Chapter II - The Scientist

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The rhythmic symphony of beeps and pings echoed through Xon's lab, a comforting white noise that drowned out the disquiet gnawing at his conscience. Here, amidst the blinking consoles and flickering monitors, focus was easy. It hadn't always been this way.

During the Clone Wars, Xon served as a science officer on the Venator Titan, not for the Republic, but as a cunning liaison. His expertise in weapons research had propelled the Titan's Destroyer team to countless victories. But a darker ambition flickered within him – the pursuit of cloning. This obsession drew the unwanted attention of shadowy figures.

His attempt to clone a Jedi was a catastrophic failure. The experiment, a writhing mass of raw Force potential, ripped free from its restraints and nearly tore the ship apart. Only the last-minute intervention of a Jedi strike team prevented total disaster. The incident vanished under a shroud of secrecy, a truth buried deep within the Republic archives.

Now, under the iron fist of the Empire, Xon found himself a hunted man. Great minds, once celebrated, were now deemed threats. His talent for hacking proved invaluable, granting him a clandestine window into the Empire's darkest projects. Two, in particular, sent shivers down his spine – Project Stardust, a whisper of a planet-killing superweapon, and Project Necromancer, a chilling echo of his own past.

A flicker on the console alerted Xon. "They're here, Master," Nexus, his sleek holo-droid companion, chimed. Xon's jaw clenched. Years on the run had honed his paranoia to a razor's edge.

Nexus shuffled towards the door, his sleek metallic form momentarily disguised as a wizened old man. Blasters hidden within his arms hummed with silent readiness. The unfinished cortosis shell gleamed in the dim light, a silent promise of deadlier things to come.

A pounding came at the door. Nexus shuffled over, his voice cracking with age, "Clinic's closed, folks! Come back another time." The door rattled with renewed force.

"We're looking for Xon," a gruff voice rasped from behind the door. A holographic bounty puck flickered to life, displaying Xon's face. "We know he's here. We've been watching."

Nexus's internal gears whirred. He couldn't let them take Xon's research. "Just an old man here," he croaked, feigning confusion. "But you're welcome to come in and waste your time if that's what you fancy."

The door creaked open. Two figures, clad in mercenary armour, stalked in, blasters drawn. Nexus remained impassive, a frail silhouette against the flickering lab lights.

One of the mercenaries glanced back, a sneer on his face. That was his mistake. In a flash, Nexus shed his disguise. The old man vanished, replaced by the sleek, metallic form of the droid. His reflexes, honed by countless training simulations, were lightning fast.

One hand clamped over the nearest mercenary's mouth, effectively muffling his scream. With his other hand, Nexus snatched the surprised man's blaster and fired a clean shot into the second bounty hunter's chest. The momentum of the shot sent the body crashing into the first, a tangled mess of limbs. With a practised twist, Nexus snapped the neck of his shield, leaving the first mercenary lifeless.

The lab, once a sterile sanctuary of scientific exploration, was now a grim reminder of the harsh reality. Nexus stood amidst the carnage, the metallic tang of blood a stark contrast to the sterile scent of his lab. In his red photoreceptors, a cold glint flickered – a mix of efficiency and a flicker of something... else. He had protected Xon, but the fight for survival had just taken a brutal turn. The bodies served as a chilling message: the Empire wouldn't stop until they had what they wanted. The hunt was on.

Xon snatched his arsenal: a Cryo-rifle, a Tesla Coil gun, and the most prized possession – his personal cloaking device. Its two-hour invisibility window was a gamble, but it might be their only shot. While Xon donned the bulky suit, Nexus whirred with activity, downloading a lifetime's research into his ever-expanding data banks.

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