20 | Breaking the Surface of Desire

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The weekend arrived, and I found myself standing in front of my desk, buried under a mountain of homework. I was supposed to be focusing on my assignments, but instead, my thoughts kept drifting to Kylian and the swim competition that was about to take place. I'd promised myself I'd only go because he'd pleaded with me the night before, despite the pile of work that needed my attention.

As I was in the midst of wrestling with a particularly stubborn essay, there was a knock at my door. I sighed, expecting it to be another distraction, and opened it to find Regina standing there with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey, Kathleen!" she chirped, holding out a neatly folded t-shirt. "I brought you something!"

I eyed the shirt warily. It was a bright blue with the school's logo prominently displayed, and across the back, in bold white letters, was Kylian's last name. "Oh no, Regina, I don't think I can wear that," I said, backing away slightly.

Regina's eyes widened, and she gave me a pleading look. "Come on, Kathleen. It's just for today. You're going to the competition, and it would mean a lot to Kylian if you wore it."

I shook my head. "I have so much work to do. I don't even know if I should go—"

"Please?" Regina cut in, her expression turning serious. "You know how much this means to him. And you're already going, so why not show a little support?"

I hesitated, glancing back at the mess of papers and textbooks on my desk. The truth was, I did want to be there for Kylian, despite my mountain of work. I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that I'd have to balance both. "Fine," I said, taking the shirt from Regina's hands. "I'll wear it. But only because you asked so nicely."

Regina's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "Thank you! I knew you'd come through." She gave me a quick hug before turning to leave. "I'll see you at the competition!"

As she walked away, I looked at the shirt in my hands. It was a simple piece of school spirit wear, but somehow, it felt like it carried a lot of significance. I knew I'd be a little self-conscious wearing it, but seeing Kylian's name on my back would also remind me of the support I was giving him.

I quickly changed into the shirt, paired with jeans and a jacket to stay warm. Despite my initial reluctance, I felt a small spark of excitement. I grabbed my bag, threw in a couple of textbooks for any spare moments between the event, and headed out the door.

As I walked toward the venue, I hoped that this small gesture would mean something to Kylian and that maybe, just maybe, it would help me feel more connected to him, even amid the chaos of my academic life.

When I arrived at the competition venue, I was taken aback by its grandeur. The arena was sprawling, with high ceilings that seemed to touch the sky and walls adorned with banners and flags representing various swim teams from around the country. The bright lights illuminated the vast swimming pool, which was flanked by rows of seating that were quickly filling up with spectators, coaches, and athletes. The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation, a palpable energy that made my heart race just a little faster.

I scanned the scene, taking in the rows of competitive swimmers stretching and warming up, their coaches offering last-minute advice and encouragement. This was where they selected athletes for the Olympic Games—a high-stakes environment where every stroke and turn mattered.

As I made my way to the seating area, I spotted Regina waving excitedly from our designated spot. I was the only one wearing the bright blue team shirt with Kylian's last name on the back. My face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and determination. I approached Regina, who was grinning from ear to ear.

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