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Mood soundtrack -
06. Who's afraid of little old me? (Taylor Swift)
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum they raised me."

Jay's POV :

After......that happened, I took her up and brought her to my apartment.
I may be an idiot but smart enough to know that she wouldn't want to be alone right now.

We didn't sort out our things yet, but no one's talking about that at this moment.

She still looked lost and stiff, eyes puffy from earlier when I took her in my living room and made her sit on the sofa.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly as I walked into my kitchen, attached to the living room.

"Nothing." I put the chocolate in the microwave. "Just wait a bit."
I poured the melted chocolate in a mug mom gave me that I was saving for a long time.

Her hot chocolate is the best for a post-breakdown.

Mom used to make a mug of hot chocolate after everytime I had any school stress or break downs. It works like magic.

I opened my fridge.

Where is it - where is it..................got'ya.

I took out the marshmallows and added some on the top of the cup.
"Here you go. It may help." I gave her the cup as I went there and sat beside her on the sofa.
Her knees were pressed to her chin, she flinched when she saw me. She took it from my hand and stared down at it.

"Thanks." Her voice were still low.

Clearly, she didn't get out of the shock of what happened earlier. She stayed quiet and shivered even though the air heater is on.

But I didn't push her to tell what was that and who that bastard exactly was.
Despite out current rocky situation, whenever she'll decide to tell me, she's tell me.
As long as she's okay, everything's okay.

I went and wrapped a blanket around her. She took a sip from the cup slowly.

"Good?" I asked.

"Yes, much better." She smiled softly for the first time of tonight.

I let out a breath of relief.
She smiled.
For the next couple of minutes, we sat there in complete silence. Only the room heater and the abrupt rain's water drop on my glass window kept the sound company.

We both stayed quiet, listening to the rain outside.

I understand her. I do.

For me, that was nothing. Saving random women, child from a psyco mugger in a dark alley - almost our daily thing for men. But for her, people like Rose, it's terrifying.
At that high intense situation, people usually get terrified to the point they become fierce to protect themselves just like she did, but after the adrenaline hits away, the terror comes rushing back.
Just like now.

I stayed sat beside her, letting her process her thoughts and calm down.
"He was my ex boyfriend. Ex boyfriend of high school." Rose suddenly spoke up lowly, clearing the comfortable silence. She opened her mouth to say something else, but she winced and closed it.

"I gathered that much." I grimaced. "But he's a bastard anyways." Who the hell treats a woman like that?

She let out a sad laugh, and it went straight to my chest.

"What happened with him?" I softened my voice, leaning closer to her. I dropped my elbow on my knees."I know that I wasn't so much of a trustworthy person with you before, but now - you can trust me. I won't mess up this time."

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