reach the spare room and knocked gently. "Carly can I come in" Reece asked softly. "Reece just go and be with Marjorie, like I said I will be down later" She told him sternly. "Carly its just me, I'm going to come in" Reece slowly pushed open the door. "I know just by the tone you don't mean that" he said quietly while walking over to Carly, she was sat with her knees to her chest. He stood by her with his arms open. "Come here you" he whispered, tear pooled up in Carlys eyes before falling into Reece's arms, hiding her head deeply in his chest as she sobbed. Her whole body moved as the sobs rippled through her. "Carly, what has gotten into you, this isn't you. You never cry like this" he whispered, keeping his arms around her tightly. "I dont want to be here anymore" She sobbed. "Okay sweet, it's okay. I'm going to carry you downstairs so we can be with Marj aswell" he whispered but she shook her head. "I feel safer in here, more out the way. I'm not allowed downstairs at my house so I would rather stay up here" Carly muttered. Reece put his hands over her ears. "Marjorie can you come here, now please!" he shouted down to her before turning all his attention back to Carly.

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