Chapter 7

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So, when Ashton texted me and said I didn't have to come into work because he was sick, I was confused and a little worried. Like I mentioned previously this man does not stop and I've seen him work with pretty nasty colds and stuff before, so something wasn't adding up. I even tried to ask the guys who of course backed up his story. So, I get dressed and head over to his place picking up soup on the way just in case I am being paranoid. When I get there, I try calling him, but he doesn't answer. So, I knock on his door for a few minutes about to give up when he finally answers.

"Hey," I say happily, putting a smile on my face. "Man, I'm glad you answered, I was about to call a search party." He doesn't respond just looking at me. "Uhh everything ok?" I say now regretting this decision.

"What are you doing here?" He asks finally.

"Well, you said you were sick so I bought you soup." I say handing him the bag. He accepts it about to close the door but I stop him. "What's going on with you? Usually, I can't get you to leave me alone. Did I do something wrong or something?" At that the mean look on his face finally goes away.

"Sorry My I'm ok I just don't want you to catch it. I'll call you later, thanks for the soup."

"I'm ok, my immune system is just fine. I really don't like the idea of leaving you alone right now," I say gently pushing past him and walking inside. "What the hell happened in here?" I ask, looking around in shock. His place is a mess nothing like what I'm used to seeing, his house is always immaculate unlike my apartment which I've only been at for three months sadly. He always teases me for it actually and now look. "Uhh you sure it's not the plague under all this shit that has you sick?" I say picking up an empty Hennessy bottle. Usually, he would at least hit me back with a smart-ass response by now but he doesn't he just closes the door with a sigh. "And why is it so damn dark in here?" I say turning on the light as he goes and lies down on the couch.

"Amaya if you're going to be fucking annoying you can go," He snaps.

"Being annoying, what the hell is wrong with you? You were literally complaining about me not sharing things with you the other day. I told you shit I haven't told anyone now you wanna act like a dick because I'm worried."

"Look I'm sorry I just really can't do this with you right now If you insist on staying that's up to you." I bite my tongue resisting the urge to cuss his ass out and leave, instead I put the stuff in the fridge and settle in the armchair opposite of him. I'm pretty sure he would have rather I left but I'm petty so he'll just have to deal with it. I start answering a few emails when I hear the front door open.

"Hey man I got your... "Lawrence starts but stops when he sees me. "Hey Amaya, I didn't know you were here." He says smiling brightly.

"Uhh yeah I figured I'd keep him company."

"Let's talk outside," Ashton says quietly, the two of them walking out before I can even say anything. Ok now I know something's up. I'm just going to have to confront him about it. I can't be in a relationship with someone I don't know. I go over this little speech in my head until finally Ashton walks back in this time alone.

"Lawrence left?"

"Yeah." He shrugs sitting back down.

"Good because I need to talk to you."

"Do you really have to?"

"Yes, I don't think I can do this with you if you're going to be hiding stuff from me."

"Amaya, what could I possibly be hiding from you? Damn you worse than them bitches that accuse you of cheating all the time!"

"So, I'm a bitch?"

"No, are you trying to argue with me damn!"

"How is it that you're the one acting like an ass and yet I'm wrong? Look, I'm just going to go. Let me know when nice Ashton's back ok."

"Amaya wait."


"It's really nothing important, we were just discussing something he has going on that's private."

"Then what did he bring you?"

"My phone, I forgot it at the studio."

"So that's why you weren't answering the phone?" I ask, starting to feel stupid as hell.

"Yeah, why? What did you think was going on?"

"I thought you weren't answering my calls."

"Of course, not I could have prevented this little exorcism."

"Ok but what about this mess you're just as much a neat freak as you are a control freak."

"To help cheer Lawrence up we had a party. I would have had the house cleaner come but I didn't feel well enough to leave the house so..."

"Wait, I didn't know you were having a party."

"I told you Lawrence's going through some personal shit so it was just the crew since we know what's going on."

"Were there hoes?"

"Yes, but I kept my hands to myself, I promise." He says, giving me a small smile.

"So, you're really sick."

"Yeah, all the rehearsals, traveling and nonstop work is fucking up my immune system. I figured I'd take a break at least for the day and get some sleep."

"I am so sorry. I feel like such an idiot. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I know a way you can make it up to me." He smirks, seemingly back to his old self.

"Yeah whatever. How about I start by heating up your soup and then leaving you the hell alone to get some rest?"

"Ok thanks you don't have to go though."

"Nah trust me I do, I need time to recover from the embarrassment."

"Thanks, My." He says reaching over to kiss me but I block him with my hand.

"Oh no you aren't giving me that shit I can't afford to take the day off." I say heating his soup up and handing it to him on the couch.

"At least let me call Frank to take you home."

"It's cool I have Uber, thanks."

"Fine text me when you get home, please.

"Will do feel better." I say walking out trying to ignore the fact that something still isn't sitting right with me about all this.

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