Chapter VIII - The Hunted

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Aboard the Star Destroyer Devastator, Ensign Clegg hammered his fist against his console in frustration. Hours of distorted probe droid footage had yielded nothing but static and sand. His relief was short-lived when a harsh blaring alert replaced the static. "Target Located," the console blared in crimson.

Clegg's heart hammered in his chest. This was his chance, a potential promotion out of the data mines. He grabbed a datapad and sprinted towards the nearest bridge officer, his boots pounding against the metallic floor.

"Sir! You need to see this!" he blurted, thrusting the datapad at Lieutenant Darro.

Darro scanned the data with a practised eye. His face hardened. "Good work, Ensign. Return to your post. I'll inform the Captain."

Clegg, adrenaline coursing through his veins, saluted and scurried back to his station. A tense silence descended upon the bridge as Darro relayed the news to Captain Maarek.

Moments later, Maarek strode onto the command deck, a datapad clutched in his hand. He saluted the imposing figure gazing out the viewport.

"Lord Vader," he said, voice trembling slightly.

Darth Vader, his black form dwarfing everything around him, turned slowly. "What is it, Captain?" he rasped, his voice a mechanical echo.

Captain Maarek straightened his uniform. "A probe droid has located a target of interest on Brakka." He extended the datapad.

Vader's gloved hand closed around it. The silence stretched as he read the report. Finally, he spoke, his voice devoid of emotion. "Very good, Captain. Dispatch Admiral Harkan's fleet and lockdown the system."

With a billowing cape, Vader turned and strode out of the bridge. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, a subtle storm brewing beneath the calm facade.

In his personal quarters, Vader activated the holocomm. A blue hologram flickered to life, revealing the Emperor's aged face.

"Lord Vader," the hologram rasped.

"Xon has been located, my Master," Vader replied, his back ramrod straight.

The Emperor chuckled, a dry, humourless sound. "Well done, Lord Vader. Yet, I sense there's more you wish to discuss."

Vader paused, an internal struggle evident in his rigid posture. "You promised me, Master," he finally spoke, his voice laced with a barely suppressed tremor, "that together we could unlock the secrets of life and death. Xon may hold the key to this...unnatural power."

The Emperor's smile widened, revealing a chilling glint in his eyes. "Indeed, my apprentice. Do what must be done. Show no mercy. The fate of the galaxy, and perhaps even our own, may hinge on this."

The hologram flickered and died, leaving Vader alone in the dimly lit chamber. He clenched his fists, the dark side churning within him. This wasn't just about the Emperor's ambition, a chilling part of him yearned for something more, something he couldn't quite articulate. But one thing was certain: Xon would be captured, and the secrets he held would be his, at any cost.

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