11 | Heart Overboard

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The competition was over, and I watched as Kylian and his team received their medals. Their faces were alight with triumph, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for him. I was scribbling notes for my project, but my throat felt like sandpaper. I decided to search for a water fountain, hoping to quench my thirst.

As I wandered through the building, I accidentally bumped into him. He looked exhausted but exhilarated, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. We stood there for a moment, just staring at each other, a strange silence settling between us. Despite myself, I found my arms wrapping around him in a hug. "You're not so bad for a pain in the ass," I said, my voice muffled against his shoulder.

Kylian chuckled and pulled away slightly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm glad you think so," he replied, trying to feign seriousness. "Though I'm pretty sure you were still supposed to hate me."

I tried to keep my tone cool, offering him my congratulations. He smirked, clearly enjoying the playful banter. "You did great," I said, though I couldn't quite mask the warmth in my voice.

"Thanks," he grinned, leaning closer. "I'd say you were pretty great yourself."

He then took off his medal and draped it around my neck. I protested, "This is yours!"

He waved off my concern. "I had plenty more," he said with a wink. "Besides, I thought it looked better on you."

As my heart raced, I was about to reply when his teammates called out to him. He gave me one last, lingering look. "See you later, Humpty Dumpty," he said, and before I could respond, he turned and walked away.

I watched him leave, feeling a mix of confusion and something else. Glancing down at the medal around my neck, I wondered what was happening with me. Why did it feel like everything was shifting? What was going on with us?

A group of girls from school passed by, their eyes fixed on the medal around my neck with obvious envy. I felt my cheeks heat up and smiled awkwardly, trying to shrug off the attention. Great, now everyone probably thought Kylian and I were together.

Despite the slight discomfort of the situation, I found that I didn't mind it as much as I'd expected. The idea lingered, a confusing mix of annoyance and something oddly pleasant.

"Focus, Kathleen!" I told myself, shaking off the stray thoughts. I quickly tucked the medal inside my sweatshirt, hoping to hide it from view and divert any further speculation.

I walked into the dormitory, still feeling a bit dazed from the day. Regina was lounging on her bed when she spotted the medal around my neck and instantly sprang up.

"What's that around your neck?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I shrugged, trying to downplay it. "It's just a medal."

Her eyes widened, and she practically bounced with excitement. "Just a medal? Are you kidding me? That's Kylian Rivera's medal! He must have a thing for you."

I rolled my eyes, feeling my face heat up. "It's really nothing. Just a small gesture."

Regina wasn't convinced. "Oh, come on. He definitely has a thing for you."

I shook my head. "No way. Kylian? Never."

Just as I finished, Kylian walked in with his bag. Our conversation stopped abruptly. He came over, pretending to grab an apple from the kitchen, but as he leaned in close, he whispered in a soft, teasing voice, "You know, you look even more amazing with that medal on."

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