Chapter Four: A Day Out

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*From Furina's Point of View*

Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it.
I got out of bed surprisingly early. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal into a regular sized bowl.
You might be asking of course, why am I up so early? Well my dear readers, I am going on an adventure with Lumine!
The Traveller made her offer to me last night after all of our friends left to return to their homes, leaving just me, her and Paimon. At first I was hesitant, and I initially declined, but as she made her promise to protect me, I couldn't help but accept her offer. I wasn't skilled in combat, and I had only gotten my vision relatively recently, but with the help of the Traveller, I felt as though I could do so much.
For some reason, I felt like Paimon was giving me the cold shoulder. Last night, she had assumed I was trying to steal her companion from her. Why would I do that?
Was being with Lumine a negative thing?

As I ate my cereal at my table, I heard rain pour outside. I turned my head, looking out of the window.
I froze. My heart began to race rapidly. Breathing was becoming hard. No, no, it can't be. It's over. It was wrong. You're okay. It's over. You're okay. You're free. The prophecy was wrong. The prophecy was wrong. The prophecy was wrong.
I stopped eating as a regular occurring panic attack took over me. I tried to control my breathing, but to no avail. I shut my eyes tightly.
Just think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts.
Think happy thoughts. It will go away.
She appeared into my mind.
'You're okay', she told me.
She grabbed onto my hands, using her thumbs to stroke my palms.

I found my heart rate begin to slow, and my breathing was now controllable. Tears threatened to escape my eyes.
As I opened them, I found myself back in my kitchen, still sitting at the table.
I couldn't stomach another bite of food, so I dumped my cereal in the nearby bin. It was a waste, but I truly wouldn't be able to stomach it.
I couldn't take this any longer...
All I want just one day where I can be normal. Is that so hard to ask??
I stumbled my way to my bedroom, and took a long look in the mirror.
I took note of my hair.

I used to pride myself with this hairstyle. I thought the rat tails were frankly cute, and they reminded me of 'Mirror-Me'.
I had heard of a tradition that cutting your hair short is a symbol of letting go of your past, allowing yourself to move on.
Maybe I could finally find a way to move on? Or at least, I could try.
I retrieved some scissors from my drawer, and took a deep breath. I looked hard in the mirror as I grabbed one of the rat tails.
Snip. Snip. Snip.
Within a few seconds, those long streaks of hair fell to the floor in a clump.
I moved onto my second rat tail.
Snip. Snip. Snip.
It fell to the floor too.

My head felt noticeably lighter. I was surprised that much hair weighed me down so much. Perhaps it was like a weight being lifted off of me.
I examined my new hair in the mirror.
It... looked good!
Maybe she will like it?

Crap. I hadn't even thought of that. What if she hates it?! I should have asked her! I am such a mess.
Realising there was nothing I could do, I put on some clothes.
I put on a rather basic but cute looking tunic, some shorts that I assumed were denim, some black boots and a brown petticoat. I also grabbed a blue beret. I thought it looked cute okay!

Once I was dressed, I took one more deep breath, freshened myself up and made my way outside.
I was surprised to see Lumine sitting on a bench directly outside. She was busy reading a book, but as soon as I opened the door she immediately looked up at me.
For a moment she just stared at me as I waved. Why was she staring at me? Did I do something? I looked over myself. Perhaps I forgot to do a part of my clothing?
I looked back to Lumine, her eyes glistening. Why was she looking at me like that?!
Was she... gay?

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