Chapter 11: Repercussions

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Penny's mom was still asleep when Sebastian dropped her off at the trailer. That was one crisis averted. Penny thought about going back to bed herself, but even though she was tired, she knew she'd find no rest until she could talk to Sam and Maru.

The girl Penny saw in the mirror was almost unrecognizable; she was still wearing Sebastian's black jacket, and her hair was loose and sort of crazy from the wind. Was it weird that she kind of liked it that way?

Penny showered and left breakfast for her mom before heading up the mountain. Demetrius answered when she knocked at the door.

"Good morning, Demetrius, is Maru up?" Penny asked politely.

"Hmm, I'm not sure." He glanced back at his daughter's door. "She should be leaving soon; she's got work at the clinic today. You're welcome to find out for yourself."

"Thanks." Penny headed for Maru's room. The door was shut, but she thought she heard pacing. She knocked.

Maru opened the door, definitely awake, and with puffy eyes.

Penny felt awful. "Um, hi Maru, can we talk?"

Maru's lip quivered, and she let Penny into the room.

Penny stood uneasily and started speaking quickly. "I just wanted to say sorry for how things went yesterday and for my part in it and I really just—"

"No, Penny," Maru interrupted. "You can't apologize to me, I'm supposed to be apologizing to you! I was going to tell you about us, but everything just happened so quickly and I'm so sorry!"

After all her own crying yesterday, Penny seemed to have gotten all the tears out of her system. She just let her shoulders relax and laughed warmly. She didn't want to cry anymore, she just wanted her friend back.

Penny hugged Maru tightly and spoke over her shoulder. "You and Sam are two of my favorite people, and I think you're going to make a really good couple. Let's put this behind us, okay?"

But Maru didn't stop crying. Penny could feel her body shaking even harder in her arms.

Penny pulled back to look at Maru's face. "What is it, Maru? What's the matter?"

Maru sniffed, struggling to get out her words. "He's gone."

"What? Who's gone?"

"Sam! He left some time last night. He won't answer my texts or pick up the phone. He just said that everyone had been lying to him and he just left." She broke into sobs, and Penny pulled the trembling girl back into a hug.

"Is that true?" Penny heard an agitated voice ask. She turned her head to look behind her and saw Sebastian at the door.

"Did Sam skip town?" Sebastian asked impatiently.

Penny couldn't give him an answer, and Sebastian didn't wait for one. He was already on his phone, trying to call Sam.

"Shit," he said when he couldn't get through.

He started to leave, but Penny called out, "Where are you going?"

"I've got to find him, Penny. I've got to make this right." Sebastian's eyes flicked to his crying sister.

"You shouldn't drive, Sebastian. You haven't slept."

"I—I'll be careful. I will."

Penny couldn't agree with him going, but she could see he wouldn't stop. "You better."

Her heart felt strangled as she watched him leave. She guided Maru to the bed and sat her down, patting her back until she was able to stop crying long enough to wipe her eyes.

Maru blew her nose. "Yoba, can you believe I'm crying like this over some guy?"

Penny handed her another tissue. "I thought I was the cry-er. Who knew you had all this in you?"

Maru laughed humorlessly. "I never ever thought I could feel like this about someone. I feel pathetic."

Penny shook her head. "There's never anything pathetic about loving someone. Or liking someone, as the case may be. It can definitely feel like shit though."

"Like shit?" Maru repeated incredulously. "I think that's the first time I've ever heard you swear. Has my brother been a bad influence on you?"

Penny shrugged and stood up. "You need a walk. Come on, we should go talk to Jodi."

"And you're pushy now, too! He really is rubbing off on you."

Penny grabbed Maru's hand and playfully yanked her up. "We don't have all day, ya big cry baby."

She tried to keep Maru's spirits up as they walked into town, but her own thoughts were occupied by Sebastian running off after Sam. Where had he even gone? She should have asked him before he left. And depending on how Sam had gone about leaving home, his mom could be in a real panic.

Jodi was wringing her hands when she met them at the door. "I'm glad you're here, Penny, have you seen Sam? He left the strangest note."

"That's why we're here. We were hoping you knew where he might have gone." Penny took the note from Jodi and read it quickly before passing it to Maru.

Leaving town for a little while. Don't worry, mom, I'll call you tomorrow.

"He hasn't called yet?" Penny asked.

Jodi shook her head. "Did something happen? Is he in some kind of trouble?"

"Well, nothing like that..." Penny didn't know where to begin. She didn't want to bring Sebastian up, Jodi had a poor enough opinion of him already. And it wasn't the time to bring up Sam's relationship with Maru. She settled on: "We had a bit of an argument. Sam and I."

Jodi looked confused. "I don't understand, I've never seen you two fight at all."

Penny flushed uncomfortably. "It's a little complicated...but I promise he hasn't done anything wrong, or dangerous, or anything like that."

Jodi looked between the two of them, and Penny knew that she couldn't have missed Maru's red eyes. But she seemed willing to let it go.

"Would it be alright if I tutored Jas and Vincent here this afternoon?" Penny asked. "I'd just like to be nearby if you hear anything."

"Yes, I think that's for the best," Jodi said. "If I have to go suddenly, it'll be reassuring to know where Vincent is, and that you're watching him."

Penny walked Maru to Harvey's. Even after all the commotion of the morning, she ended up only twenty minutes late to work. Then on her way to pick up Jas, Penny tried to call Sam, but of course he didn't answer.

More than anything, Penny wished she could talk to Sebastian. He'd know exactly how she felt. She didn't call, of course; the last thing she wanted was to distract him on the road. But she was getting used to being comforted by him, and it felt strange, lonely even, to go without.

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