Chapter 27

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I had to do a few errands and run to the store to get some stuff for Cori since this was the first time she would be staying at the new house. What I didn't expect is for the living room to look like a toy store exploded when I got back.

"Hey baby," Ash says happily, kissing me on the cheek once I finally make it through the living room.

"Hey uhh what is all this?"

"Isn't it great I got them for Cori so when she comes, she'll have toys to play with!"

"Cori has plenty of toys, she brings two from home, that's more than enough."

"Come on Mya it's not like we have kids of our own to spoil yet!"

"Exactly not yet but not never!"

"Well, when? Since this seems to be a problem!"

"Damn Ash I went to the store to buy Frosted Flakes and shit now all of a sudden I gotta make a life altering decision in 2.5 seconds this is too much!"

"Oh, I get it you don't want to have kids with crazy ass Ashton is that it! Afraid they'll turn out like me?"

"Look I don't know what any of this is but I'm going to tell Matt not to bother bringing her tonight."

"What why?"

"You don't seem to realize how crazy this is you're spending all this money for what? I mean it's yours you can spend it however you like but you're starting to seem a little obsessive right now."

"I'm not obsessing over shit."

"Ash, I said you could get her one toy look at all this!"

"Man, Amaya whatever."

"Look I'm going to stay at Matt's and watch her tonight I'll be back tomorrow, I'm also going to have Lawrence check in on you so don't ignore his calls please."

"Man, Amaya just fucking go that's what you're good at anyway."

"What are you talking about I've never left you, that never happened remember!" He doesn't say anything, making me sigh.

"Fine I'll just go," I say, going into the room and pulling out my overnight bag, grabbing some clothes hoping that by the time I'm done he would stop me but no such luck, instead when I go to leave, he's sitting at the kitchen island looking at his phone.

"It's really sweet that you did all this and I'm sure she'll love it, but this has me a little worried one of the signs of drug use is."

"Please don't fucking do that I'm clean,"

"Ok fine, just checking. I love you," I say walking to the door.

"Yeah fine," he says, still not looking up. At that all I do is sigh not wanting to argue.

"Look, maybe we can keep a few I guess but I don't want to spoil her."

"So can she still come by?" He asks, finally looking up.

"Yes, but we're moving some of this stuff to the guest house or you can take it back."

"I'll move it but I still have Christmas and her birthday to give it to her." He says getting up.

"Fine, we're still going to have to talk about this!" I call behind him, but he doesn't respond.


"Wow is all this for me!"

"Yup what do you say?" Amaya asks.

"Thank you, Uncle Ashton," she says, running up and hugging me.

"No problem princess enjoy," I say smirking at Amaya giving her an I told you so look. But she just rolls her eyes playfully. I'm glad we didn't start fighting. My heart really was in the right place even though I might have taken it a little overboard.

We end up playing for most of the day then ordering pizza for dinner and settling in on the couch to watch movies somewhere around ten the two of them are knocked out. I go to wake up Amaya so she can get Cori ready for bed when suddenly I hear footsteps upstairs.

"What the fuck." I mumble to myself walking over to the foot of the stairs. I strain my ears trying to see if I hear it again, but I feel a tap on my arm making me freeze. I turn around quickly seeing that it's just Cori.

"Uncle Ash, are you ok you look kinda scared."

"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie is auntie still asleep?"

"Yeah, she snores too loud I'm going to bed." She yawns going upstairs.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth," I call behind her trying not to laugh or think about the fact that I almost stopped her. When I go back to the couch Amaya's looking around bleary eyed.

"Where's Cori?" She yawns.

"She went to bed she said you were snoring too loud."

"No, she didn't."

"Yeah, she did ask her tomorrow she'll tell you."

"You told her to brush her teeth, right?"

"Yes, Amaya I know what to do."

"Ok sorry just asking. Everything alright?" She asks studying me.

"Yeah, I'm good, why?"

"You don't seem very tired. I figured after a fun packed day like this you would at least be a little wiped out."

"That's because you're a lightweight, are you forgetting who you're talking to here. I've been to parties later than this."

"Oh yeah that's right I forgot party animal. Anyway I'm going to bed are you coming?"

"I was about to say something but never mind I forgot we got little ears running around here."

"We aren't doing none of that, we don't need a repeat of last time."

"You do realize how many rooms this house has right she'll never know."

"No thank you goodnight."

"What time she leave tomorrow?"

"Noon. Why creep?"

"Alright bet I'll see you at noon." I smile.

"Uggh whatever," she smirks going upstairs. Once she leaves, I let my smile drop. I know I heard something up there. Or at least I think I did. I don't want to tell Amaya what's going on because she'll just think I'm doing shit. Hopefully I'm just hearing things though. I can't go back to that place I was a few months ago it would be too much.

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