Chapter 15: Adventure Awaits

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 Sebastian saved his project and pushed back from his desk. He grabbed his jacket and flashlight and headed upstairs. The group had agreed to meet outside his house before heading to the mines, and now they were just waiting for him to finish up his work.

They stood in a small clump outside the door. Maru and Sam were leaning on each other, which was still hard to get used to seeing. Sam had been up to their house a number of times since the day they got back from his uncle Mike's, and it was never to see Sebastian. Sebastian didn't resent them dating, at least not anymore, but it had been a little satisfying to see that Demetrius didn't approve.

Abigail was wearing her wizard's cloak and carrying a sword. No surprise there. The surprise was the tall man beside her with flowing hair. Sebastian was pretty sure he was Elliott, the guy that lived on the beach. But what was he doing here?

Penny stood somewhat apart. She was probably still feeling awkward around Sam, on top of feeling shy around Elliott, who she didn't know.

"Sebby!" Abigail called when he joined them. Sebastian raised his eyebrows at her, nodding his head toward Elliott.

"What, you guys get to bring dates, but I can't?" she said.

Sebastian began to protest, but Elliott beat him to it.

"Pardon me, is this a date, Abigail?" Elliott asked seriously, and oddly innocently.

Abigail laughed. "No, no, I'm just teasing. Don't worry." She patted his arm. "Anyway, you know Sebastian, right?"

Elliott inclined his head and said, "How do you do?"

"Uh, hey," Sebastian responded.

"Marvelous!" Abigail said. "Now our party is well met, let us begin our adventure!" She hoisted her sword in the air and started walking further up the mountain. Elliott stayed close to her side, and Maru and Sam followed right behind, chatting happily. Penny held back and walked beside Sebastian.

"Have you ever been in the mines?" she asked, low enough that no one in front of them could hear.

"Just once, when we were kids. I don't think I got more than twenty feet in." Sebastian smiled at the memory. "We were never in any danger, but I was scared out of my mind."

"Are you scared now?" Penny nudged his side teasingly.

"The only thing I'm scared of is Abigail hurting herself with that sword." He laughed, loud enough that Sam briefly glanced back at them. Sebastian lowered his voice again. "I thought you weren't afraid of the dark."

"The dark? No. But slimes and cave flies?" She shuddered.

The mine entrance was little more than a hole in the mountain held up by some rickety beams. The moonlight couldn't reach more than a few feet inside, making it impossibly dark. They flicked on their flashlights as they entered.

In the distance, Sebastian could just hear the dripping of water as it seeped through the mountain. The busted mine cart and elevator were creepy, but not as scary as he remembered them.

"Here's the ladder!" Abigail called out, and immediately started down.

"We can turn back right now if you want," Sebastian whispered to Penny. She shook her head.

He shone his light at the ladder while she climbed down, then followed. He was glad he'd thought to dress warmly, as the air became noticeably cooler when he reached the bottom. He was the last down, and everyone else was already looking around the cavern. But there wasn't much to see but rocks.

"Should we look for the next ladder down?" Maru suggested. Soon they were all searching, pushing rocks around to find it.

"Here!" Penny called. She shoved a rock aside, resulting in a muddy stain across her green coat. The mud had streaked across her cheek, too, and Sebastian had to hold himself back from wiping it.

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