Dating The Enemy?

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"Yo, bro, relax! Get the fuck off me. All I asked was if she was okay, why are you getting all worked up for?" Isak's voice was edged with irritation as he tried to free himself from my grip, which I had tightened around his collar in the school car park.

The lot was filled with the usual end-of-day bustle—students loading into cars, chatting, and laughing. My mind was elsewhere, fixated on Saarah and the fact that she had not looked my way once during the encounter we just had. Instead, she had engaged in a friendly conversation with Isak, who was now the unfortunate recipient of my frustration.

"Seriously, Isak, she didn't look at me once. Not fucking once. But all smiles when it came to you," I said, my frustration evident in my voice as I still gripped his collar. I know what happened between us wasn't great. And now there's this stupid fucking rumour about me sleeping with someone, when all I wanted to do was pursue her.

Isak's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of frustration and sympathy. "Charles, you need to calm the fuck down. Manhandling me isn't going to solve anything."

After Friday, I didn't message or call Sarah. I figured she might need her own space after everything that went down. I knew that whatever I said had upset her, but seeing her smiling and chatting with Isak without a hint of discomfort made me wonder if I'd misjudged the situation.

It was clear she wasn't letting on how she felt, if she was even affected at all. Watching her interact with others so easily especially someone like Isak was a tough pill to swallow. She was making me feel things I'd never experienced before, and the jealousy I felt was gnawing at me.

Even talking to my own best friend was tinged with envy because I wanted Saarah to be the one I was sharing those moments with. I wanted her to speak to me, to smile at me, to reassure me that she was okay something that felt increasingly out of reach.

I replayed the events of Friday in my mind over and over. The arguments, the accusations, the accusations about me sleeping with someone else it was a mess that I couldn't seem to untangle. But through all the chaos, one thing was crystal clear: I wanted Sarah back in my life, and I needed to find a way to make that happen.

The frustration was eating at me. I wanted to reach out, to explain. The more I watched her interact with others, the more I realised just how much I missed having her in my life.

I needed to find a way to reconnect with Sarah, to show her that I genuinely cared and wasn't just another guy who messed up. But first, I had to figure out how to approach her without making things worse. It wasn't just about apologising; it was about showing her that I understood her feelings and was willing to make things right.

"Did you figure out who started that dumb fucking rumor?" I asked, finally releasing my grip on Isak. My frustration was still simmering, and I needed some answers.

Isak straightened his shirt and fixed his hair, his expression turning serious. "Yeah, apparently it's some gossip page that someone created about the school."

I frowned, confusion crossing my face. "What fucking gossip page?"

Isak looked at me with a hint of disbelief. "You seriously don't know? There's a gossip page that someone made at the start of the year. It's got all kinds of shit about everyone rumours, private stuff, the whole shebang. It's been spreading like wildfire."

"I had no idea. I've heard whispers here and there, but I didn't realise it was this organised." He said looking ahead.

"The page's owner posts whatever they hear or make up, and people believe the shit. It's a mess, and it's causing a lot of fucking drama."

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