Chapter 14: Trial and Sentencing

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Penny had always found Pelican Town especially beautiful in the Fall. As the trees lost their leaves, it was like they were shaking off everything that had happened in the year so far.

It was four days into the season, four days past the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. She hadn't had the chance (or the nerve) to talk to Sam yet, but she'd had a few texts from Sebastian and Maru, and things seemed to be going well and settling down.

She would have expected the days to come to be uneventful, if not for the ominous text she received from Abigail yesterday.

Attention, all members of the Solarion Company. You are  hereby summoned on the evening of Thursday, Fall 4, to 24 Mountain Road, for the mandatory TRIAL and SENTENCING of the offending parties, herein referred to as SAM, SEBASTIAN, MARU, and PENNY.

Penny had asked Sebastian immediately what it meant, but he'd just said not to worry, that this was the sort of quirky thing that Abigail did. Still, Penny couldn't help but worry. She already felt bad about not talking to Abigail when Sam and Sebastian had left town, but didn't feel at the time that it was her story to share. And even if Abigail had warmed up to her lately, they weren't really close, were they?

Penny pulled out her green peacoat from the back of the closet, it was going to be particularly windy tonight. She pulled it tight around her and headed up the hill.

Everyone was already in Sebastian's room when she got there, but they weren't chatting like normal, they were sitting around quietly while Abigail paced the room theatrically. Sebastian caught Penny's eye from his desk chair, but didn't speak. Maru smiled, but Sam didn't really look at her.

"Our party has all arrived, so I call upon you now to take your seats," Abigail declared.

They did as they were told. Sam and Maru shared the side of the table opposite Abigail, and Penny and Sebastian each took an open side.

"This session is now in order." Abigail pulled a gavel out from who knows where and rapped it on the table. Penny didn't know if she was allowed to laugh.

"Is that a gavel?" Sam asked with a smile, but Abigail somehow managed to keep a straight face, tapping the gavel again to silence Sam.

"It has come to my attention that a series of dramatic events has occurred lately that I have not been privy to," Abigail announced. "This severe neglect of my friendship will not be tolerated. I call upon you now: Who shall fill me in? Who shall bare their souls before the court?"

She was met with silence. Sam and Maru looked at each other, and Sebastian just looked flustered.

Sam leaned in and said, "Abby, don't you think this is a little ridiculous?"

But Penny was filled with a sudden bout of confidence. It was a little ridiculous; that could not be denied. But the obvious ridiculousness is what made the exercise worthwhile. Abigail was letting them be more honest with her and with each other in a way they never could have before. She was letting them not be so serious for the evening, something they all needed.

Though her palms were sweating, Penny suddenly stood up out of her chair. "Your honor, please allow me to address the court."

Sebastian's eyes widened, and Sam looked at her like she'd gone insane.

"You may proceed." A smile flickered across Abigail's stern face.

"The story begins with me, so I shall be the one to begin it." Penny tried to throw in some 'shall's to sound more appropriate. "I have been friends with Sam for many years, and for most of that time, I...had a crush. On him." She couldn't stop herself from looking at Sam now. He already knew this of course, but it still felt like a confession. "I never told Sam this, and if he had ever asked, I would have denied it. I am not sure if I ever directly lied to him, but it is true that I was not honest with him for a long time, and for that I'm sorry." Sam looked at her sadly and shook his head. She went on. "Recently, after spending more time with all of you, Sebastian became aware of my feelings for Sam. And then, when, um..."

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