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Groaning with a huge pain in my head, I woke up with a jolt and blinked groggily around the room. The disoriented haze cleared just enough for me to realize that I was in my hotel room. Panic surged through me as the truth sank in—I'd missed my flight to Korea. My heart pounded as I reached for my phone, only to find it completely dead. Frustration boiled over, and in a fit of anger, I hurled the phone across the room, watching it smash against the wall.

Yesterday was supposed to be a celebration—our one-year anniversary. My mind raced with the thought of how I had missed it, a milestone I had been looking forward to with so much excitement. The plans, the surprises, the moments I had envisioned sharing with my love... all now overshadowed by this frustrating blunder.

I ran my hands through my hair, feeling the weight of disappointment and guilt. I had wanted everything to be perfect, to make up for all the time apart. And now, instead of celebrating, I was stuck here, struggling to figure out what to do next. I needed to get my act together, find a way to contact the airline, and see if there was any chance of getting on another flight.

I fumbled for my laptop, feeling the cool metal against my frantic fingers as I powered it on. The screen flickered to life, and I immediately began searching for any available flights. As I scoured the schedules and options, frustration mounted with each minute that passed.

Then, a wild, yet tempting thought struck me. I could bypass the traditional routes and use my skills to get where I needed to be. If I couldn't find a legitimate flight, maybe I could make one happen. I chuckled darkly to myself, knowing full well that hacking into the airline's system wasn't exactly the safest or most ethical choice, but the desperation was pushing me to the edge.

I quickly launched into action. My fingers danced over the keyboard, navigating through layers of security and accessing the backend of the airline's booking system. The adrenaline coursing through me sharpened my focus as I bypassed firewalls and encryption with practiced ease.

My mind raced as I manipulated the system, booking a flight that would get me to Korea as quickly as possible. I double-checked the details, making sure everything was in order before hitting the final command. The confirmation screen popped up, and I allowed myself a brief moment of satisfaction.

I shut down my laptop and grabbed my bag, adrenaline still pumping as I raced out of the hotel room. With a new flight secured through unconventional means, I was finally on my way. My thoughts were already with my love, imagining the moment I'd finally get to make up for this lost day.

I sped through the hotel lobby, barely pausing to catch my breath as I made my way outside. The early morning air was sharp against my skin, but I barely noticed. My mind was focused on getting to the airport in time for my newly secured flight. I hailed a cab, my fingers drumming nervously on the seat as we sped through the city streets.

The driver seemed to sense my urgency and pushed the pedal to the metal. I glanced at my watch, anxiety spiking as we hit traffic. Every second felt like an eternity, but finally, we pulled up to the airport. I jumped out, paid the driver, and dashed inside.

Navigating through the bustling terminal, I made a beeline for the check-in counter. The line seemed endless, but I pushed my way to the front, explaining my situation to the harried attendant. She looked at me with a mix of confusion and concern as I showed her the confirmation for my hacked flight.

When the plane finally touched down in Korea, I barely waited for it to come to a complete stop before I was up and moving. I raced through the airport, my heart pounding with excitement and a hint of nervousness. With every step closer to the exit, I imagined the look on my treasure's face.

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