6 | Stroke of Genius

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The next day, I met up with Kylian at the pool. He was already sitting in the bleachers, watching the girls' practice with an absorbed look. As I approached, I couldn't help but ask, "What's so fun about swimming, anyway?"

He glanced at me, his expression softening. "It's not just about the swimming itself. It's the feeling of gliding through the water, the sense of freedom, and how it clears your mind. It's almost like... escaping everything else for a while."

I was taken aback by his genuine response. It was different from the usual playful banter I was used to. He seemed to be a different Kylian than the one I'd known before. But of course, he couldn't stay serious for long.

With a smirk, he added, "Anyway, I'll be waiting down there. Don't keep me waiting too long, Humpty Dumpty."

I watched him leave, his teasing grin back in place, but there was something in his tone that made me pause. For a moment, I wondered if I was beginning to see a different side of him.

As I joined Kylian at the pool, slipping into the water became easier with each attempt. He instructed me to swim two lengths on my back. I agreed and started, finding it challenging at first. Each time his hands adjusted my position, I couldn't help but feel a strange sensation—a mix of confusion and something else that I couldn't quite place. Despite the difficulties, I managed to complete the task.

Kylian, with his usual teasing grin, commented, "Not bad, Humpty Dumpty. You're making progress."

I shot back, "Yeah, well, don't get used to it."

He then asked if I could do the same on my stomach. I blushed and replied, "No, not really."

"Of course, you can't!" Kylian laughed. "But don't worry, I'm here to teach you."

Before diving into the crawl technique, Kylian explained the principles: body position, breathing, and arm and leg movements. As he was about to demonstrate, he looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Alright, let's see if you can float on your stomach. Get into position."

I sighed dramatically. "Great, floating on my stomach. Just what I always dreamed of."

Kylian chuckled. "Don't worry. Floating is like being a human noodle—just less flexible."

I rolled my eyes as I positioned myself on my stomach. "Is this how you see me? A noodle?"

He grinned. "Only the most graceful noodle in the pool."

With that, I tried to find my balance. Kylian watched, ready to step in if needed. I attempted to float, feeling like a clumsy, overcooked spaghetti. Kylian's hands were there to support me again, and I couldn't help but notice how his touch seemed to bring out both a sense of security and an odd flutter in my chest.

As I managed to stay afloat, I shot him a playful glare. "Is this the part where you tell me I'm a natural?"

Kylian smirked. "Not quite. But you're getting there. Just remember, if you start sinking, try not to look too surprised."

I laughed, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling and focus on mastering the crawl.

Kylian positioned himself by the edge of the pool, and I followed his instructions, trying to mimic the movements of my arms and legs. He demonstrated each technique with a practiced ease that made it seem effortless. As he showed me how to kick and stroke, I couldn't help but notice that he looked rather cute, even with the slight furrow of concentration on his face. It was about time I admitted it.

I glanced at him, my curiosity piqued. "So, how do you manage to breathe while you're in the water?"

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's all about timing. You turn your head to the side when you need to breathe. Think of it as a synchronized dance with the water."

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