Chapter 13: Beneath the City Lights

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The afternoon sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the ranch. The warmth of the day enveloped everything, with the occasional rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze and the distant hum of insects filling the air. Maya stood by the passenger side of the car, her gaze distant as she watched Dev load the last of her luggage into the trunk.

Once everything was securely packed, Dev walked over to the passenger door and opened it for her. "Ready?" he asked, his voice low and steady.

Maya nodded silently, her face giving away little of the emotions churning inside her. She slid into the seat, feeling the softness of the leather against her skin. Dev closed the door gently behind her before making his way around to the driver's side. As he settled into his seat and started the engine, a comfortable hum filled the car. They pulled away from the ranch, the tires crunching softly against the gravel path.

The road ahead stretched out before them, lined with trees that cast dappled shadows on the ground. Dev glanced over at Maya, noticing the quiet that hung between them like a thick fog. She was staring out of the window, her expression contemplative, lost in her thoughts.

He let the silence linger for a moment longer before finally breaking it. "You're awfully quiet. What was the conversation with Akshay about?" he asked, his tone gentle but curious.

Maya shifted slightly in her seat, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on her knee. She took a deep breath before responding, "It wasn't just that it was bad. It was... over. I ended the relationship with him."

Dev listened intently, his posture relaxed but his eyes revealing a depth of interest, he released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "I'm sorry to hear that," ," he said, though his voice lacked the usual sincerity that came with such words.

Maya arched an eyebrow at him, a small, wry smile playing on her lips. "Are you really?" she asked, her tone had an edge of skepticism that made Dev glance at her.

He met her gaze directly, his expression inscrutable. "No," he admitted after a beat, his voice low and rough. The honesty in his voice made Maya's heart skip a beat, and she looked away, a soft smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

Dev caught the smile, and for a moment, the tension between them melted away, replaced by a shared understanding that neither spoke aloud. He couldn't deny the relief that washed over him, knowing that the relationship between Maya and Akshay was officially over. It was selfish, and he knew it, but he couldn't help the wave of possessiveness that surged within him.

Maya sat quietly, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, anticipation, fear. The next two weeks loomed ahead of her like an uncharted territory. She had no idea what it would be like living with Dev, in his home, away from the familiar comfort of the ranch. She knew she had feelings for him—strong, undeniable feelings—but she had no idea how he felt about her. These two weeks were a chance for her to find out, to explore whatever it was between them. The sexual tension had always been there, simmering beneath the surface, but now that her relationship with Akshay was over, she was free to explore it fully with Dev.

Yet, with freedom came uncertainty. Dev wasn't an easy man to understand. He was complex, guarded, and she suspected that beneath his dominant exterior lay wounds that hadn't fully healed. The thought of delving into that unknown territory both thrilled and terrified her. She wanted to break through his walls, to see the man beneath the surface, but she was afraid of what she might find. Would he let her in, or would he push her away?

Dev's eyes were drawn to her more often than he cared to admit, tracing the graceful curve of her neck and the way her fingers lightly rested on her lap, the subtle scent of her perfume filling the car and mingling with the clean leather, making it harder to focus on the road.

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