Chapter 7: The Green Wall

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Psalm Malik’s POV

When I woke up, I saw Finn and Heaven staring at the digital board, they were also wondering about the additional time. How did it happen that there seems to be an extra twenty-three hours again? Could it be that someone has died among us? But who?

Until Fleur handed out the food she got from the convenience store and I stared at Ruikov. The red haired man had already placed his palm in front of Fleur but only smiled at her then walked past. Until I quickly approached Zephyrus so that Ruikov wouldn't notice. After the man stressed to Fleur that he will be hungry, Blaze is said to have been poisoned by the food. Irhys was having a good time chewing when Ruikov approached him but she moved away. No teammates when we're hungry.

"Ruikov..." Aveliegh said as she split the bread in her hand and immediately handed it to him. "I'm not sure if it's poisonous but it's up to you." She added with a smile and the man accepted the food.

For a while Dezza and Fleur seemed restless while Rodiquent was sleeping, I came a little closer to where they were sitting.

"Where is Caitrin? I haven't been able to see her." The girl Dezza said that I was also wondering and I looked at the more than one day left on the board.


I rolled my eyes and suddenly Acela stood up towards the wall. Another tunnel woke us up and Dezza and Fleur immediately ran towards it. A few more followed then entered immediately but the two of them left behind.

Until Rodiquent woke up and immediately went inside the room.

"I can't bear to see her die," Fleur said sadly when we passed her and Dezza who immediately hugged her. "It’s..." she added but Irhys pulled me away.

When I, Irhys and Zephyrus arrived in the new room, we found the whole room green and with blood splattered on the wall. Another victim seems to have been stabbed. A few moments later, I felt depressed when I saw Rodiquent wailing and tearfully hugging the body of the dead.

My colleague Ruikov caught my attention, he was smiling and happy now that two members of Rodiquent’s team were reduced.

"Sageluí, forgive me." Rodiquent's tearful remorse that surprised me too.

Caitrin Tiu is the female roleplayer SageLuí, one of the Silver Rule rule breakers of Roleplay World. She couldn't escape falling for the male roleplayer. It is forbidden to look for a relationship in that internet world and it is especially forbidden for a woman to make the first move. At that time, it was news on social media that she was attracted to her talking stage partner, who suddenly did not express himself anymore. From then on she became depressed so she turned to other men. She searched and searched until other roleplayers imitated her.

But how did Rodiquent know that she was Sageluí?

“Are you the first man to shoot her heart? The man who ghosted SageLuí did she forget herself and the roleplayers became more toxic?” Question by Dezza who is just a kid. "Brother Rodiquent, it's time for you to tell them that it's you." She added and I looked at the door because Fleur wasn't there yet.

"Kid, didn't you read the rules on the forms? It is forbidden to mention your screen name during the entire game event.” Reminded the man in green and Dezza swallowed.

"Wait, you found out that Yanna is Margaret because of the tattoo on her neck, Blaize confessed to you that she is Wuwo and Caitrin may have also confessed to you that she is the first female roleplayer without morals." Pein analyzed and even smiled at Jaron. "You could be the killer!" She blames and her colleagues Jaron, Heaven, Zaehyanah and Froilan seem convinced.

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