Chapter III - The Hunter

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Fenrir Bloodfang slammed his fist against the viewport, a silent curse escaping his lips. He'd watched the entire operation unfold through his Mandalorian rangefinder - the droid's cunning disguise, the fabricated order, the very air crackling with the dark presence of Vader himself. His bounty, Xon, had slipped through his grasp yet again.

The arrival of the Imperial armada extinguished any hope of immediate pursuit. Fenrir wasn't one to wallow in defeat, though. This turn of events had yielded valuable intel. Xon, the elusive scientist, had infiltrated a heavily fortified Imperial spaceport. What secrets was he after? The question gnawed at Fenrir, sparking a flicker of a dangerous idea.

A guttural growl escaped his throat, barely audible over the thrumming engines of his ship. The weight of his Fenryka Clan, their legacy nearly extinguished during the Siege of Mandalore, pressed heavy on him. The Empire's shadow had devoured his kin, and the sight of their white armour now only fueled the fire of vengeance that burned in his steely gaze.

Two figures materialised on the docking platform, blaster rifles pointed towards his ship. Fenrir didn't flinch. A humourless scoff escaped his lips. "Stormtroopers," he spat, the word dripping with disdain. "Seeking a misplaced freighter, are we?"

Before they could react, Fenrir drew his blaster. Years of honing his skills on a thousand battlefields translated into a blur of motion. Two crimson bolts sliced through the sterile air, finding their marks with deadly precision. The stormtroopers crumpled lifelessly to the ground. A cold fury settled over Fenrir. It's time to change tactics, he thought. Xon wouldn't disappear so easily. The hunt, it seemed, had taken a more interesting turn.

Fenrir stalked through the cramped interior of his Gauntlet Dropship, the only tangible link to his shattered clan. Slamming the hatch shut, he stalked the holocom and punched up the bounty information. "Titan," he growled, the name heavy with implication. A single word, but a universe of secrets lay hidden within it.

His scarred knuckles rapped a furious rhythm on the navigation console. Brakka. That was the lead, a lawless jungle moon rumoured to house a scrapyard big enough to swallow Star Destroyers. A scrapyard, or perhaps a hidden Rebel base? Fenrir didn't care. He needed a Venator, and time was running out.

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