Chapter 29

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"I just want to go over the verse one more time then we can head out.''

"Alright cool that gives us time to get dressed." Hakeem says to Lawrence.

"Wait where y'all going?'

"Uhh to the club," Hakeem says looking guilty.

"And y'all didn't tell me because?"

"One Amaya will never let you go and two we tryna help keep ya ass out of trouble." Lawrence shrugs.

"Man, first of all Amaya don't run shit I'm grown and I'm good I can go out! Have y'all been hiding going out and shit from me this whole time?"

"No," Lawrence says quickly.

"Hakeem don't fucking lie," I say knowing he can't lie for shit.

"We've gone out a few times, no big deal." He shrugs.

"Seriously I thought y'all were my brothers! Keeping shit from me like I'm crazy what you think one night hanging out would send me off the deep end or something?"

"We are your brothers that's why we're trying to look out for you," Lawrence sighs.

"I don't need you to I'm fine."

When I get back to our room, My's in bed writing on her iPad with her beats on. I'm in luck I can get dressed and leave without too many questions. I manage to take a shower and begin getting dressed when she looks up confused.

"Where are you going? Those aren't comfy clothes. I thought we were watching scary movies tonight."

"Oh, damn I forgot I'm hanging out with the crew tonight since it's our last night here."

"Oh, do you think that's the best idea?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Because you always come back from the club fucked up."

"My I haven't been out in months, and I've been clean!"

"That's great and I am very proud of you. But you also overdosed at home so excuse me if I'm not more convinced that the club is the only problem here."

"Since when do you tell me what to do? And you really going to bring that shit up you aren't my fucking mother!"

"Funny you would bring up your mother because I was the one to tell her what the hell happened to you! You think that shit was easy? And mind you she doesn't even know what you were using because we didn't want to let it slip that you were fucking snorting coke!"

"Man, I don't need this shit from you!" I snap, finishing getting dressed and walking to the door. She looks like she's about to stop me but changes her mind looking down at her iPad instead.

"I'll be fine Mya you need to learn to trust me sometimes."

"You're asking for trust now? What exactly makes you think you deserve it after you lied to me for a year and a half?"

"So, what you're still fucking mad at me? Why did you even come back huh? Was it the money doesn't seem like you were doing it because you loved me!"

"Nigga are you fucking crazy If it wasn't for me you probably would have choked on your own vomit, dead in a fucking hotel room like some damn junkie!"

"I keep telling you I don't need you for shit you definitely need my ass though I'm putting you on. If it wasn't for me, you'd be stuck in your brother's house working some dead-end ass job you should be grateful!"

"You know you are absolutely right thank you so much for throwing all your fucking baggage on me in addition to my own. Gosh what would I do if you didn't put me on to being a damn handler for your dumb ass!"

"Yeah whatever," I say about to open the door.

"Ash you're being selfish as hell."

"Maybe I need to be I've looked out for everybody else!"

"Yes you have and we're trying to do the same for you please just think about it don't undo all your progress. You don't remember how you were back then, but we do."

"I'll be careful." I sigh.

"Fine, I'm going to trust you. But if you ever come out your mouth and talk to me like that again, I'll not only knock your fucking teeth out your mouth, I'll also leave your ungrateful ass you seem to forget I'm not like the chicks you're used to dating. You got me all the way fucked up." She says putting her headphones back on.


The ride to the club is like hell on earth. Of course, everyone was pre gaming while I had to just sit there and watch. Even Lawrence was getting fucked up. But I just ignore them, I could do this, and it could be practice for when I had my next club appearance.

"Man, the fuck are you doing!" Lawrence says, snatching the glass out my hand.

"Nigga it's water!" I say snatching it back.

"Oh, sorry man my bad," he says looking relieved.

"Man, I'm about to fucking leave y'all getting on my nerves. What you taking shifts?"


"Yeah, I'm leaving."

"We'll come too."

"No, I don't need a chaperone," I say getting up and going out through the back texting Eddie along the way, by the time I make it outside he's pulling up. When I get back to the hotel Amaya's sitting in bed playing her Nintendo switch. Not sure if she's still mad, and still feeling a little mad myself I don't say anything and head to the bathroom to take a shower by the time I come out she's watching tv. I get in bed grabbing my phone to see what my schedule was looking like tomorrow. For a while neither one of us says anything until finally I realize what she's watching.

"Why are you watching I love Lucy?"

"Because it's awesome." She says not turning away from the screen.

"You always watching these old people shows."

"I know you aren't talking, you watch old movies all the time."

"Movies are far more interesting."

"It's either this, The Honeymooners, or The Odd Couple."

"Fine we can watch this shit I guess." For a while we both get pretty lost in it but once we start laughing it breaks the tension and she lays her head on my chest. "You mean all I need to do is turn on I Love Lucy for you to love me again?"

"Maybe. But no honestly I'm really proud of you."

"What they called you?" I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"No, I can just tell that you're sober duh."

"Yeah, I told you I was good I can't go back to that shit it fucked me up. And I finally realize that."

"Good now shut up, I'm tryna watch my show." She smirks.

"You lucky this shit funny," I laugh turning my attention back to the screen.

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